Title: Cosmic dust Reflectron for Isotopic Analysis (CRIA)
1Cosmic dust Reflectron for Isotopic Analysis
Progress Review April 30, 2007
Laura Brower Project ManagerDrew Turner
Systems EngineerLoren ChangDongwon LeeMarcin
PilinskiMostafa SalehiWeichao Tu
- Organization
- Background
- Operational Concept
- System Design Requirements
- Subsystem Design
- Project Management Plan
3Organizational Structure
Customer Z. Sternovsky
System Engineer
Project Manager L. Brower
Student Lead D. Turner
CU Advisors X. Li S.
Professional M. Lankton (LASP)
Professional P. Graf
Student Lead M. Pilinski
Student Lead M. Salehi
Student Lead W. Tu
Professional M. Rhode (CU)
Professional S. Steg (LASP)
Professional B. Lamprecht (LASP)
Professional V. Hoxie (LASP)
Ion Optics
Student Lead D. Lee
Student Lead L. Chang
Student Lead D. Turner
Professional G. Drake (LASP)
Experienced Graduate K. Amyx (CU)
Professional G. Drake (LASP)
- Background
- Operational Concept
- System Design Requirements
- Subsystem Design
- Project Management Plan
5Dust in Space!
- Space dust provides important clues on the
formation and composition of our solar system as
well as other stars.
Several instruments have been launched on past
missions to analyze the flux and composition of
space dust in-situ.
6Time-Of-Flight (TOF) Mass Spectrometers
- Dust is ionized against a target and accelerated
through an electric field to a detector. - Ion mass is inferred from Time-Of-Flight.
7Time-Of-Flight (TOF) Mass Spectrometers
- Large target area
- Low mass resolution
- High mass resolution
- Small target area
8Large Area Mass Analyzer
9Large Area Mass Analyzer
- TOF Mass Spectrometer
- Large target area comparable to CDA.
- High mass resolution comparable to CIDA.
- Lab prototype constructed and tested.
10LAMA What is still needed for dust astronomy?
- Several tasks have yet to be completed
- Dust triggering system not yet implemented.
- No decontamination system.
- System has not yet been designed for or tested
in the space environment. - No interface for dust trajectory sensor (DTS)
11Cosmic dust Reflectron for Isotopic Analysis
(A cria is a baby llama)
12Project Motivation
- Scale down LAMA to a size better suited for
inclusion on missions of opportunity.
Improve the Technological Readiness Level (TRL)
of the LAMA concept from TRL 4 to TRL 5.
- Background
- Operational Concept
- System Design Requirements
- Subsystem Design
- Project Management Plan
14Cosmic dust Reflectron forIsotopic Analysis3-D
15CRIA Mass Analyzer Primary Subsystems
16CRIA Mass Analyzer Primary Subsystems
ANALYZER (Ion Optics)
Annular Grid Electrodes
Ring Electrodes
Grounded Grid
17CRIA Mass Analyzer Primary Subsystems
18CRIA Concept Operation
incoming dust particle
Example Dust Composition
Species-1 Species-2 Species-3 Target
Increasing mass
19CRIA Concept Operation
negative ions and electrons accelerated to target
target material also ionizes
dust impacts target and ionizes (trigger? t0)
20CRIA Concept Operation
positive ions accelerated towards grounded grid
(trigger? t1)
Ions of Species-1, Species-2, Species-3, and
Target Material
21CRIA Concept Operation
Positively charged particles focused towards
22CRIA Concept Operation
Species-1 ions arrive at detector
Ions of the same species arrive at the detector
at the same time with some spread
Species-1 arrives at detector
23CRIA Concept Operation
Species-2 ions arrive at detector
Species-2 arrives at detector
24CRIA Concept Operation
Species-3 ions arrive at detector
Species-3 arrives at detector
25CRIA Concept Operation
Target material ions arrive at detector
m/?m mass resolution
Target material has characteristic peak
- Background
- Operational Concept
- System Design Requirements
- Subsystem Design
- Project Management Plan
27System Level Diagram
Supporting Electronics
Thermal Control
Line Key Power High Voltage Heat
- High voltage supply
- Oscilloscopes
- Computer
- Power source
Mass Analyzer
Instrument Electronics
- Charge Sensitive Amplifier
- Voltage dividers
- Annular electrodes
- Ring electrodes
- Grounded grids
28Minimum Success Criteria
- Achieve working instrument with mass resolution
of at least - 100 m/?m (Req 1.TR2)
- Achieve TRL-5 Working prototype tested in
relevant - environments (Req 1.TR4)
- Remember Working with Preflight Model only from
this point on! - -Designed originally in context of flight to
help pave the way to TRL gt 5, and ultimately to
a possible mission of opportunity - -Requirements have been categorized based on
this into Preflight only (PF), Flight only (F),
or Both (B) -
- -We must only verify PF and B requirements
29Requirements Flowdown
Level 1 Top Level Requirements
Level 2 System Requirements - Functional
Requirements - Performance Requirements - Design
Constraints - Interface Requirements
Each includes -Functional Reqs -Performance
Reqs -Design Constraints -Interface Reqs
Level 3 Subsystem Requirements
Level 4 Component Requirements
30Key Performance Requirements
2.PR3 Mass Resolution
2.PR4 Target Cleaning
1.TR8 1.TR9 Adequate Data Set
3.6.PR3 Electronics Op. Temps
Ion optics configuration
Power budget
Operational lifetime
Thermal design limiting range
Electrode voltages
Thermal design
Instrument Size
Instrument Mass
Target material
- Background
- Operational Concept
- System Design Requirements
- Subsystem Design
- Project Management Plan
32Structures Subsystem
Lead Marcin Pilinski Speakers Marcin Pilinski
33Structure Requirements Overview
Requirement Description
3.4DC1 Scaling of Ion optics by 5/8th of LAMA ion optics
3.4DC6, 3.4DC7, 3.4DC8 Electrically isolate high voltages
3.4DC2 Fundamental frequency 50 Hz
3.4DC3, 3.4DC4 Yield FOS 1.5, Ultimate FOS 2.0 in 42g load
3.4DC5 Structure mass lt 15 kg
3.4DC10, 3.4DC11 Light cannot enter instrument except at aperture
34Structure Major Design Trade
30 cm Cylindrical 40 cm Cylindrical 40 cm Hexagonal
Aperture Requirement Not Met Meets aperture requirement Meets Aperture requirement
Medium Material Cost High Material Cost Low Material Cost
80 in-house manufacturing 40 in-house manufacturing 80 in-house manufacturing
9 kg 13 kg 14 kg
40 cm external envelope 48 cm external envelope 53 cm external envelope
80 manufactured parts 80 manufactured parts 116 manufactured parts
35Cylindrical Structure Overall Characteristics
Unique Parts 26
Total No. of Mnf. Parts 80
Mass 13 kg
Fasteners 200
Not including instrument-spacecraft interface
All blind fasteners will be vented
36Hexagonal Structure Overall Characteristics
Unique Parts 45
Total No. of Mnf. Parts 116
Mass 14 kg
Fasteners 300
Not including instrument-spacecraft interface
All blind fasteners will be vented
37Structure Parts Summary
38Structure Parts Summary
39Structure Assemblies
40Structure Annular Electrode Assembly
41The photo-etched grid
- BeCU C17200
- 7 mils in thickness
- 800 manufacturing cost (includes spare)
- Mitigates grid wrinkling and eases integration
42Structure Annular Electrode Assembly
43Structure Main Housing Assembly
44Structure Main Housing Assembly
45Structure Target Assembly
46Structure Target Assembly
47Structure Detector Assembly
48Structure Main Assembly
Main Housing Assembly
Detector Assembly
Target Assembly
Annular Electrode Assembly
49Cable Layout
50Cable Layout Solder Access
51Cable Layout Annular Electrodes
52Cable Layout Ring Electrodes
53Cable Layout Target Electrodes
54Cable Layout Grounded Grid
55Cable Layout Target
56Cable Layout Heater/CSA
Power (twisted-shielded)
Output (coaxial)
Input (coaxial)
57Mechanical Ground Support Equipment Interfaces
- Remove-before-flight cover
- Thermal Vacuum/Vibration Adapter Plate
58Integration Testing Features
- Removal of Detector Assembly for Storage
- Electrical Access
- Reconnecting the CSA
- Panel removal for internal access
59 FEM
Design Check Results
Max Displacement 0.122 mm
Min Factor of safety 3.8
- Total Manufacturing Time 450 student-hours
- 5 critical/difficult components totaling in 200
61Structure Upcoming Work
- Complete Finite Elements Structural Analysis
- Fundamental mode
- Ultimate and Yield Stresses
- Fastener pull-out strength
- Review Design and Produce Mechanical Drawings
62Detector Subsystem
Lead Drew Turner Speakers Drew Turner
63Detector Driver Requirements
Requirement Description
2.PR2 The instrument shall be able to detect a cloud of 10,000 elementary charges after initial dust vaporization must have sufficiently high gain
2.PR3 The instrument shall measure the mass composition of dust particles with a simulated mass resolution of at least 100 m/?m
3.3.IR1 The detector shall be mounted in a detector casing interface with structure
3.3.IR2 The detector shall electrically interface with the CDH system computer to store data
3.3.IR3 The detector shall electrically interface with the voltage dividing system
64MCP-MA34/2 Microchannel Plate Detector
from Del Mar Ventures
- Two MCPs in chevron stack enclosed in casing with
leads for wiring (voltage and signal) - Need to be used in vacuum
- Same as used for LAMA
Images from sciner.com/MCP/MCPMA.htm
65Detector Testing
- Functional tests in vacuum chamber
- UV testing
- MCPs sensitive to UV light (table below)
- Want to know how deep space UV background affects
detector - Test with a UV source in vac chamber
Source Wiza, J. Nuclear Instruments and Methods,
66Analyzer Subsystem
Lead Loren Chang Speakers Loren Chang
67Analyzer Requirements
Requirement Description
3.4.DC1 Scaling of Ion optics by 5/8th of LAMA ion optics
3.2.PR2 - PR4 Electrode voltages shall be within /- 10 V of the specified values from SIMION simulation.
3.5.IR2 A voltage divider box shall provide the necessary voltages to the various subsystems.
3.5.PR2 All electronics shall maintain a voltage accuracy of 0.5 on the electrodes.
68Electrode Voltages
- Ion Optics Configuration
- Simulations done by Keegan Amyx using SIMION
- 5 annular and 8 ring electrodes
- Exact values for electrodes determined ranging
from 1 - 6 kV - Electrode Power
- Power in preflight model provided by lab HV
supply. - Required electrode voltages can be provided by
system of voltage dividers.
6 kV, DC
69Voltage Divider - Resistors
- Ohmite SlimMox-104 thick film resistors.
- Rated for 10 kV DC operating voltage, -55 - 110C
temperature. - Custom resistor values exceed budget, will use
standard values. - Non-exact values will introduce some error in
27.43 mm
8.64 mm
22.86 mm
70- Use of series circuit configuration results in
reduction in - Discrete resistors needed.
- Power required.
- Resistor value.
- Cascading errors inherent in series
configuration can be addressed by adding smaller
corrector resistors during calibration.
71Voltage Divider - Configuration
- Resistors for annular, ring, and target
electrodes arranged in 3 parallel lines. - Resistors for each electrode type arranged in
series. - Voltage precision of /- 3 V.
- Power Draw 0.15 Watts.
- Requires 46 discrete resistors.
Annular Electrodes
Target Electrodes
Ring Electrodes
72Ionizer Subsystem
Lead Dongwon Lee Speakers Dongwon Lee
73Ionizer Requirements
Requirement Number Description
3.1.FR1 The target shall be made of a high-z material, where high-z is defined as having atomic mass greater than 100 AMU
3.1.FR7 The target shall be thermally conductive
3.1.FR8 The target shall be electrically conductive
- Material Ag (silver)
- Silver Plating follow ASTM-B-700
- Type I Purity 99.9 min.
- Grade B or C Bright
- 10 µm copper coating between silver plating and
Al substrate
Parameter Value
Inner f 0.14 m
Outer f 0.40 m
Thickness 100 µm
- Vendor Ano-plate, NY
- Cost 250 shipping
Vendor website www.anoplate.com
- Applying 5 KV on the Ionizer surface
- Soldering to Substrate
Silver Coated Substrate
76Thermal Subsystem
Lead Mostafa Salehi Speakers Mostafa Salehi,
Laura Brower
Multi-Layer Insulation
Target Heater Design
77Thermal Requirements
Requirement Description
3.6.FR1 Power allocation is 20 W
3.6.PR1 Target shall be heated to 100oC
3.6.IR1 Target heater shall be electrically insulated from the target
3.6.IR3 Target heater shall be thermally insulated from the instrument
4.6.IR1, 4.6.IR2 The backside of the target heater shall be covered in a low emissivity material
78Design Reference Mission
NGSTP Apogee 200 Re Orbit plane perpendicular
to Sun-Earth line
CRIA (in halo orb)
10-14 Re
/- 20 Re
-5 ltß lt15
240 Re
Earths Magnetotail
- Hot Case
- External structure of instrument in complete view
of Sun - CRIA sees 223 K (-50oC)
- Cold Case
- Spacecraft carrying instrument completely shades
it from Sun - CRIA sees temperature of 7K
79Power for Target Heater
Minco Heater
Max Power Input 26.18 W
Resistance 5.5 ohm
Size 2 diameter
Lead AWG 24
MINCO Kapton covered thermofoil heater
Temperature Sensing and Heater Control
- 25 W required to heat target to 100C assuming
worst case environment of 7K - Lower power heaters take longer to heat target
- 25 W heater will heat to 100C in 2 hrs at min
environment testing temp of -50C
Controller Type Manual On/off
Sensor Type Thermocouples
80Target Heater Configuration
- The heater is wrapped in a thin Kapton coating
- An additional layer DuPont Kapton FN (Kapton
type 150FN019) provides the electrical
insulation sufficient to shield the heater from
the target at 5 kV.
- Similar heater configuration may be used to
heat electronics
81Electronics/CDH Subsystem
Lead Weichao Tu Speakers Weichao Tu
82Electronics Requirements (key pre-flight ones)
Requirement Description
3.5.PR1 The voltage ripple on any of the electrodes shall not exceed 0.1 of the applied voltage
3.5.PR2 All electronics shall maintain a voltage accuracy of 0.5 on all the electrodes
3.5.PR3 All electronics used in design shall operate in a vacuum environment without failure
3.5.PR4 The instrument shall be able to detect charge signals on the target, grounded grid, and the detector grounded grid for data triggering
4.5.DC1 The master electronic box shall be located outside of the instrument body (assumed to be with/near s/c electronics)
4.5.DC2 The voltage divider box shall be located inside the instrument body beneath the target substrate
4.5.DC3 The CSA box shall be located inside the instrument body close to the charge detector
83(No Transcript)
84Key Electronic Subsystems -Triggering System
- TR1-Trigger On Target (biased voltage 5 kV)
- TR2 and TR3-Trigger On Grid (Grounded)
85Triggering System
- TR4-Trigger On Detector
- Include both biased voltage and grounded voltage
86Triggering Test
- Object To determine which place is the best to
get the triggering signal from.
- Setup
- CSA box and its connections
87Triggering Test
- Test Procedure
- One CSA, move among different trigger-option
places - At each place
- CSA Noise Floor Test
- (for determining trigger S/N)
- Trigger Test
- Laser-simulated impact
- To determine whether resulting signals are
detectable above the noise floor - Relocate CSA Box
- Background
- Operational Concept
- System Design Requirements
- Subsystem Design
- Project Management Plan
89Analysis Tools
90How to Reach TRL 5
TRL 5 test CRIA in a relevant environment
- Required for TRL 5
- Vacuum Testing
- Test performance of CRIA (measure m/?m) using
laser ablation of target to simulate dust impacts - Thermal Vacuum Testing
- Monitor temperature response of structure,
detector, voltage divider electronics, etc.
during Thermal Balance Test and Thermal Cycle
Test - UV Testing
- Test signal response of detector exposed to UV
- Additional Testing
- Vibration Testing
- Shake/vibe based on NASA criteria for launch
91Vacuum Testing
Test Matrix
Test Type Component Description Measure/ Record
Functional Target Heater Heat target to 100C Target substrate temp
Performance Instrument Simulate dust w/laser ablation Obtain spectra, monitor voltages
Location CU campus, Z. Sternovskys
lab Operating Pressure 10-5 Torr Cost 0 to
operate vacuum Schedule expect 1 week of testing
in Oct, budget 1 month of testing
- Pre-testing Tasks
- Instrument checkout (test resistors, etc.)
- Lab Support Equipment
- 2 HV Supplies (power detector)
- Oscilloscope
92Thermal Vacuum Testing
Test Matrix
Test Type Component Description Measure/ Record
Functional Target Heater Heat target to 100C during -50C thermal balance test Target substrate temp
Thermal Balance Instrument Steady state at -50C, 40C Monitor instr temps
Thermal Cycle Instrument Cycle between -50C, 40C Monitor instr temps
Location LASP (MOBI or BEMCO) Operating
Pressure lt10-5 Torr Cost Budgeting 1000 for
oper equip / personnel time Schedule expect 2-3
days of testing in Nov, budget 1 month of testing
- Pre-testing Tasks
- Instrument checkout
- Clean Room practices during assembly
- RGA, TQCM, possibly BOT
- Lab Support Equipment
- Low voltage power supply
94Pre-Flight Cost Budget
95Special Thanks
- LASP for providing internal Funding and Support
- CU Aerospace Engineering Sciences Dept. Funding
and Support - Keegan Amyx
- Chelsey Bryant
- Josh Colwell
- Ginger Drake
- Paul Graf
- Vaughn Hoxie
- Bret Lamprecht
- Mark Lankton
- Mike McGrath
- Steve Steg
- The Heidelberg dust group
- And of course
- Xinlin Li, Scott Palo, and Zoltan Sternovsky
97Backup Slides
98Design Reference Mission
Launch Phase (1 mo.)
Science Phase (2 years)
Launch Phase
Science Phase
99System Level Diagram
Electronics Master Box
Thermal Control
- Analog/Digital Converter
- Data storage
- Step-up transformer
- Voltage divider with controller
- Temperature control device
- Interface w/ external electronics and power
- Aluminum
- Insulating materials
- Connections
- Breakouts
- Interface w/ DTS (flight model)
- Aperture cover (flight model)
- Kapton Heaters
- Aluminum foil tape
- Temp sensor
- Multi-layer insulation
Mass Analyzer
Electronics Inside Instrument
- Annular electrodes
- Ring electrodes
- Grounded grids
- Silver coated target at 5kV
- Charge Sensitive Amplifiers
- Detector electronics
- High voltage wiring
100High Voltage Safety
- Electrodes will be held at high potentials (6
kV), but very low current. Total power estimated
to be lt 0.3 Watts. - Typical resistance of a human body roughly 105
Ohms. Worst case scenario 103 Ohms (wet or
broken skin). - Maximum electrical current exposure roughly 6
- Risk mitigation measures
- Ensure that CRIA is powered down when electrode
contact is possible. - Ensure that instrument exterior is grounded to
prevent charge accumulation from self-capcitance.
101Previous Instrument Comparison
102Work Breakdown Structure
Part Name Material Mass load
Ring Electrode Aluminum 6061-T6 0.172273 kg 42g
Stress 2516.84 N/m2 1.27445e007 N/m2
Strain 5.00783e-007 0.000612643
Displacement 0 mm 0.12209 mm
104Part Material Manufacturing Number of Parts Total Mnf. Hours
Hexagonal Base 6061-T6 3-axis CNC mill 1 40
Channel Support 6061-T6 2-axis mill 6 20
Target Substrate 6061-T6 Lathe and 2-axis mill 1 15
Grounded Grid Inner Standoff G-10 2-axis mill 1 5
RBF cover 6061-T6 2-axis mill 1 10
Ring Electrode Standoff Noryl 2-axis mill 48 30
Side access panel 6061-T6 3-axis CNC mill 1 15
Side panel 6061-T6 3-axis CNC mill 5 25
Side panel bracket 6061-T6 2-axis mill (3-axis preferred) 6 20
Inner target electrode 6061-T6 Lathe and CNC mill 4 15
Outer target electrode 6061-T6 Lathe and CNC mill 4 15
Inner target electrode Fixture 6061-T6 2-axis mill 6 10
Outer target electrode fixture 6061-T6 2-axis mill 6 10
Target Substrate Standoff G-10 Band-saw 2 5
Testing Adapter Plate 6061-T6 2-axis mill 1 15
Annular Electrode Standoff G-10 2-axis mill 6 20
Annular Electrode Mount 6061-T6 3-axis CNC mill 1 40
Annular Wiring Fixture G-10 2-axis mill 1 5
CSA box 6061-T6 2-axis mill 1 5
CSA lid 6061-T6 2-axis mill 1 10
Detector Housing 6061-T6 Lathe and 2-axis mill 1 10
Detector grid inner clamp 6061-T6 Lathe and 2-axis mill 1 5
Detector grid outer clamp 6061-T6 Lathe and 2-axis mill 1 5
Detector lid 6061-T6 2-axis mill 1 5
Large Ring Electrode 6061-T6 Lathe and 2-axis mill 4 30
Small Ring Electrode 6061-T6 Lathe and 2-axis mill 4 30
Voltage Divider Box 6061-T6 2-axis mill 1 10
105Physical Properties of Silver
Properties Silver
Atomic Weight 107.868
Density 10.49 g/cm3 at 20 C
Specific Heat 0.24 kJ/kg
Thermal Conductivity 428 W/m K at 20 C
Electrical Resistivity 14.7 n Ohm m at 0 C
Typical Emittance (e) 0.02
Typical Absorptance (a) 0.07
a/e 3.5
- Other consideration Gold, Radium
106Insulator material
Properties Noryl G 10
TML () 0.1 0.35
CVCM() 0.0 0.02
Dielectric Strength (KV/mm) 19 1519
Thermal Expansion(10-5in/in/F) 3.3 0.6
Thermal Conductivity (W/m-k) 0.2 0.3
Tensile Strength(psi) 9,600 40,000
Machining Difficulty Moderate Low
- Material G-10
- Electrical Insulation
- Thermal Insulation
- Low Machining Difficulty
- Low Outgassing
- Vendor
- Plastic International
107Material Properties for Analyzer Subsystem
Material CVCM TML Dielectric Strength KV/mm /Resisitivityohm Typical Electrical Conductivity Mass Density g/cm3 Tensile Strength (psi) Thermal Expansionmu-in/in/F_at_20 C
Al 6063 n/a - 5850 Compare to Cu 19 ksi
Noryl 0 0.1 19.7 - 33
Vespel scp5000 gt1E15 ohm - 1.43 23.4 kpsi 24
Delin 500AF gt1E15 ohm - 1.53
108Electrode Design
- Design to Goal
- Mass resolution (ie Relative voltage
accuracy) - Electrical conductivity
- Low emissivity
- Machinability
- Design Selection
- 5 annular electrodes
- 8 ring electrodes
(10 rings)
- Material Selection
- Aluminum T-6061 or 6063, polished
- Emissivity (0.02)
Design Selection
109Electrode Design
110Resistor Values (Ring)
Resistance (M?) Resulting Voltage (V) Absolute Voltage Error (V) Discrete Resistors Required
10.5 5874.0 -2.0 2
63.5 5112.0 -1.0 4
68.0 4296.0 -1.0 4
74.5 3402.0 -3.0 4
40.5 2916.0 -2.0 2
44.0 2388.0 -3.0 2
48.5 1806.0 0.0 4
57.5 1116.0 -2.0 4
93.0 3
111Resistor Values (Annular)
Resistance (M?) Resulting Voltage (V) Absolute Voltage Error (V) Discrete Resistors Required
9.5 5886.0 1.0 3
20.0 5646.0 1.0 1
12.5 5496.0 -1.0 3
6.5 5418.0 -1.0 4
2.5 5388.0 -2.0 2
449.0 4
112Resistor Parameters
- SLIM-MOX 104
- Temperature Range -55 - 110C
- Power Rating 1.5 W
- Operating Voltage 10 kV DC
113Electrode Arcing Mitigation
Lower arcing limit at 1.55 Torr
Upper arcing limit at 468 Torr
- Electrodes are separated by 2 mm gaps.
- The strongest electric field (3 x 106 V/m)
occurs between the innermost ring electrode and
the grounded grid. - Arcing will occur if electrodes turned on between
1.55 - 468 Torr (approx. 3 - 43 km altitude). - This is well above the operational pressure for
Breakdown Electric Field
Electric Field (V/m)
Pressure (Torr)
Max. Arcing Risk at 4.169 Torr
CRIA operating pressure, 10-5 Torr
- Electric field required for arcing in a neutral
dielectric given by Paschens Law. Nonlinear
function of pressure and gap distance.
115Expected Impacts
For randomly tumbling object. Per NASA Technical
Memorandum 4527, p.7-3
- Various MCPs Specs from Del Mar Ventures
117MCP Detector Configurations
- Chevron Configuration
- Z-stack Configuration
High voltage difference
Output signal
Metal anode
High voltage difference
Output signal
Metal anode
118MCP Detector Efficiencies
Table from Wiza, J.L. Microchannel Plate
Detectors. Nuc. Inst. and Methods, Vol 162,
E(10000 parts _at_ 5keV) 8.011e-12 J E(deep space
UV100nm) 1.464e-16J E(deep space X-rays)
- The heat flow at each node is given by
Where mi The nodes lumped mass ci The
nodes specific heat T temperature t
time Cji The conductive links Rji The
radiative links Qi The power dissipation at the
node Both steady state and transient runs can
be performed on this model
120Target Heater Design
- Design to Goal
- Heat target to 100C (based on CDA experience)
- Thermal Analysis
- Cold Case simulation
- Cylinder/ target start at 0 Kelvin
- 100C reached 15 hr
- LASP support from Bret Lamprecht, using AutoCAD
Thermal Desktop shows 23.5 W power required
Total Power Required 23.5 W
- Options for Reducing Power
- Segment target area and heat in cycles
121Thermal Control
- MinCo Kapton heater
- Thin semitransparent material with excellent
dielectric - Internal adhesive, max temperature 200oC
- Radiation resistant to 106 rads if build with
polyimide insulated leads - Honeywell Thermal Switch
- Temperature ranges for Honeywell Thermal Switch
From -73oC to 371oC - Operational -54o C to 148.9oC
- Non-Operational -65o C to 177oC
- Mounted to the target substrate
MINCO Kapton covered thermofoil heater
Honeywell Series 7000 Thermal Switch
Model Material Dimension Temperature
S651PDY24A (100 O) Miniature spot sensor with wire-wound RTD element Polyimide with foil backing 2 or 3 PTFE leads (7.6 7.6 mm) Lead length 600 mm -200 to 200C
Mounted to surfaces, alongside heaters or on top
of them
Minco controller model Control method Supply power sensor input Sensor input Controlled out put
CT325 On/off 4.7560 VDC PD 100 O platinum RTD Same as supply power
123Thermal Control Device
- Full power on below setpoint - power off
above setpoint. - Electronic on/off
controllers offer faster reaction time
and tighter control than thermostats. on/off
controllers have a differential (hysteresis or
dead band) between the on and off points to
reduce rapid cycling and prolong switch life. -
With on/off control, temperature never stabilizes
but always oscillates around the setpoint.
124Thermal Insulation
- MLI Layer Description
- Germanium Black Kapton
- Aluminized Kapton
- Dacron netting
- Double Aluminized Kapton
- Design to Goal
- Reduce thermal swings
- Electrically dissipative
- Design Selection
- Cover external structure with Germanium Black
Kapton Multi-Layer Insulation
- Hot Case
- With MLI CRIA sees reduced heating power of min,
1 W, max 11 W (instead of min 26W, max 343 W) - Assumed MLI e0.03, 13 layer MLI
- Cold Case
- No solar power input
- With MLI CRIA sees temperature of 7K no change
125Thermal Insulation
- Multi Layer Insulation (MLI)
- Multi layer insulation closely spaced layers
of aluminized Mylar or Kapton - Insulation reduces the rate of heat flow per unit
area between two boundary surfaces and prevents a
large heat influx
126Thermal Definitions
- Properties for transmission
- Absorptivity, a ability for the surface to -
absorb radiation. - Emissivity, e ability for the surface to emit
radiation - View factor, F12 relates fraction of thermal
power leaving object 1 and reaching object 2
127Transient Thermal Analysis
where s is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and
F12 is the view factor between the surfaces of
both bodies F12The view factor is the fraction
of radiation leaving dA1 intercepted by dA2
where F12 is the view factor, A1 and A2 are the
areas of the different materials surfaces, ?1 and
?2 are the angles between the normal of the
surface and Ls, the shortest distance between
128Instrument Monitoring
- Temperature Sensor
- Decontamination
- Voltmeter Housekeeping (High voltage and low
voltage) - Physically separated electronic box
- Ammeter Housekeeping
- Total current in high voltage supply
129Mass Resolution (m/?m)
- Mass resolution describes the ability of the mass
spectrometer to distinguish, detect, and/or
record ions with different masses by means of
their corresponding TOFs. - m/?m will be effected by
- Sampling rate
- m/?m t/2?t CRIA dt2ns
- The energy and angular spread of emitted ions
- Electronic noise
FWHM full width at half maximum
130Sampling Rate
- The flight time for ions is approximately
- Required m/?mgt100, however, the instrument can
achieve m/?m350. For not missing narrow, we
want m/?m350 -
- We want to resolve the C peak (m12) with high
accuracy - dt2ns would give us 2 measured points for the
C peak. The number for m100 and m300 would be 6
and 10. - Then, sampling rate500MHz
131CSA Selection A250
- Features Ultra low noise, Low power, Fast rise
time - 500/each
- A250 Connection Diagram
132Application Specific Integrated Circuit
- Developed in cooperation with the Kirchhoff
Institute for Physics of the Heidelberg
University, Germany - Tests performed
- The front-end (CSA and logarithmic amplifier)
- The transient recorder (32 channels with 10 bit
ADCs and 1-K sample SRAM).
133Size Range of Detectable Dusts
- For a two year mission with a 0.1 m2 dust
detector at 1 AU records only about one particle
of 10-13 g (0.2um radius) per day and one
particle of 10-10 g (2um radius) per two weeks,
respectively. - Assumption For a decent mass spectrum, at least
104 ions need to be generated upon the impact on
the target.
The smallest detectable radius
The largest detectable radius
134- Detector Functional Test Combination of
detector performance tests usually performed each
time the detector is powered on with high voltage
to confirm the detector is operating nominally. - Short-Form System Functional Test Abbreviated
version of Long-Form Functional Test, performed
when the detector is power on without high
voltage to confirm most electronic and software
function. - Long-Form System Functional Test Conducted
before and after each environmental test to
verify all functional and electrical interface
requirements for every phase of the mission.
135System Level Risk Assessment
136Possible Questions
- What is the elemental composition of cosmic dust?
- What is the dust flux and its mass dependence?
- What direction is the dust coming from?
- What are the differences in composition and size
between interstellar and interplanetary dust?
137Pre-Flight Cost Budget
138(No Transcript)