Title: Optimization with Neural Networks
1Optimization with Neural Networks
- Presented byMahmood Khademi
- Babak Bashiri
- InstructorDr. Bagheri
- Sharif University of Technology
- April 2007
- An optimization problem consists of two parts
Cost function and Constraints - Constrained
- The constraints are built in the cost function,
so minimizing the cost function also satisfies
the constraints - Unconstraint
- There is no constraint for the problem!
- Combinatorial
- We separate the constraints and the cost
function, minimize each of them and then add them
- Applications in many fields like
- Routing in computer networks
- VLSI circuit design
- Planning in operational and logistic systems
- Power distribution systems
- Wireless and satellite communication systems
4Basic idea
- If decision variables
- Suppose is our objective
function . - Constraints can be expressed as nonnegative
penalty functions that only
when - represent a feasible
solution - By combining the penalty functions with F , the
original constrained problem may be reformulated
as unconstrained problem in which the goal is to
minimize the quantity
- Is simple to state but very difficult to solve.
- The problem is to find the shortest possible tour
through a set of N vertices so that each vertex
is visited exactly once. - This problem is known to be NP-complete
6Why neural network?
- Drawbacks of conventional computing systems
- Perform poorly on complex problems
- Lack the computational power
- Dont utilize the inherent parallelism of
problems - Advantages of artificial neural networks
- Perform well even on complex problems
- Very fast computational cycles if implemented in
hardware - Can take the advantage of inherent parallelism of
7Some Efforts to solve optimization problems
- Many ANN algorithms with different architectures
have been used to solve different optimization
problems - Weve selected
- Hopfield NN
- Elastic Net
- Self Organizing Map NN
8Hopfield-Tank model
- TSP must be mapped, in some way, onto the neural
network structure - Each row corresponds to a particular city and
each column to a particular position in the tour
9Mapping TSP to Hopfield neural net
- There is a connection between each pair of units
- The signal sent along a connection from i to t j
is equal to the weight Tij if i is activated. It
is equal to 0 otherwise. - A negative weight defines inhibitory connection
between the two units - It is unlikely that two units with negative weigh
will be active or on at the same time
10Discrete Hopfield Model
- connection weights are not learned
- Hopfield network evolves by updating the
activation of each unit in turn - In final state, all units are stable according to
the update rule - The units are updated at random, one unit at a
Vii1,...,L, L number of units Vi
activation level of unit i Tij connection
weight between units i and j tetai threshold of
unit i.
11Discrete Hopfield Model (Cont.)
- Energy function
- Units changes its activation level if and only if
the energy of the network decreases by doing so - Since the energy can only decrease over time and
the number configuration is finite - the network must converge (but not
necessarily the minimum energy state)
12Continuous Hopfield-Tank
- Neuron function is continuous (Sigmoid function)
- The evolution of the units over time is now
characterized by the following differential
equation - Ui, Ii and Vi are the input, input bias, and
activation level of unit I, respectively
13Continuous Hopfield-Tank
- Energy function
- Discrete time approximation is applied to the
equations of motion
14Application of the Hopfield-Tank Model to the TSP
15Application of the Hopfield-Tank model to the TSP
- (1)The TSP is represented as an NN matrix
- (2) Energy function
- (3)Bias and connection weights are derived
16Application of the Hopfield-Tank model to the TSP
17Results of Hopfield-Tank
- Hopfield and Tank were able to solve a randomly
generated 10-city,with parameter value
AB500,C200,N15. - They reported for 20 trails, network converge 16
times to feasible tours. - Half of those tours were one of two optimal tours
18- The size of each black square indicates the value
of the output of the corresponding neuron
19The main weaknesses of the original Hopfield-Tank
20The main weaknesses of the original Hopfield-Tank
- (d) Model plagued with the limitation of
hill-climbing approaches - (e) Model does not guarantee feasibility
21The main weaknesses of the original Hopfield-Tank
- The positive points
- Can easily implemented in hardware
- Can be applied to non-Euclidean TSPs
22Elastic net (Willshaw-Von der Malsburg)
23Elastic net
24Energy function for Elastic net
25The self organizing map
- The SOM are instances of competitive NN , used
by unsupervised learning system to classify data - Adjusting the weights
- Related to elastic net
- Differ of elastic net
26Competitive Network
- Group a set of I-dimensional input pattern in to
K cluster (KltM)
27SOM in the TSP context
- A set of 2-dimensional coordinates must be mapped
onto a set of 1-dimensional positions in the tour -
28SOM in the TSP context
29Different SOM based on that form
- Fort increased speed of convergence
- by reducing neighborhood and reducing
- modification to weights of neighboring
- units over time.
- The work of Angeniol
30Questions ?