Title: NexSat: NPOESS Preview
1NexSat NPOESS Preview
- Thomas F. Lee, Steven D. Miller, Jeffrey Hawkins,
F. Joseph Turk, Kim Richardson, Arunas
Kuciauskas, John Kent - Naval Research Laboratory
- Monterey, CA
- 25 October 2006
2Introducing NexSat
- NexSat is a public web site depicting near real
time satellite value-added imagery products over
the continental United States. Supported by IPO.
- NexSat demonstrates VIIRS using the current suite
of RD and operational sensors NASA-MODIS,
DMSP-OLS, and NOAA-AVHRR, supplemented by GOES. - Utilizes additional polar microwave data
WindSat, CloudSat, SSM/I, AMSU-B, etc. - Additional data from U.S. Navys numerical
weather prediction models (NOGAPS and COAMPS).
3The Role of NexSat
- Current Scope
- Educational, but used by some operations
- Targeting the broadest audience (not just the
experts) - Simple and visually intuitive examples.
- Beyond NexSats Current Scope
- A formal operational resource (24/7 support)
4The NexSat Interface
5Low Cloud Detection at Night
Low Clouds
High Clouds
Nighttime Visible/Infrared YELLOW Low Blue
- Under adequate lunar illumination conditions, the
VIIRS DNB will provide quantitative information
on cloud reflectance, allowing for markedly
improved cloud characterization beyond IR-only
Page 11 of 20
6CONUS Dust Storms
While far less frequent than the Middle East, the
deserts of the southwestern U.S. produce an
occasional noteworthy dust storm. Above,
multispectral MODIS enhances a storm near Fallon
7WindSat overlayed on GOES
9 Multi-Layer Blends
10Examples From NexSat Seasons
Late Fall
11City Zooms
NexSat high spatial resolution (250 m pixels)
true color zooms over major U.S. cities provide
users with an NPOESS-quality snap shot of weather
conditions over their own backyard twice per
12NexSat Quick-Looks
- Calibrated
- Space/Time located
- NOGAPS temperature overlays
13User Feedback
- This is great and thankyou (Mahalo)may I share
this with the Pacific Region Forecast offices?
Joel Cline, NWS Hawaii - This is cool stuff and I will share with the
rest of the EYW office Dennis Feltgen, NWS Key
West - This imagery is FANTASTICMy forecasters love
the imagery..this is Great Informationkeep it
coming! Tom Nizol, MIC, NWS Buffalo NY
s.html) - I feel this is a critical effort and we should
partner and move out on showing the citizens of
the US the benefits of this data
-Dave Jones, CEO StormCenter Communications - Please keep us in tune with the current tech.
The stratus at SFO is a high visibility FAA
problem with the potential of saving millions
just by being able to forecast the clearing of
stratus and cancellation of a Ground Delay by 0.5
hrs Ken Venzke, MIC NWS San Francisco - California, Hawaii sector user requests filled
- and the list goes on
14NPOESS VIIRS Trainingthrough the COMET Program
Next Generation Visible/Infrared Sensor
15Online Training Modules
Online tutorials are designed to orient new users
with NexSat products using simple and
straight-forward illustrative examples, all the
while tying into the general theme of future
NPOESS/VIIRS capabilities.
- http//www.nrlmry.navy.mil/NEXSAT.html