XACML: Consistency analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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XACML: Consistency analysis


Indeterminate (essentially, an error to be solved at the user level) 10 ... of different rules for the same cases indicates the possibility of user error ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: XACML: Consistency analysis

XACMLConsistency analysis
  • Luigi Logrippo
  • UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec
  • University of Ottawa
  • luigi_at_uqo.ca

  • A language to specify access control constraints
    to computing resources
  • To files, equipment, web services
  • OASIS standard

  • Access control is becoming very important in the
    presence of strict accessibility and privacy laws
  • And the possibility of remote access via web
  • Example in a hospital
  • Statistician can access files for reading patient
    data, but not names
  • Physician can access for read/write most info for
    her patients
  • But not billing info
  • Patient can read selected information on her
  • Accountant can etc. etc.

Example of XACML Rule
ltRule RuleId"Rule1" Effect"Permit"gt ltDescripti
ongt A professor can perform any action on the
file of the course she teaches lt/Descriptiongt ltT
argetgt ltSubjectsgt ltSubjectgt ltSubje
ctMatch MatchId"string-equal"gt ltAttributeVa
lue DataType"string"gt Professor
lt/AttributeValuegt ltSubjectAttributeDesignato
r AttributeId"Role" DataType"string"/gt lt/Su
lt/Subjectgt lt/Subjectsgt ltResourcesgtltAnyReso
urce/gtlt/Resourcesgt ltActionsgt ltAnyAction/gt
lt/Actionsgt lt/Targetgt ltconditiongt ltApply
FunctionId"functionstring-is-in"gt ltApply
FunctionId"functionstring-one-and-only"gt lt
ResourceAttributeDesignator AttributeId"courses"
Datatype"string"/gt lt/Applygt ltSubjectAtt
ributeDesignator AttributeId"taught_courses"
Datatype"string"/gt lt/Applygt lt/conditiongt lt/
XACML architecture (from the standard)
Policy Enforcement Point
Policy Decision Point
Policy Information Point
Policy Application Point
XACML structure
  • Policy sets include sets of
  • Policies which are sets of
  • Rules
  • We will consider here only rules
  • Without policy sets or policies

  • Study different relationships between rules and
  • Determine the impact of these relationships,
    leading to possible inconsistencies
  • Inconsistencies can lead to privacy breaches
  • Or system malfunctions
  • Resolution of inconsistencies, in view of the
  • Focus on XACML, but trying to generalize

Rule structure in XACML
  • Condition
  • A condition is a Boolean function. If the
    Condition evaluates to true, then the Rule's
    Effect (Permit or Deny) is returned. If the
    Condition evaluates to false, the Condition
    doesn't apply (NotApplicable). Evaluation of a
    Condition can also result in an error
  • Target
  • A Target is essentially a set of simplified
    conditions for the Subject, Resource and Action
    that must be met for a PolicySet, Policy or Rule
    to apply to a given request.
  • We will discuss mostly targets

  • A target associates a request for resource to an
    applicable Policy Set, Policy, or Rule
  • It expresses simple conditions that the request
    must meet for the Policy Set, Policy, or Rule to
    be applicable
  • Does the request come from a doctor who wants
    to read her patients file? If so, permit
  • Each Rule, Policy, Policy set, can return with
    any of
  • Permit
  • Deny
  • Not Applicable
  • Indeterminate (essentially, an error to be solved
    at the user level)

Possible relationships between targets
  • Disjunction
  • Non-empty intersection
  • Inclusion
  • Equality
  • Of
  • Subjects
  • Resources
  • Actions

  • There is disjunction between targets if subjects,
    resources, and actions are all distinct
  • Disjunction between the targets of two policy
    sets, policies, or rules means that
  • there is no case in which both are applicable
  • OK, then

Non-empty Intersection
  • There is nonempty intersection between two
    targets if
  • The set of subjects intersect and
  • The set of resources intersect and
  • The set of actions intersect
  • Example
  • (deny) (Executives) (databases A, B, C) (action
    read, write)
  • (accept) (Employees) (database B, D) (action
  • Executives, being employees, have conflicting
    write rights on B

Inclusion of target T1 in target T2(special case
of nonempty intersection)
  • There is inclusion between two targets if
  • The set of subjects of T1 is included in the set
    of subjects of T2 and
  • The set of resources of T1 is included in the set
    of resources of T2 and
  • The set of actions of T1 is included in the set
    of actions of T2
  • Example
  • (accept) (executives) (databases B) (action
  • (deny) (employees) (database A,B,C) (any action)

Equality(special case of nonempty intersection)
  • Subjects, target, action are all the same
  • Almost certainly, an error

Other cases?
  • Is it useful to consider other cases? E.g.
  • The set of subjects of T1 is included in the set
    of cases of T2
  • But the set of actions of T2 is included in the
    set of actions of T1
  • Possibly, for diagnostics to user

Resolution in XACML
  • PDP, Policy Decision Point, takes the decision
    for a specific request
  • Contrary to firewalls, all rules are evaluated
  • If all rules agree, they provide a decision
  • In case of nonempty intersection (which is
    implied by inclusion or equality), more than one
    rule is applicable

Combining algorithms
  • In XACML, the user can provide to PDP
  • Rule Combining Algorithms (to decide
    disagreements of rules within a Policy).
  • Policy Combining Algorithms (to decide
    disagreements of policies within a Policy Set)

Four standard rule combining algorithms are
  • Permit override if there is a permit, the final
    decision is a permit, even if there are denials
  • Deny override the converse
  • First applicable (as for firewalls)
  • Only-one-applicable if different rules or
    policies lead to different conclusions, then the
    result is indeterminate (error)
  • Presupposes the existence of an external instance
    which takes a decision
  • Other rule combining algorithms can be defined by

User Interfaces for policy creation
  • Ideally, policies should be created and modified
    directly by privacy specialists
  • Often people with limited computing expertise
  • These people should be able to
  • Enter policies by clicking on boxes
  • Or in English-like language
  • Obtain diagnostics in clear
  • Exercise different cases
  • What will happen if Joe wants to write on file X?
  • Need of appropriate GUIs

Decisions and user intentions
  • Since systems can have many rules, the existence
    of different rules for the same cases indicates
    the possibility of user error
  • Some user intention which is not properly
  • This is particularly obvious in the case of
    target/condition equality
  • If there are two rules that apply exactly to the
    same cases, there is a mistake
  • One of the two should be removed
  • In addition, inclusions and non-empty
    intersections are suspicious

Difficulty of the problem
  • While detecting non-empty intersections,
    inclusions or equalities is conceptually easy in
  • It is slightly more difficult in conditions,
    which can be arbitrary Boolean expressions
  • In the end, these both appear to be constraint
    satisfaction problems (exponential?)
  • Examples we have seen have few variables, thus
    problem is still tractable
  • But in the case of conditions there can be more
    variables to be considered

Tools for detecting intersections
  • Coq, a theorem-proving tool developed at INRIA
  • Alloy, a model-checker developed at MIT
  • Z-Eves
  • Constraint programming languages, e.g. Prolog
  • Implementation in standard programming languages
    such as C is possible, but requires more work

Case of policies with priorities (e.g. first
applicable case of firewalls)
  • Interesting situations to be identified
  • Shadowing the cases of a lower priority policy
    are all included in the cases of a higher
    priority policy
  • Lower priority policy is redundant
  • Includes case where two rules have equal domains
  • Specialization cases of a higher priority policy
    are all included (proper inclusion) in the cases
    of a lower priority policy
  • This is the case of exceptions, usually OK
  • But user should be informed
  • Other cases of nonempty intersection betw. high
    and low prio. policies
  • These cases are usually suspicious!

User Interface
  • User should be informed of all cases where
    different outcomes are possible, independent of
    combining algorithms
  • Similar to compilation errors in programming
  • User should be requested to decide whether each
    case is OK or should be corrected
  • What means of correction should be provided to

Choices provided to user
  • Remove a policy
  • Disable a policy (deactivate, but leave it for
    possible future use)
  • Edit Modify a policy
  • Change the priorities of policies
  • Add new policies, possibly exceptions
  • Tolerate the conflict

Suggestions to user
  • If Shadowing (a dead policy)
  • Remove - disable one or more policies?
  • Reverse priorities?
  • Edit one or more policies?
  • If Specialization (an exception)
  • Check that exception is wanted
  • If user says no then other actions are
  • Other cases
  • Remove or disable one or more policies?
  • Replace or edit policies for more appropriate
  • Once changes have been made, the set of policies
    must be rechecked
  • Iterative process

XACML and beyond
  • XACML goes beyond firewalls, in that it
    addresses the issue of access control at the
    enterprise level
  • However research is continuing on appropriate
    access control languages in view of general or
    specific enterprise access control needs

  • Strict accessibility and privacy laws will
    require increasing attention to this area
  • Security can be compromised by inappropriately
    formulated access control rules
  • Formal methods will allow formal auditing of
    accessibility and privacy policies, as precise as
    formal accounting of financial records!
  • Tools to do this are available, but must be
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