Title: Spinons, Solitons, and Breathers in QuasiOneDimensional Magnets
1Spinons, Solitons, and Breathers in
Quasi-One-Dimensional Magnets
- Collin Broholm
- Johns Hopkins University
- NIST Center for Neutron Research
2condensed matter
Standard model
New Physics
- Single energy scale controls all
- Simple Linear Response to
- Impurities
- Electric fields
- Magnetic fields
- Temperature
- No phase transition below
- melting point
- Low energy degrees of freedom
- Non-linear Response to
- Impurities
- Electric fields
- Magnetic fields
- Temperature
- Phase transitions
- below the melting point
3Spin degrees of freedom Magnetism
Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm
U Np Pu Am Cm
4No interactions Magnetic Ideal gas
Susceptibility data for paramagnetic salt
5Coulomb Pauli Heisenberg
Coulomb interactions plus Pauli principle split
4-fold spin degeneracy
The level scheme is reproduced by Heisenberg
Exchange Hamiltonian
Triplet gnd. State J lt 0
Singlet gnd. State J gt 0
6Interactions cooperative phenomena
- Introduction
- Why we like magnets
- Neutron Scattering
- Magnetic spaghetti
- Strange excitations in a spin chain
- The experimental result
- The theoretical explanation Spinons
- Are spinons for real?
- Theoretical expectations in a field
- High field neutron scattering
- Can we tie them together?
- Experimental observation of bound spinons
- Quantum sine-Gordon model
- Conclusions and outlook
D. H. Reich JHU G. Aeppli UCL C. P.
Landee Clarke University M. M. Turnbull Clarke
University M. Kenzelmann JHU NIST M. B.
Stone Penn State University Y. Chen LANL D. C.
Dender NIST Y. Qiu NIST Univ. Maryland K.
Lefmann Risø National Lab C. Rische Univ. of
9Inelastic Magnetic Neutron Scattering
- We can measure dispersion relations
- We determine structure through transition rate
10SPINS cold neutron spectrometer at NCNR
11Spin waves in antiferromagnet
Coldea et al. PRL (2001)
12Can quantum fluctuations break order?
1. Assume Neel order, derive spin wave dispersion
relation 2. Calculate the reduction in
staggered magnetization due to quantum
fluctuations 3. If then Neel
order is an inconsistent assumption
There can be no Neel order in one dimension
13Copper pyrazine dinitrate
Hammar et al. (1999)
14Neutron Scattering from Spin-1/2 chain
Stone et al., PRL (2003)
15Disintegration of a spin flip
16Fermions in spin ½ chain
Uniform spin-1/2 chain (XY case for simplicity)
Jordan-Wigner transformation
Diagonalizes H
Non interacting fermionic lattice gas
q (p)
17From band-structure to bounded continuum
Q (p)
q (p)
18Neutron Scattering
Stone et al. (2003).
Exact two-spinon cross-section
Karbach et al. 2000
19Neutron Data Two-Spinon Cross section
Stone et al., PRL (2003)
20Are spinons for real?
21Spinons in magnetized spin- ½ chain
Broholm et al. (2002)
22Uniform Spin ½ chain
0.0 T
Stone et al. (2003)
23Uniform Spin ½ chain
8.7 T
Stone et al. (2003)
24Neutron Scattering
Pentium Scattering
Stone et al. (2003)
25Can we tie them together?
26Why staggered field yields bound states
Zero field state quasi-long range AFM order
Without staggered field distant spinons dont
With staggered field solitons separate good
from bad domains, which leads to interactions
and bound states
27Spin-½ chain with two spins per chain unit
Landee et al. (1986)
Oshikawa and Affleck (1997)
The staggered field is given by
28H0 T
Kenzelmann et al. (2003)
29H11 T
Kenzelmann et al. (2003)
30Bound states from 2-spinon continuum
Kenzelmann et al. (2003)
31Sine-Gordon mapping of spin-1/2 chain
Effective staggered uniform field spin
Spin operators are represented through a phase
field relative to incommensurate
quasi-long-range order with Lagrangian density
- This is sine-Gordon model with interaction term
proportional to hs - Spectrum consists of
- Solitons, anti-solitons
- Breather bound states
Oshikawa and Affleck (1997)
32Bound states from 2-spinon continuum
Breathers n1,2 and possibly 3
Soliton, M
Kenzelmann et al. (2003)
33Testing sine-Gordon predictions
Neel order
Kenzelmann et al. (2003)
34What we learned about spin-1/2 chains
- A quantum liquid without spin order at T0
- Fundamental excitations are spinon pairs
- Spinons form a fermionic liquid with field
dependent chemical potential - A staggered field confines spinons
- masses and structure factors consistent with
sine-Gordon solitons and breathers
Publications and viewgraphs at http//www.pha.jhu.
35Are there quantum liquids for Dgt1
What is special about D1? Order in one part of
lattice does not constrain surroundings
Maybe, when there is frustration and/or low
36New and Brighter Neutron Sources
US 1.4 MW Spallation Neutron Source To be
completed in 2006