Title: Using quasigroups for secure encoding of file system
1Using quasigroups for secure encoding of file
- Elika Ochodková, Václav Snáel
- eliska.ochodkova_at_vsb.cz, vaclav.snasel_at_vsb.cz
- Department of Computer Science
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer
ScienceVB Technical University of
OstravaOstrava / Czech Republic
- Some necessary concepts
- Constructing a stream cipher based upon
quasigroups - Properties of the method
- Installable File Systems
- Conclusions
3Some necessary concepts
- Let Aa1,a2 ,...,an, n?1 be an alphabet, a k x
n Latin rectangle is a matrix with entries aij ?
A, i1,2,k, j1,2,,n, such that each row and
each column consists of different elements of A.
If kn we say a Latin square instead of a Latin
4- A grupoid (Q, ) is said to be a quasigroup
satisfying the law - (? u, v ? Q) (?? x, y ? Q) (u x v ? y u
v) - We can associate to the operation a new
operation \ on Q, called right inverse of ,
by - x y z ? x \ z y
5- We say that (Q, \) is inverse quasigroup to (Q,
). The quasigroup (Q, , \) satisfies the
following identities - x \ (x y) y, x (x \ y) y
6Constructing a stream cipher
- Let a finite set Aa1,a2 ,...,an, n?1 be an
alphabet and let (A, , \) be the quasigroup. Let
A is the set of all nonempty words formed by
elements of A. The elements of A will be denoted
by elements of A.
7- Definition Let ui?A, k?1. Then
- f(u1u2...uk) v1v2 ...vk
- ltgt v1 l u1, vi1 vi ui1, i1,2,,k-1,
- f\(u1u2...uk) v1v2 ...vk
- ltgt v1 l \ u1, vi1 ui \ ui1, i1,2,,k-1.
- We say that the sextuple (A,,\,l, f , f\) is a
quasigroup cipher over the alphabet A. A fixed
element l is called leader.
8Properties of the method
9It is resist to the brute force attack.
- The Hall algorithm there is at least n! (n
1)!2! Latin squares. Let A0,,255 (i.e. data
are represented by 8 bits), there are at least
256! 255! 2!gt1058000 quasigroups. - Suppose that intruder knows a cipher text
vv1v2vk, he has to recover the quasigroup
(A,). But there is no algorithm of the
exhaustive search of all quasigroups that can be
10Numbers of reduced Latin rectangles
- n Ln
- 1 1
- 2 1
- 3 1
- 4 4
- 5 56
- 6 9,408
- n Ln
- 7 16,942,080
- 8 535,281,401,856
- 9 377,597,570,964,258,816
- 10 7,580,721,483,160,132,811,489,280
11It is resist to the statistical attack.
- Let (Q, ) be a quasigroup of q elements. Among
the set of all possible cipher of certain length,
all possible element of Q occurs with equal
probability, i.e., each element of quasigroup Q
should occur as often as any other in each
12- It is proved that each element occurs exactly q
times among the products of two elements of Q,
q2 times among the products of three elements of
Q and, generally qt-1 among the products of t
elements of Q.
13Distribution of characters
- In a common plaintext.
- In a plaintext that contains only a, b and
a new line.
14A common text
15Just a and b and new line
16It produces a cipher text with the same length as
the plaintext and encryption is of a stream
- Table 1. The quasigroup (A, , \)
- a b c \ a b c
- a b c a a c a b
- b c a b b b c a
- c a b c c a b c
- Example 1. Let Aa, b, c and let the quasigroup
(A,), i.e. (A, \) be defined by Tab.1. Let la
and ubbcaacba. Then the cipher text of u is
vf(u)cbbcaaca. Applying of decoding function
on v we get f\(v)bbcaacbau.
18It is also robust on errors.
19Proposed method, being very simple, offers very
fast implementation of encrypting and decrypting
20Installable file system
- Example Windows 9x and Windows NT directly
support a variety of file systems, such as hard
disks, CD-ROMs, floppy disks and network
redirectors, and in addition permit third parties
to create their own so-called installable file
systems - - file system that can be installed in
place of the usual file allocation table file
system. - Figure Windows98 file system architecture
21(No Transcript)
22- Installable File System allows complete
protection of data, thus it seems to be very
useful complete presented method as a new feature
of it. It appears to be especially convenient for
- Quasigroups, in spite of their simplicity, have
various applications. - Many other encrypting algorithms can be formed on
the basis of quasigroups.
24- In future works well continue with applications
of non-associative algebraic systems in
cryptography. - Such algebraic systems exist for higher orders,
they offer simple construction and implementation
and very fast procedures of encrypting and
decrypting, too.