Title: Example SQL Tables
1- Example SQL Tables
- Manager (Manager_No, Manger_Name)
- Player(Player_No, Name, Goals_Scored, Manager_No)
- (i) Write the SQL statement to list all the
players in descending order of goals - all
players who have scored at least 1 goal - Select from Player where goals_scored gt1 order
by goals_scored desc - (ii) Write the SQL to list the names of the
managers who have players who have scored at
least 5 goals. - Select distinct manager_name from manager inner
join player on manager.manager_no
player.manager_no where - goals_scored gt 5
2- (iii) Show, using an outline drawing, how the
first query (select all players who scored more
than 5 goals) could be accomplished using QBE
within ACCESS - __________
- Players
- ---------------
- Player No
- Name etc...
- _________
- __________________________________________________
___ - Field Player No Name Goals
Scored Manager No - Table Players Players Players
Players - Sort Desc
- Show X X X
X - Criteria
gt5 - __________________________________________________
3- Data Independence (See chapter 2.1.5 - Connolly)
- major objective of the three-level architecture
is to provide data independence which means that
the upper levels are unaffected by changes to the
lower levels. There are two kinds of data
independence - Logical and Physical.
- Logical Data Independence
- Refers to immunity of external schemas to changes
in conceptual schema. - Conceptual schema changes e.g. addition/removal
of entities. - Should not require changes to external schema or
rewrites of application programs. - Physical Data Independence
- Refers to immunity of conceptual schema to
changes in the internal schema. - Internal schema changes e.g. using different file
organizations, storage structures/devices. - Should not require change to conceptual or
external schemas.
4- ANSI/SPARC 3 level architecture
- What is represented at each of the 3
schema/levels in the ANSI-SPARC Model?
- External Level
- Users' view of the database. Describes that part
of database that is relevant to a particular
user. - Conceptual Level
- Community view of the database. Describes what
data is stored in database and relationships
among the data. - Internal Level
- Physical representation of the
- database on the computer.
- Describes how the
- data is stored in the database.
5- Concurrency/Deadlocking and Wait-For-Graphs
- Process of managing simultaneous operations on
the database without having them interfere with
one another. - Prevents interference when two or more users are
accessing database simultaneously and at least
one is updating data. Although two transactions
may be correct in themselves, interleaving of
operations may produce an incorrect result. - The three classic examples of potential problems
caused by concurrency are the - Lost update problem
- Uncommitted dependency problem
- Inconsistent analysis problem.
Understand these three problems (see chapter 17
of Connolly)
6- An impasse that may result when two (or more)
transactions are each waiting for locks held by
the other to be released. Only one way to break
deadlock abort one or more of the transactions.
Deadlock should be transparent to user, so DBMS
should restart transaction(s). Two general
techniques for handling deadlock Deadlock
prevention. Deadlock detection and recovery.
7Deadlock Detection and Prevention
- DBMS allows deadlock to occur but recognizes it
and breaks it. - Usually handled by construction of wait-for graph
(WFG) showing transaction dependencies - Create a node for each transaction.
- Create edge Ti -gt Tj, if Ti waiting to lock item
locked by Tj. - Deadlock exists if and only if WFG contains
cycle. - WFG is created at regular intervals.
8Transaction Support - ACID Properties - 2 phase
- Can have one of two outcomes
- Success - transaction commits and database
reaches a new consistent state. - Failure - transaction aborts, and database must
be restored to consistent state before it
started. - Such a transaction is rolled back or undone.
- Committed transaction cannot be aborted.
- Aborted transaction that is rolled back can be
restarted later. - Four basic (ACID) properties of a transaction
are - Atomicity 'All or nothing' property.
- Consistency Must transform database from one
consistent state to another. - Isolation Partial effects of incomplete
transactions should not be visible to other
transactions. - Durability Effects of a committed transaction
are permanent and must not be lost because of
later failure.
9Two-Phase Locking - What actually happens?
- Transaction follows 2PL protocol if all locking
operations precede first unlock operation in the
transaction. - Two phases for transaction
- Growing phase - acquires all locks but cannot
release any locks. - Shrinking phase - releases locks but cannot
acquire any new locks.
- Using 2-PL to solve Uncommitted dependency
- Using 2-PL to solve Lost Update problem
10Views Their influence on Security and Integrity
(chapter 16)
View A view is the dynamic result of one or more
relational operations operating on the base
relations to produce another relation. A view is
a virtual relation that does not actually exist
in the database, but is produced upon request by
a particular user, at the time of request.
The view mechanism provides a powerful and
flexible security mechanism by hiding parts of
the database from certain users. The user is not
aware of the existence of any attributes or rows
that are missing from the view. A view can be
defined over several tables with a user being
granted the appropriate privilege to use it, but
not to use the base tables. In this way, using
a view is more restrictive than simply having
certain privileges granted to a user on the base