Title: Spectra Energy Transmission Carbon Management
1Spectra Energy TransmissionCarbon Management
- Gary Weilinger
- Vice President, Spectra Energy Transmission
- President, BC Pipeline and BC Field Services
Divisions - February 26, 2008
2Western Canadian FootprintLargest Natural Gas
Processor in Canada
BC Field Services Miles of Raw Gas Gathering
1,638 Processing Capability (raw gas) 2.0 Bcf/d
Service area BC, Northwest Territories
Midstream Spectra Energy Income Fund Miles of
Raw Gas Gathering 1,000 Processing Capacity
0.9 Bcf/d Service Area BC, Alberta
BC Pipeline Miles of Pipeline 1,771 Capacity
2.2 Bcf/d Major Markets British Columbia,
Pacific Northwest
Natural Gas Liquids Empress System NGL
Extraction Capacity 2.4 Bcf/d NGL
Fractionation Capacity 57,000 bbl/d NGL
Storage Capacity 4.1 MM bbl/d Miles of Pipe
580 Major Markets Western Canada, Northern US
3Climate ActionNatural Gas is Part of the Solution
- Natural gas is part of the solution to climate
change - Cleaner burning than other fossil fuels (oil
coal), producing less greenhouse gas per unit
energy released - Natural gas combustion produces about 30 less
CO2 than fuel oil and about 45 less than coal - Robust supply position
- 58 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves
(2006) - A huge economic engine in Western Canada
- Industry expenditures of 5 billion in BC alone
- Revenues fund a host of health, education and
social programs - Natural gas is an effective bridge fuel to a
lower carbon world - Mature, reliable, efficient and safe
infrastructure footprint - Spectra Energy has been a leader in climate
change investment
4Spectra Energy TransmissionCanadian Emissions
- Overall, Spectra Energy Transmissions Canadian
emissions are approximately 6-7 million tonnes
per year - SET Wests emissions represent 90 of this total
- SET West is focused on bringing innovation to
industrial processes to reduce emissions
Formation CO2 is naturally-occurring CO2
contained within raw natural gas supplies in
British Columbia
Union Gas (Ontario)
Natural Gas Processing (Formation CO2)
Carbon Capture Storage
Spectra Energy Transmission West
Natural Gas Processing (Combustion CO2)
Natural Gas Transmission
Compressor Replacements Waste Heat Recovery
Natural Gas Gathering
Maritimes Northeast Pipeline (Atlantic Canada)
5Leaders in Climate ActionMajor Emissions
Reductions on Mainline Pipeline
- Massive jet-like compressor engines push
natural gas through the BC mainline pipeline from
supply source to market - Since 2000, absolute mainline transmission
emissions have been cut in half - 500,000 tonne reduction equivalent to 125,000
flights from New York to Paris - Additional NOX benefits
- Savona compressor turbine change-out reduced NOX
from 382 tonnes in 2003 to 34 tonnes in 2006 - Investment allows fewer hours of compressor
operation in sensitive Lower Fraser Valley
airshed - 170 million in capital expenditures made to
achieve - Forward-looking investments required due to
long-life cycle of infrastructure
Station 7 (Savona)
6Leaders in Climate ActionGreen Power from
Existing Infrastructure
- Spectra Energy Transmissions Compressor Station
6A (150 Mile House) and Station 7 (Savona) will
capture waste heat to generate 10 MW of
electricity (under development) - Enough power to support more than 10,000
homes/year - 70 million investment
- Waste heat recovery process needs no fuel or
water and creates zero emissions - Equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions reductions
of 25,000 tonnes each year (9,000 cars/year)
Station 6A (150 Mile House)
Station 7 (Savona)
7Leaders in Climate ActionKwoen Facility
Delivering Reductions since 2003
- Upon completion in 2003, Kwoen became North
Americas largest CCS/AGR operation, reinjecting
100,000 tonnes of CO2 per year - Five times the size of typical CCS projects
currently in operation - To date, emissions reductions of almost 1 million
tonnes - Expansion completed in 2007 to increase emissions
reductions to 130,000 tonnes of CO2 per year - First Canadian CCS facility to incorporate GHG
emission reduction monitoring, measurement and
verification principles from the design stage
through to implementation - First AGR/CCS project to include a unique
electronic application to monitor and measure CO2
reductions in a verifiable manner and allocate
reductions to customers - First commercial site to employ Morphysorb
process for treatment of unprocessed natural gas,
reducing the volume of fuel gas needed at the
Kwoen Gas Plant Construction
Kwoen Gas Plant Operations
8Climate Change ActionWorld Leader in Carbon
Capture and Storage
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
recognized Spectra Energy Transmission as a world
leader in carbon capture and storage - SET West existing CCS projects remove 229,000
tonnes of C02/year - Equivalent to 80,000 cars/year
- SET West has identified further carbon capture
and storage potential to eliminate 1 million
tonnes of C02/year
CO2 Injection Activities IPCC Carbon Dioxide
Capture and Storage Report (2005)
SET West CCS Projects Kwoen 130 KT
CO2/yr Jedney 1 20 KT CO2/yr Jedney 2
23 KT CO2/yr Brazeau 31 KT
CO2/yr Gordondale 11 KT CO2/yr Pouce
Coupe 6 KT CO2/yr Sikanni 5 KT
CO2/yr Fourth Creek 3 KT CO2/yr
Source Page 233, IPCC (2005) Carbon Dioxide
Capture and Storage http//arch.rivm.nl/env/int/ip
9Climate Action Closing Thoughts
- Natural gas is part of the solution
- Reliable, safe and cost-effective bridge to
lower-carbon world - Spectra Energy Transmission is supportive of BCs
climate change goals - We have partnered with the province on the growth
and success of BCs natural gas sector for 50
years - Spectra Energy Transmission has shown leadership
with significant investments in emissions
reductions - Early movers should be recognized
- Spectra Energy Transmissions commitment to
climate action reflects our integrated approach
to the - Economy expanding our infrastructure to move
natural gas to markets in BC and beyond - Environment bringing innovation to our
business, including CCS, to improve local air
quality and reduce GHG emissions - Communities investing back into local
communities to share our success