Title: Meadowvale Secondary School
1Meadowvale Secondary School
- Option Selection Presentation 2010/2011
- Current Year 3 Students
2Review of OSSD Requirements
- O.S.S. Diploma Requirements
- 30 Credits (18 Compulsory, 12 Optional)
- 40 Hours of Community Involvement
- Successful completion of the EQAO
- Grade 10 Literacy Test
3Grade 12 Literacy Course
- If you have not successfully completed the
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, before
next September, you should see your Guidance
Counsellor about taking The Ontario Secondary
School Literacy Course OLC4O0. - Earning a credit in this course will satisfy the
Literacy diploma requirement and allow you to
4Community Service
- In order to graduate, you must complete a total
of 40 hours of community service. - If you have not completed your 40 hours yet, it
is important that you try to complete this before
next September.
5What I could have at the end of June?
These are all the courses Ive taken
An asterisk () indicates a failure
What I already have?
These are the courses Im taking now
Have I completed my Community Involvement hours?
Have I completed the Literacy Test?
6(No Transcript)
7Dont forget about these!
Elective Credits
Additional Diploma Requirements
Compulsory Credits
8If you will have 23 credits
- You are allowed to take only 7 courses, however,
the course selection program will make you select
8 courses. - Select an 8th course and then make an appointment
to see your Guidance Counsellor to have this
corrected. - - we will drop the 8th course for you
- Students who will have 24 credits by June only
need to select 6 courses for next year.
9Senior Courses Pathways
- Remember that Grade 11 12 course levels are
named for the educational / career pathway they
represent - 1. University Preparation (U)
- 2. Mixed University / College
Preparation (M) - 3. College Preparation (C)
- 4. Employment Preparation (E)
- 5. Open Level Courses (O)
- Selecting most of your courses at the level of
your desired pathway is an important
10Choosing Your Electives
- Almost all of the courses you will take in Grade
12 are electives. - The electives you choose should be related to the
pathways you wish to pursue. - Talk to teachers who teach the course.
- Get information regarding workload and the types
of projects you will do. - Pay careful attention to post-secondary
program admission requirements.
11Some Sample Pathways
12- http//www.peel.edu.on.ca/makingmyway/
13- http//www.careercruising.com
- Username peel Password 29010
14- http//www.myblueprint.ca
- Activation Key meadowvale1
15Pathways Options Co-op
- Co-op provides career exploration opportunities,
hands-on work experience, and looks good on a
resume. - Co-op is worth 4 credits, so you will only be
able to select 4 other courses if you choose
Co-op. - To choose Co-op, select the code
- GLN4O0 Navigating the
- Workplace.
16Pathways Options SHSM
- SHSM is a new specialized program offered in the
field of construction. - Features of the SHSM program include
- i) a bundle of ten specific Grade 11 / 12
courses - ii) expanded class hours in the woodshop
- iii) related Co-op experience in construction
- Interested students entering Grade 12
- should speak with their Guidance
- Counsellor.
17Pathways Options College
- Students considering college diploma programs
should take most of their Grade 11 and 12 courses
at the College (C) level or above. - Math and English marks of 65 or higher are
preferred by the colleges. - Open (O) and Employment (E) level programs are
not recognized by some colleges as acceptable
preparation for some college diploma programs
(e.g. paramedics, veterinary technician). - Be sure to research college program requirements
before you select your courses.
18Pathways Options University
- Students must present minimum of six Grade 12
University (U) or University / College (M) level
courses to be considered for admission to
university. - Be prepared and start researching programs and
their requirements now so that you can make wise
choices about the Grade 12 courses you select. - Consider attending summer school for missing
19College and University Info
- College
- - OCAS website
- www.ontariocolleges.ca
- - OCAS Ontario Colleges
- booklet
- - individual college sites
- University
- - OUAC website
- www.ouac.on.ca
- - OUAC eInfo website
- www.electronicinfo.ca
- - individual university sites
20A word about 4U Math Courses
- There are 3 different 4U math options
- 1. MDM4U Data Management
- 2. MHF4U Advanced Functions
- 3. MCV4U Calculus Vectors
- Ask your math teacher for advice about which
courses are right for you.
- Semestered Math
- Students interested in taking both Advanced
Functions and Calculus Vectors should select
MHF4U0 (2 credits). - MCV4U0 will automatically be added.
- Non-Semestered Math
- Students interested in taking only Advanced
Functions should select MHF4U7 (1 credit). - This course will be non-semestered.
21Changing Levels
- You will not be able to make level changes during
the online course selection process. - - e.g. a credit in ENG3U0 is seen as a
- prerequisite for ENG4U0 and not ENG4C0
- If you want to change levels, you must make an
appointment with your Guidance Counsellor between
January 18 and February 5 for approval.
22Course Changes
- "Change of mind" changes may be made anytime
before June 1. - These changes will be allowed based on course
availability. - "Change of mind" changes will not be done in
23Valid Reasons for Course Changes
- The only timetable changes that are done in
September are for students who have conflicts
such as - - two selected courses are scheduled for
- the same period
- - a selected course was completed at
- summer school
- - no prerequisite for chosen course due to
- a course failure in June
24Confirming Your Choices
- Print out your Course Selection list at the same
time you submit your courses. - Discuss your choices with your parents and have
them sign the list to indicate that they agree
with your selections. - Return the completed and signed Course Selection
list to your home form teacher by January 15.
25Are these the courses I want?
Has my parent or guardian signed the form?
26Computer Lab Availability
- Guidance Counsellors will be available in the ILC
Computer Lab - Room 112 from January 4 to January
8 during the following times to assist students
needing help with the online course selection
process - 1. Lunch (1110am 1210pm)
- 2. After School (300pm 330pm)
27Accessing the Online Course Selection Program
- Follow the instructions outlined in Step 2 of the
handout titled - Course Selection Process 2010/2011
- All of the information needed to choose courses
are linked to Meadowvales home page at - http//meadowvaless.peelschools.org
- Date of birth (YYMMDD) is initial password.
28Option Selection Timeline Review
- Monday December 14, 2009
- Online Option Selection Begins
- Friday January 8, 2010
- Online Option Selection Ends
- Friday January 15, 2010
- Student Course Lists due to home form teacher
29Thank you
- and have a relaxing holiday break ! ? !