Physical Evidence and the Servicescape - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Physical Evidence and the Servicescape


'All social interaction is affected by the physical container in which it occurs. ... The servicescape can be classified as a form on non-verbal communication. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Physical Evidence and the Servicescape

Physical Evidence and the Servicescape
  • Chapter 11

Provider Gap 2
  • Insert Figure 2.6

Gap 2 Not Having the Right Service Designs and
  • Insert Figure 2.3

  • This chapters objectives are to
  • 1.Show how physical evidence can help close Gap
  • 2. Explain the impact of the servicescape and
    other physical evidence on customer perceptions
    and expectations
  • 3. Illustrate differences in types, roles and
    implications of the servicescape
  • 4. Using a framework, explain why the
    servicescape affects customer and employee
  • 5. Present elements of an effective physical
    evidence strategy

Physical Evidence
  • Physical evidence is a key component of the
    expanded marketing mix for services.
  • Physical evidence is defined as the environment
    in which the service is delivered and in which
    the firm and the customer interact, and any
    tangible commodities that facilitate performance
    or communication of the service.

Physical Evidence
  • Insert Figure 11.2

What is Physical Evidence?
  • Because of the intangibility of services,
    customers must rely on tangible cues, or physical
    evidence, to evaluate the service before its
    purchase and to assess their satisfaction with
    the service before and after consumption.
  • Elements of physical evidence include all aspects
    of the organizations physical facility, known as
    the servicescape, as well as all other forms of
    tangible communication.
  • Elements of the servicescape that affect
    customers may be both exterior and interior

What is Physical Evidence?
  • Insert Table 11.1

Examples of Physical Evidence
  • Insert Table 11.2

How Does Physical Evidence Affect the Customer
  • Physical evidence, and in particular the
    servicescape, can have a profound and meaningful
    effect on the customer experience.
  • As marketers, it is important to pay attention to
    customer experiences and recognize the impact of
    physical space and tangible elements in the
    creation of those experiences.

Types of Servicescapes
  • Insert Table 11.3

Servicescape Usage
  • Self-service environment the customer performs
    most of the activities (ex. ATMs and movie
  • Remote service little or no customer
    involvement with the servicescape (ex. Financial
    consultants and mail-order services)
  • Interpersonal services represent situations in
    which both customers and employees are present in
    the servicescape (ex. Hotels, restaurants,
    schools, hospitals)

Servicescape Complexity
  • Lean service environments are very simple, with
    few elements, few spaces, and few pieces of
  • Examples of lean environments include information
    kiosks and FedEx drop-off facilities.
  • In contrast, elaborate service environments are
    very complicated.
  • A good example of an elaborate environment is
    that of a hospital with many floors and rooms,
    sophisticated equipment and high variability.

Strategic Roles of the Servicescape
  • Package
  • The servicescape and other elements of physical
    evidence essentially wrap the service, and
    convey an external image to consumers.
  • The servicescape is the outward appearance of the
    organization, and is critical in setting up
    customer impressions and expectations.
  • Insert Figure 11.3 to right

Strategic Roles of the Servicescape
  • Facilitator
  • The servicescape can serve as a facilitator,
    aiding the performances of customers and
    employees within the environment.
  • The design of the setting may enhance or inhibit
    the efficient flow of activities within the
    service setting.
  • A facility that is well designed and functional
    can make both the customers and employees
    experience pleasurable.
  • Poor and inefficient design can frustrate both
    customers and employees

Strategic Roles of the Servicescape
  • Socializer
  • Servicescape design can help convey expected
    roles, behaviours and relationships of both
    employees and customers.
  • Facility design suggests to customers what their
    role is relative to employees, what parts of the
    servicescape they are welcome in, how they should
    behave while in the environment, and what types
    of interactions are encouraged.

Strategic Roles of the Servicescape
  • Differentiator
  • The design of the physical facility can
    differentiate a firm from its competitors and
    also signal the market segment that the service
    is intending to target.

Strategic Roles of the Servicescape
  • Insert Figure 11.4

Framework for Understanding Servicescape Effects
on Behaviour
  • Insert Figure 11.5

The Underlying Framework
  • The framework for understanding how the
    servicescape effects behaviour is derived from
    stimulus-organism-response theory.
  • In our framework, the multidimensional
    environment is the stimulus, consumers and
    employees are the organisms responding to the
    stimuli, and their behaviours are the resulting
  • The assumption is that the impact of the
    servicescape on customers and employees will
    cause them to behave in certain ways depending on
    their internal reactions to the servicescape.

Behaviours in the Servicescape
  • Individual Behaviours
  • Psychologists suggest that individuals react to
    places with two general forms of behaviour
    approach (positive behaviours) and avoidance
    (negative behaviours).
  • The servicescape can actually influence the
    degree of success that an individual experiences
    in executing their plan once inside the service
  • Each individual comes to a particular service
    organization with a goal or purpose that may be
    helped or hindered by the setting.

Behaviours in the Servicescape
  • Social Interactions
  • The servicescape influences the nature and
    quality of customer and employee interactions.
  • All social interaction is affected by the
    physical container in which it occurs.
  • Environmental variables such as physical
    proximity, seating arrangements, size and
    flexibility can define the service experience.
  • Insert Figure 11.6 to right

Internal Responses to the Servicescape
  • Environment and Cognition
  • The perceived servicescape can affect peoples
    beliefs about a place, as well as their beliefs
    about the people and products found in that
  • The servicescape can be classified as a form on
    non-verbal communication.
  • Overall perception of the servicescape allows the
    firm to be mentally categorized.
  • For example, in the restaurant industry a
    particular configuration of environmental cues
    may suggest fast food, while another
    configuration suggests elegant restaurant.

Internal Responses to the Servicescape
  • Environment and Emotion
  • The perceived servicescape can elicit emotional
    responses that influence behaviours.
  • Elements such as colours, décor and music can
    have subconscious effects on individuals.
  • Insert Figure 11.7 to right

Internal Responses to the Servicescape
  • Environment and Physiology
  • The perceived servicescape may also affect people
    in purely physiological ways.
  • For example, it is well known that the comfort of
    seating in a restaurant influences how long
    people will stay.
  • Environmental design and physiological responses
    can also affect how well employees perform their
    job functions.

Internal Responses to the Servicescape
  • Variations in Individual Responses
  • People generally respond the environment
    cognitively, emotionally and physiologically, and
    their responses influence how they behave in the
  • However, the response will differ between
  • Personality differences, moods or the purpose for
    being in the particular environment can cause
    variations in how people respond to the

Environmental Dimensions of the Servicescape
  • There is a complex mix of environmental features
    that influence the responses and behaviours of
    customers and employees.
  • The multitude of potential influencing elements
    have been categorized into three main dimensions
  • Ambient Conditions
  • Spatial Layout and Functionality
  • Signs, Symbols and Artifacts

Ambient Conditions
  • Ambient conditions include background
    characteristics of the environment such as
  • Lighting
  • Noise
  • Music
  • Scent
  • Colour
  • These factors can have a profound effect on how
    people think, feel and respond to a particular
    service establishment.
  • Ambient conditions have a greater effect on the
    customer or employee when considerable time is
    spent in the servicescape their impact builds
    over time.

Spatial Layout and Functionality
  • Spatial layout refers to the ways in which
    machinery, equipment and furnishings are
    arranged, the size and shape of those items, and
    the spatial relationship among them.
  • Functionality refers to the ability of those
    items to facilitate the accomplishment of
    customer and employee goals.
  • Spatial layout and functionality becomes
    particularly important in a self-service
    environment, where customers cannot rely on
    employees for assistance.

Signs, Symbols and Artifacts
  • Many items in the physical environment serve as
    either explicit or implicit signals that
    communicate about the place.
  • Exterior and interior signs are examples of
    explicit communicators. They can be used as
    labels, for directional purposes, and to
    communicate rules of behaviour.
  • Environmental symbols and artifacts that
    communicate less directly are referred to as
    implicit cues. Artwork, certificates and
    photographs, and personal objects can communicate
    meaning and create an impression.
  • Signs, symbols and artifacts are particularly
    important in forming first impressions and for
    communicating service concepts.

Guidelines for Physical Evidence Strategy
  • Recognize the Strategic Impact of Physical
  • Blueprint the Physical Evidence of Service
  • Clarify Strategic Roles of the Servicescape
  • Assess and Identify Physical Evidence
  • Be Prepared to Update and Modernize the Evidence
  • Work Cross-Functionally

  • The physical evidence of the service serves as a
    primary cue for setting customer expectations.
  • Tangible cues, particularly the servicescape,
    influence customers responses as they experience
    the service.
  • The servicescape can serve as a package, a
    facilitator in aiding the goal accomplishment of
    customers and employees, a socializer in
    prescribing environmental behaviours, and a
    differentiator to distinguish the organization
    from its competitors.

  • The servicescape can affect the approach and
    avoidance behaviours of individuals, as well as
    their social interactions.
  • These behavioural responses arise because the
    physical environment influences peoples
    beliefs/cognitions about the service
    organization, their feelings or emotions in
    response to the environment, and their actual
    physiological reactions while in the physical
  • The impact of physical evidence must be
    researched and planned as part of the overall
    marketing strategy.

  • Online Learning Centre Self-Test
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