Title: Highlights vom e e Collider LEP am CERN
1Highlights vom ee- Collider LEP am CERN
- Günther Dissertori
- Physik-Kolloqium
- Uni Innsbruck, 25.6.2002
3Imagine a...
LEP annual meeting in 2002
LEP annual meeting in 1989
- Agenda
- Electroweak Physics (ALEPH)
- Heavy Flavour Physics (DELPHI)
- QCD (L3)
- Searches (OPAL)
4 Electroweak Physics 1989
5The Standard Model
6 Electroweak Physics 1989
- What is LEP for?
- Precision tests of the Standard Model , check
internal consistency, sensitive to quantum
corrections? - via measuring couplings and masses gV , gA
(sin2qW), MZ , MW , mtop , MH
7Tests of the SM a) at Born Level
8Tests of the SM b) beyond Born Level
a a0(1Dr) sin2qWeff 1 - MW2/MZ2(1Dr) Dr a
b ...
9Electroweak Physics in 2002
10Electroweak Physics in 2002
- The SM has indeed been tested at the Quantum
- eg. Rb Rb0 0.2183, measurement 2.8 s lower.
Can be explained by - mtop155 20 GeV/c2
now mtopLEP 180.5 10 GeV/c2
mtopTeV 174.3 5.1 GeV/c2
- eg. Gl measurement for a 4.7 s away from
1/2. Can be explained by - Dr0.005 0.001
11Z line shape
MZ 91187.6 2.1 MeV/c2 GZ 2495.2 2.3
MeV/c2 s0 41.450 0.037 nb Rl 20.767
- Possible because of
- precise LEP energy (1-2 MeV)
- precise luminosity meas. ( lt 0.1 )
- excellent final state separation
- of LEP experiments
12 Detectors
13Final States
e) Z-gtnn
- Z ? tt- Two low multiplicity jets missing
- energy carried by the decay
- Z ? qq Two jets, large particle multiplicity.
- Z ? ee-, mm- Two charged particles (e or ?.)
14Heavy Flavour Detection
mean lifetime t 1.5 10-12 sec ?x? b g c t a
few millimeters
interaction point
x ?
15Silicon Vertex Detectors
16 The W mass
mW(LEP) 80.450 ? 0.026 ? 0.030 GeV/c2
17W / Top / Higgs
direct measurements
precision measurements
Standard Model prediction
remember MW2 MZ2(1??)cos2?W
18 putting it all together...
MH lt 196 GeV/c2 at 95 C.L. MHEW 8853-35 GeV/c2
Impressive consistency of the Standard Model in
the global fit!
19 Heavy Flavours 1989
20What do we know, what is possible?
- Inclusive B lifetime tB1.31 0.14 ps
- Not yet observed B0s , Lb, oscillations
21Why HF measurements?
22similarly to neutral K system !
23Heavy Flavour Physics in 2002
24Heavy Flavour Physics in 2002
- Bs and Lb observed
- Individual lifetimes measured, precision well
below 10 !
- tB- gt tB0 gt tb-baryon as
expected, but
How ?
One can indeed see the oscillation
1-cos(Dm t) ? Dmd0.4970.035 ps-1 (OPAL)
26Impact of LEP measurements Now the players are
the B factories (BaBar, Belle) and LHCb at LHC
27 QCD in 1989
28Anatomy of the process ee- Z Hadrons
29The running coupling constant
30 QCD in 1989
as(Mz) 0.11 0.01
31QCD in 2002
32(No Transcript)
33 Searches in 1989
34 Searches in 1989
- What are we going to find?
- Technicolour ?
- Supersymmetry ?
- Higgs ?
- anything else ?
35Searches in 2002
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37(No Transcript)
38Higgsproduction at LEP
cross section nb
Higgsstrahlung MHmax ECM - MZ
centre-of-mass energy (ECM) GeV
39 Higgs Decays
40 then end of sommer 2000...
further candidates in ALEPH, L3, DELPHI, OPAL
41adding up all experiments
slight indication for Higgs production, with
MH115 GeV/c2
Expectation, if Higgs is not produced
Expectation, if Higgs is produced (with
MH115.6 GeV/c2)
has to be 0.00006 in order to talk of discovery
42Conclusions(using P. Janots words...)
Thanx to F. Teubert, F. Palla, D.
TreillePlots from E. Lançon, P. Janot, Y.
Rozen, C. Haag, R. Assmann, D. Ward, K.
Hamacher, E. Barberio