Title: Meeting with NCP - 16 January 2001
1Meeting with NCP - 16 January 2001
Research Networking in WP 2001 Mário
Campolargo Unit F2
2IST - Overview
3Research Networking - Overview
- Main topics
- Networks for Research(ers) Interconnection of
National Research Education Networks (NRENs) - Research on Networking - Testbeds
Key aspects complementing RN1 objective Integrati
on and validation of technologies
experimentation with next generation networking
support of virtual communities...
4Research Networking in 2000
5Research Networking in 2000
6WorkProgramme 2001
RN1 IST2001 - VII.1.1 Interconnection of Research
RN2 IST2001 - VII.1.2 Technology and
Application Experiments.
7WorkProgramme 2001
RN1 To complement the Géant initiative to reach
the connectivity objectives of the eEurope2002
action plan
RN2 Support large scale experimentation
with middleware and end to end applications to
provide the seamless integration of competitive
access technologies with existing fixed
8Focus of Action Lines in 2001
9Type of actions in 2001
Topic - Testbeds on IPv6, mobility, GRIDs, QoS,
Terabit Communications Type of actions
addressed Research and Development,
Demonstration and Combined projects, Accompanying
Measures (excluding Take-up). Links with
WP2000 Re-focussing of Action Lines IST2000 -
VII.1.2, VII.1.3 and VII.1.4.
10Complementarity with CPAs in 2001
- CPA 6 - In all aspects related to next generation
networks - CPA 8 - In all aspects related to the
progressive extension of research networks to
include schools - CPA 9 - In all aspects related to testbeds on
11Thanks for your attention