Title: The Marine Stewardship Council
1The Marine Stewardship Council
- James Simpson
- Communications Officer
2World Fisheries Livelihoods, Economics and Food
- Fish is the most important traded food product
worth US83 billion per year - more the tea,
coffee and sugar combined. - 200 million people depend directly on the fishing
industry for their livelihoods. - The diets of 2.6 billion people depend on fish as
a source of animal protein.
3Example The North Atlantic 1900
The best environmental choice in seafood
4Example The North Atlantic 1999
The best environmental choice in seafood
5MSC Standard 3 Principles
Sustainability of the stock
Ecosystem Impact
6 Ocean to Plate Traceability
Use of the MSC eco-label on seafood products is
permitted only after independent verification
that the product is traceable all the way back to
a certified fishery
7 Progress to Date - Supply Side
- About 8 of the worlds edible wild capture
fisheries are now engaged in the programme -
over 90 fisheries - This represents by species category (globally)
- 40 of the prime whitefish catch (cod, pollock,
hake, haddock, and saithe) - 42 of the wild salmon catch
- 50 Scottish landings (by value)
- Over 5 million tonnes of seafood in total
8Progress to Date - Demand Side
- 100 MSC or other sustainable sources
- Certified fresh fish counters
- Japan 75 MSC-labelled products in 18 months
- The Netherlands 48 fishmongers certified
(Dutch Association of Food Retail)
9MSC-labelled products as at 31 Dec 2007
10Thank you.