Title: Annual Report no. 8 July 2005
1Annual Report no. 8July 2005 June 2006
Ikangala Water
- IW appointed KPMG Inc for the year ended 30 June
2006 - Independent auditors in terms of
- Section 188 of the constitution of RSA
- Section 4 and 28 of Public Audit Act (Act 25 of
2004) - Requirement of Water Services Act
- Requirement of PFMA
- Audited report presented
3Audit Report
- Non compliance by the Board
- IW did not have a system of internal audit as
required by PFMA - A risk management strategy and a fraud prevention
plan as required by Treasury Regulations was not
implemented - IW did not submit its budget to the relevant
treasury for approval as required by PFMA - IW did not submit its 5yrs (2006-2010) business
plan to the Minister of DWAF as required by WSA
- Status of the Board ( 2 Board members)
- Management (No senior managers)
- Current staff (4 permanent employees)
- Current activities (billing of bulk supply)
- Income (subsidies from DWAF and payment from 1
local municipality business)
5Water Produced
- Total water produced 33 376 824 Kl
- 13 981 063 Kl Bronkhorstspruit
- 19 395 761 Kl Weltevreden
- 1 234 320 Kl water loss (3.7)
6Water Sales
Volume (Kl) Amount (R)
Kungwini 1 865 080 4 215 081
Thembisile 13 633 174 30 810 973
Dr JS Moroka 13 039 118 29 468 407
Greater Marble Hall 493 687 1 115 733
Elias Motsoaledi 3 111 465 7 031 911
Total 32 142 504 72 642 105
7Income Statement
2006 2005 2004 2003
Water sold (Kl) 32 142 504 30 005 939 30 375 475 36 040 085
Revenues (R) 1 594 883 1 188 440 1 300 559 0
Operating Expenses 1 459 517 2 999 361 3 570 738 3 357 694
Operating Income 136 366 -1 810 921 -2 270 179 -3 357 694
DWAF Subsidies 0 2 550 000 2 000 000 2 000 000
Net surplus/ deficit 137 025 768 887 -226 572 -1 296 784
8Balance Sheet Breakdown
9Financial Indicators
- 7.1 growth rate in water sold
- 34.2 growth rate in revenue
- Lowest operating expenses
- Positive operating income
- Positive return for first time since
establishment - Profit of R137 025
10Financial Indicators
- No DWAF subsidies in 2005/6
- Reserve of R820 374
- Current assets R1 063 201
- No long term liabilities
- Current liabilities R307 547
11Strategic Objectives
- Being economically independent and financially
viable - Improve revenue collection
- Access to affordable and sustainable water
services at acceptable levels - Supporting municipal service delivery objectives
12Strategic Objectives
- Raising awareness of value of water, health,
sanitation and the environment - Commitment to economic empowerment of communities
- Develop pool of skills for socio-economic growth
- Partnership with private sector and other WBs
- Appointment of more Board members
- Appoint senior managers
- Transfer of bulk infrastructure to IW with
unlimited powers and budget - Establish Board committees
- Finance (Internal audit/risk management/fraud
prevention) - HR
- Technical
- Align 5 yrs business plan up to 2011 with
municipal IDPs/WSDPs and Millennium goal on water
and sanitation services - Board to appraise its budget and submit for
approval by end of April for 2007/2008 - Sign water services agreements with
municipalities - Self-sustained Board service delivery
- Efficient and effective service delivery will
lead to a better life and contribute to local
economic growth
15Thank You