Title: Digital Learning Bank
1Digital Learning Bank
- Log on to http//dlb.sa.edu.au
- Username is dlb_at_schoolemailending
- eg dlb_at_mtbhs.sa.edu.au
- Password is password
2First perform a systems check to ensure that you
have all the relevant software
3Click on Browse all Content
4Click on Learning Areas
5Click on Mathematics
6Pick any area of Mathematics (I will choose
Number for the next example).
7The symbol highlighted tells us that this
resource (Number VK Maths Invaders) is a
website. Once you have clicked on it, you can
save the website to your favourites list so that
you can access it next time without needing to go
into the DLB.
8Symbols to the left explain the type of resource
- Websites
- School Contributions
- Access Media
- TLF Learning Objects
9TLF Learning Objects can be downloaded to your
computer for ongoing access. This Fraction
Fiddle-Hit the Apple Learning Object is an
example. Click on Download Package
10Save the Zipped file to a location
11You will need to create a spot to download zipped
files to (I have called mine DLB) and also create
a file for unzipping the contents to (I have
called this example Fraction Fiddle)
12Once the Fraction Fiddle zip file is down loaded
you will need to open it, select all contents
EXTRACT to the created file Fraction Fiddle.
13Make sure that you tell the system where to
extract to. In this case it is the created folder
Fraction Fiddle.
14Now go into the Fraction Fiddle file click on
the index.html file, the learning object is
ready to use.