CSE233 Course Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSE233 Course Review


The class of problems for which no one has developed a polynomial time algorithm. No algorithm whose complexity is O(nk ml) is known for any NP-hard problem (for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSE233 Course Review

CSE233 Course Review

What we studied in the 1st half
  • Week 1 Overview of C, Program performance
  • Week 2 Array-based and linked representations
    of Lists
  • Week 3 Arrays and Matrices
  • Week 4 Performance Measurement
  • Week 5 Stacks
  • Week 6 Queues
  • Week 7 Skip lists and Hashing
  • Week 8 Review and Midterm Exam

What we studied in the 2nd half
  • Week 9 Binary and other trees
  • Week 10 Priority queues, Heaps, Leftist trees
  • Week 11 Tournament trees and Bin packing
  • Week 12 Binary search trees
  • Week 13 AVL trees
  • Week 14 Graphs
  • Week 15 Review and Final exam

  • Trees

Tree Terminology
  • A tree t is a finite nonempty set of elements
  • The element at the top is called the root
  • The remaining elements, if any, are partitioned
    into trees, which are called the subtrees of t.
  • Elements next in the hierarchy are the children
    of the root.
  • Elements next in the hierarchy are the
    grandchildren of the root, and so on.
  • Elements at the lowest level of the hierarchy are
    the leaves.

Leaves, Parent, Grandparent, Siblings, Ancestors,
Leaves Mike,AI,Sue,Chris
Parent(Mary) Joe
Grandparent(Sue) Mary
Siblings(Mary) Ann,John
Ancestors(Mike) Ann,Joe
Levels and Height
  • Root is at level 1 and its children are at level
  • Height depth number of levels

Node Degree
  • Node degree is the number of children it has

Tree Degree
  • Tree degree is the maximum of node degrees

tree degree 3
  • Binary Trees

Binary Tree
  • A finite (possibly empty) collection of elements
  • A nonempty binary tree has a root element and the
    remaining elements (if any) are partitioned into
    two binary trees
  • They are called the left and right subtrees of
    the binary tree

Difference Between a Tree a Binary Tree
  • A binary tree may be empty a tree cannot be
  • No node in a binary tree may have a degree more
    than 2, whereas there is no limit on the degree
    of a node in a tree.
  • The subtrees of a binary tree are ordered those
    of a tree are not ordered.

Binary Tree for Mathematical Expressions
Figure 11.5 Expression Trees
Full Binary Tree
  • A full binary tree of height h has exactly 2h-1
  • Numbering the nodes in a full binary tree
  • Number the nodes 1 through 2h-1
  • Number by levels from top to bottom
  • Within a level, number from left to right

Complete Binary Tree with N Nodes
  • Start with a full binary tree that has at least n
  • Number the nodes as described earlier.
  • The binary tree defined by the nodes numbered 1
    through n is the n-node complete binary tree.
  • A full binary tree is a special case of a
    complete binary tree

Example of Complete Binary Tree
  • Complete binary tree with 10 nodes.

Incomplete Binary Trees
  • Complete binary tree with some missing elements

Binary Tree Representation
  • Array representation
  • Linked representation

Array Representation of Binary Tree
  • The binary tree is represented in an array by
    storing each element at the array position
    corresponding to the number assigned to it.

Right-Skewed Binary Tree
  • An n node binary tree needs an array whose length
    is between n1 and 2n.
  • Right-skewed binary tree wastes the most space
  • What about left-skewed binary tree?

Linked Representation of Binary Tree
  • The most popular way to present a binary tree
  • Each element is represented by a node that has
    two link fields (leftChild and rightChild) and an
    element field

  • Priority Queues

Priority Queues
  • A priority queue is a collection of zero or more
    elements ? each element has a priority or value
  • Unlike the FIFO queues, the order of deletion
    from a priority queue (e.g., who gets served
    next) is determined by the element priority
  • Elements are deleted by increasing or decreasing
    order of priority rather than by the order in
    which they arrived in the queue

Priority Queues
  • Operations performed on priority queues
  • 1) Find an element, 2) insert a new element, 3)
    delete an element, etc.
  • In a Min priority queue, find/delete operation
    finds/deletes the element with minimum priority
  • In a Max priority queue, find/delete operation
    finds/deletes the element with maximum priority
  • Two or more elements can have the same priority

Implementation of Priority Queues
  • Implemented using heaps and leftist trees
  • Heap is a complete binary tree that is
    efficiently stored using the array-based
  • Leftist tree is a linked data structure suitable
    for the implementation of a priority queue

  • Min (Max) Trees

Max (Min) Tree
  • A max tree (min tree) is a tree in which the
    value in each node is greater (less) than or
    equal to those in its children (if any)
  • Nodes of a max or min tree may have more than two
    children (i.e., may not be binary tree)

Max Tree Example
Min Tree Example
  • Heaps

Heaps - Definitions
  • A max heap (min heap) is a max (min) tree that is
    also a complete binary tree

Max Heap with 9 Nodes
Min Heap with 9 Nodes
Array Representation of Heap
  • A heap is efficiently represented as an array.

Insertion into a Max Heap
  • New element is 20
  • Are we finished?

Insertion into a Max Heap
  • Exchange the positions with 7
  • Are we finished?

Insertion into a Max Heap
  • Exchange the positions with 8
  • Are we finished?

Insertion into a Max Heap
  • Exchange the positions with 9
  • Are we finished?

Deletion from a Max Heap
  • Max element is in the root
  • What happens when we
  • delete an element?

Deletion from a Max Heap
  • After the max element is removed.
  • Are we finished?

Deletion from a Max Heap
  • Heap with 10 nodes.
  • Reinsert 8 into the heap.

Deletion from a Max Heap
  • Reinsert 8 into the heap.
  • Are we finished?

Deletion from a Max Heap
  • Exchange the position with 15
  • Are we finished?

Deletion from a Max Heap
  • Exchange the position with 9
  • Are we finished?

Max Heap Initialization
  • Heap initialization means to construct a heap by
    adjusting the tree if necessary
  • Example input array -,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

Max Heap Initialization
- Start at rightmost array position that has a
Max Heap Initialization
Max Heap Initialization
Max Heap Initialization
Max Heap Initialization
Max Heap Initialization
  • Are we finished?
  • Done!

Exercise 12.7
  • Do Exercise 12.7
  • theHeap -, 10, 2, 7, 6, 5, 9, 12, 35, 22, 15,
    1, 3, 4
  • 12.7 (a) complete binary tree

Exercise 12.7 (b)
  • 12.7 (b) The heapified tree

Exercise 12.7 (c)
  • 12.7 (c) The heap after 15 is inserted is

Exercise 12.7 (c)
  • 12.7 (c) The heap after 20 is inserted is

Exercise 12.7 (c)
  • 12.7 (c) The heap after 45 is inserted is

Exercise 12.7 (d)
  • 12.7 (d) The heap after the first remove max
    operation is

Exercise 12.7 (d)
  • 12.7 (d) The heap after the second remove max
    operation is

Exercise 12.7 (d)
  • 12.7 (d) The heap after the third remove max
    operation is

  • Leftist Trees

Leftist Trees
  • Leftist tree is a tree which tends to lean to the
  • Leftist tree structures are useful for
  • to meld (i.e., combine) pairs of priority queues
  • using multiple queues of varying size
  • External node a special node that replaces each
    empty subtree
  • Internal node a node with non-empty subtrees
  • Extended binary tree a binary tree with
    external nodes added

Height-Biased Leftist Tree (HBLT)
  • Let s(x) be the length (height) of a shortest
    path from node x to an external node in its
  • If x is an external node, s(x) 0
  • If x is an internal node, s(x) min s(L), s(R)
    1, where L and R are left and right children of
  • A binary tree is a height-biased leftist tree
    (HBLT) iff at every internal node, the s value of
    the left child is greater than or equal to the s
    value of the right child
  • A max HBLT is an HBLT that is also a max tree
  • A min HBLT is an HBLT that is also a min tree

Weight-Biased Leftist Tree (WBLT)
  • Let the weight, w(x), of node x to be the number
    of internal nodes in the subtree with root x
  • If x is an external node, w(x) 0
  • If x is an internal node, its weight is one more
    than the sum of the weights of its children
  • A binary tree is a weight-biased leftist tree
    (WBLT) iff at every internal node, the w value of
    the left child is greater than or equal to the w
    value of the right child
  • A max (min) WBLT is a max (min) tree that is also
    a WBLT

Extended Binary Tree
Melding max HBLTs
Applications of Heaps
  • Sort (heap sort)
  • Machine scheduling
  • Huffman codes

Heap Sort
  • use element key as priority
  • Algorithm
  • put elements to be sorted into a priority queue
    (i.e., initialize a heap)
  • extract (delete) elements from the priority queue
  • if a min priority queue is used, elements are
    extracted in non-decreasing order of priority
  • if a max priority queue is used, elements are
    extracted in non-increasing order of priority

Machine Scheduling Problem
  • m identical machines
  • n jobs/tasks to be performed
  • The machine scheduling problem is to assign jobs
    to machines so that the time at which the last
    job completes is minimum

NP-hard Problems
  • The class of problems for which no one has
    developed a polynomial time algorithm.
  • No algorithm whose complexity is O(nk ml) is
    known for any NP-hard problem (for any constants
    k and l)
  • NP stands for Nondeterministic Polynomial
  • NP-hard problems are often solved by heuristics
    (or approximation algorithms), which do not
    guarantee optimal solutions
  • Longest Processing Time (LPT) rule is a good
    heuristic for minimum finish time scheduling.

Huffman Codes
  • For text compression, the LZW method relies on
    the recurrence of substrings in a text
  • Huffman codes is another text compression method,
    which relies on the relative frequency (i.e., the
    number of occurrences of a symbol) with which
    different symbols appear in a text
  • Uses extended binary trees
  • Variable-length codes that satisfy the property,
    where no code is a prefix of another
  • Huffman tree is a binary tree with minimum
    weighted external path length for a given set of
    frequencies (weights)

  • Tournament Trees

Tournament Trees
  • Like the heap, a tournament tree is a complete
    binary tree that is most efficiently stored using
    array-based binary tree
  • Used to obtain efficient implementations of two
    approximation algorithms for the bin packing
    problem (another NP-hard problem)
  • Types of tournament trees winner loser trees
  • The tournament is played in the sudden-death mode
  • Tournament trees are also called selection trees

Winner Trees
  • A winner tree for n players is a complete binary
    tree with n external nodes and n-1 internal
    nodes. Each internal node records the winner of
    the match.
  • To determine the winner of a match, we assume
    that each player has a value
  • In a min (max) winner tree, the player with the
    smaller (larger) value wins

Loser Trees
  • A loser tree for n players is also a complete
    binary tree with n external nodes and n-1
    internal nodes. Each internal node records the
    loser of the match.
  • The overall winner is recorded in tree0

  • Bin Packing Problems

Bin Packing Problem
  • We have bins that have a capacity binCapacity and
    n objects that need to be packed into these bins
  • Object i requires objSizei, where 0 lt
    objSizei ? binCapacity, units of capacity
  • Feasible packing - an assignment of objects to
    bins so that no bins capacity is exceeded
  • Optimal packing - a feasible packing that uses
    the fewest number of bins
  • Goal pack objects with the minimum number of
  • The bin packing problem is an NP-hard problem

Truck Loading Problem
  • Have parcels to pack into trucks
  • Each parcel has a weight
  • Each truck has a load limit
  • Goal Minimize the number of trucks needed
  • Equivalent to the bin packing problem

Bin Packing Approximation Algorithms
  • First Fit (FF)
  • First Fit Decreasing (FFD)
  • Best Fit (BF)
  • Best Fit Decreasing (BFD)

First Fit (FF) Bin Packing
  • Bins are arranged in left to right order.
  • Objects are packed one at a time in a given
  • Current object is packed into the leftmost
    bininto which it fits.
  • If there is no bin into which current object
    fits,start a new bin.

Best Fit (BF) Bin Packing
  • Let binj.unusedCapacity denote the capacity
    available in bin j
  • Initially, the available capacity is binCapacity
    for all bins
  • Object i is packed into the bin with the least
    unusedCapacity that is at least objSizei
  • If there is no bin into which current object
    fits,start a new bin.

First Fit Decreasing (FFD) Bin Packing
  • This method is the same as FF except that the
    objects reordered in a decreasing size so that
    objSizei ? objSizei1, 1 ? i lt n

Best Fit Decreasing (BFD) Bin Packing
  • This method is the same as BF except that the
    objects are reordered as for FFD

  • Binary Search Trees

Binary Search Tree
  • A binary tree that may be empty. A nonempty
    binary search tree satisfies the following
  • Each node has a key (or value), and no two nodes
    have the same key (i.e., all keys are distinct).
  • For every node x, all keys in the left subtree of
    x are smaller than that in x.
  • For every node x, all keys in the right subtree
    of x are larger than that in x.
  • The left and right subtrees of the root are also
    binary search trees

Examples of Binary Trees
  • Which of the above trees are binary search trees?
  • ? (b) and (c)
  • Why isnt (a) a binary search tree?
  • ? It violates the property 3

Indexed Binary Search Trees
  • Binary search tree.
  • Each node has an additional field LeftSize.
  • Support search and delete operations by rankas
    well as all the binary search tree operations.
  • LeftSize
  • the number of elements in its left subtree
  • the rank of an element with respect to the
    elements in its subtree (e.g., the fourth element
    in sorted order)

Indexed Binary Search Tree Example
  • LeftSize values are in red.

The Operation Ascend()
  • How can we output all elements in ascending
    order of keys?
  • Do an inorder traversal (left, root, right).
  • What would be the output?
  • 2, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40

The Operation Search(key, e)
  • Search begins at the root
  • If the root is NULL, the search tree is empty and
    the search fails.
  • If key is less than the root, then left subtree
    is searched
  • If key is greater than the root, then right
    subtree is searched
  • If key equals the root, then the search
    terminates successfully
  • The time complexity for search is O(height)
  • See Program 11.4 for the search operation code

The Operation Insert(key, e)
  • To insert a new element e into a binary search
    tree, we must first verify that its key does not
    already exist by performing a search in the tree
  • If the search is successful, we do not insert
  • If the search is unsuccessful, then the element
    is inserted at the point the search terminated
  • Why insert it at that point?
  • The time complexity for insert is O(height)
  • See Figure 14.3 for examples
  • See Program 14.5 for the insert operation code

Insert Example
We wish to insert an element with the key
35. Where should it be inserted?
Insert Example
Insert an element with the key 7.
Insert Example
Insert an element with the key 18.
The Operation Delete(key, e)
  • For deletion, there are three cases for the
    element to be deleted
  • Element is in a leaf.
  • Element is in a degree 1 node (i.e., has exactly
    one nonempty subtree).
  • Element is in a degree 2 node (i.e., has exactly
    two nonempty subtrees).

Case 1 Delete from a Leaf
  • For case 1, we can simply discard the leaf node.
  • Example, delete a leaf element. key7

Case 2 Delete from a Degree 1 Node
  • Example Delete key40

Case 3 Delete from a Degree 2 Node
  • Example Delete key10

Case 3 Delete from a Degree 2 Node
  • Replace with the largest key in the left
    subtree(or the smallest in the right subtree)
  • Which node is the largest key in the left

Case 3 Delete from a Degree 2 Node
The largest key must be in a leaf or degree 1
  • AVL Trees

Balanced Binary Search Trees
  • Trees with a worst-case height of O(log n) are
    called balanced trees
  • An example of a balanced tree is AVL
    (Adelson-Velsky and Landis) tree

AVL Tree
  • Definition
  • Binary tree.
  • If T is a nonempty binary tree with TL and TR as
    its left and right subtrees, then T is an AVL
    tree iff
  • TL and TR are AVL trees, and
  • hL hR ? 1 where hL and hR are the heights of
    TL and TR, respectively

AVL Search Trees
  • An AVL search tree is a binary search tree that
    is also an AVL tree

Indexed AVL Search Trees
  • An indexed AVL search tree is an indexed binary
    search tree that is also an AVL tree

Balance Factor
  • To facilitate insertion and deletion, a balance
    factor (bf) is associated with each node
  • The balance factor bf(x) of a node x is defined
    as height(x?leftChild) height(x?rightChild)
  • Balance factor of each node in an AVL tree must
    be 1, 0, or 1

AVL Tree with Balance Factors
  • Is this an AVL tree?
  • What is the balance factor for each node in this
    AVL tree?
  • Is this an AVL search tree?

Inserting into an AVL Search Trees
  • If we use the strategy of Program 14.5 to insert
    an element into an AVL search tree, the result
    may not be an AVL tree
  • That is, the tree may become unbalanced
  • If the tree becomes unbalanced, we must adjust
    the tree to restore balance - this adjustment is
    called rotation

Inserting into an AVL Search Tree
  • Where is 9 going to be inserted into?
  • After the insertion, is the tree still an AVL
    search tree? (i.e., still balanced?)

Imbalance Types
  • After an insertion, when the balance factor of
    node A is 2 or 2, the node A is one of the
    following four imbalance types
  • LL new node is in the left subtree of the left
    subtree of A
  • LR new node is in the right subtree of the left
    subtree of A
  • RR new node is in the right subtree of the right
    subtree of A
  • RL new node is in the left subtree of the right
    subtree of A

  • Definition
  • To switch children and parents among two or three
    adjacent nodes to restore balance of a tree.
  • A rotation may change the depth of some nodes,
    but does not change their relative ordering.

Left Rotation
  • Definition
  • In a binary search tree, pushing a node A down
    and to the left to balance the tree.
  • A's right child replaces A, and the right child's
    left child becomes A's right child.

Right Rotation
  • Definition
  • In a binary search tree, pushing a node A down
    and to the right to balance the tree.
  • A's left child replaces A, and the left child's
    right child becomes A's left child.

AVL Rotations
  • To balance an unbalanced AVL tree (after an
    insertion), we may need to perform one of the
    following rotations LL, RR, LR, RL

Figure 15.3 Inserting into an AVL search tree
An LL Rotation
An LR Rotation
Single and Double Rotations
  • Single rotations the transformations done to
    correct LL and RR imbalances
  • Double rotations the transformations done to
    correct LR and RL imbalances
  • The transformation to correct LR imbalance can be
    achieved by an RR rotation followed by an LL
  • The transformation to correct RL imbalance can be
    achieved by an LL rotation followed by an RR
    rotation (do Exercise 15.13)
  • See Figure 15.6 for the AVL-search-tree-insertion

Deletion from an AVL Search Tree
  • To delete an element from an AVL search tree, we
    can use Program 14.6
  • Deletion of a node may also produce an imbalance
  • Imbalance incurred by deletion is classified
    intothe types R0, R1, R-1, L0, L1, and L-1
  • Rotation is also needed for rebalancing

An R0 Rotation
Figure 15.7 An R0 rotation (single rotation)
An R1 Rotation
Figure 15.8 An R1 rotation (single rotation)
An R-1 Rotation
  • Graphs

Topics related to Graphs
  • Graph terminology vertex, edge, adjacent,
    incident, degree, cycle, path, connected
    component, spanning tree
  • Types of graphs undirected, directed, weighted
  • Graph representations adjacency matrix, array
    adjacency lists, linked adjacency lists
  • Graph search methods breath-first, depth-first
  • Algorithms
  • to find a path in a graph
  • to find the connected components of an undirected
  • to find a spanning tree of a connected undirected

  • G (V,E)
  • V is the vertex set.
  • Vertices are also called nodes and points.
  • E is the edge set.
  • Each edge connects two vertices.
  • Edges are also called arcs and lines.
  • Vertices i and j are adjacent vertices iff (i, j)
    is an edge in the graph
  • The edge (i, j) is incident on the vertices i and

  • Undirected edge has no orientation (no arrow
  • Directed edge has an orientation (has an arrow
  • Undirected graph all edges are undirected
  • Directed graph all edges are directed

Path and Simple Path
  • A sequence of vertices P i1, i2, , ik is an i1
    to ik path in the graph G(V, E) iff the edge
    (ij, ij1) is in E for every j, 1 j lt k
  • A simple path is a path in which all vertices,
    except possibly in the first and last, are

Length (Cost) of a Path
  • Each edge in a graph may have an associated
    length (or cost). The length of a path is the sum
    of the lengths of the edges on the path
  • What is the length of the path 5, 9, 11, 10?

Subgraph Cycle
  • Let G (V, E) be an undirected graph
  • A graph H is a subgraph of graph G iff its vertex
    and edge sets are subsets of those of G
  • A cycle is a simple path with the same start and
    end vertex

Spanning Tree
  • Let G (V, E) be an undirected graph
  • A connected undirected graph that contains no
    cycles is a tree
  • A subgraph of G that contains all the vertices of
    G and is a tree is a spanning tree
  • A spanning tree has n vertices and n-1 edges
  • The spanning tree that costs the least is called
    the minimum-cost spanning tree

Bipartite Graph
  • A bipartite graph is a special graph where the
    set of vertices can be divided into two disjoint
    sets U and V such that no edge has both
    end-points in the same set.
  • A simple undirected graph G (V, E) is called
    bipartite if there exists a partition of the
    vertex set V V1 U V2 so that both V1 and V2 are
    independent sets.

Graph Properties
  • The degree of vertex i is the no. of edges
    incident on vertex i.
  • The sum of vertex degrees 2e (where e is the
    number of edges)
  • In-degree of vertex i is the number of edges
    incident to i
  • Out-degree of vertex i is the number of edges
    incident from i

Complete Undirected/Directed Graphs
  • A complete undirected graph has n(n-1)/2 edges
    (i.e., all possible edges) and is denoted by Kn
  • A complete directed graph (also denoted by Kn) on
    n vertices contains exactly n(n-1) edges

Path Finding
  • Path between 1 and 8
  • What is a possible path its length?
  • A path is 1, 2, 5, 9, 8 and its length is 20.

Connected Graph
  • Let G (V, E) be an undirected graph
  • G is connected iff there is a path between every
    pair of vertices in G

Representation of Unweighted Graphs
  • The most frequently used representations for
    unweighted graphs are
  • Adjacency Matrix
  • Linked adjacency lists
  • Array adjacency lists

Adjacency Matrix
  • 0/1 n x n matrix, where n of vertices
  • A(i, j) 1 iff (i, j) is an edge.

Adjacency Matrix Properties
  • Diagonal entries are zero.
  • Adjacency matrix of an undirected graph is
    symmetric (A(i,j) A(j,i) for all i and j).

Adjacency Matrix for Digraph
  • Diagonal entries are zero.
  • Adjacency matrix of a digraph need not be
  • See Figure 16.9 for more adjacency matrices

Adjacency Lists
  • Adjacency list for vertex i is a linear list of
    vertices adjacent from vertex i.
  • An array of n adjacency lists for each vertex of
    the graph.

Linked Adjacency Lists
  • Each adjacency list is a chain.Array length
    n. of chain nodes 2e (undirected graph) of
    chain nodes e (digraph)
  • See Figure 16.11 for more linked adjacency lists

Array Adjacency Lists
  • Each adjacency list is an array list.Array
    length n. of chain nodes 2e (undirected
    graph) of chain nodes e (digraph)
  • See Figure 16.12 for more array adjacency lists

Representation of Weighted Graphs
  • Weighted graphs are represented with simple
    extensions of those used for unweighted graphs
  • The cost-adjacency-matrix representation uses a
    matrix C just like the adjacency-matrix
    representation does
  • Cost-adjacency matrix C(i, j) cost of edge (i,
  • Adjacency lists each list element is a
    pair(adjacent vertex, edge weight)

Tips on the Final Exam
  • Make sure you do all the exercises mentioned in
    the lecture notes
  • Make sure you understand on how to solve the
    problems in the assignments
  • Good luck!

Tips on your LIFE (1/2)
  • Have a Life Plan
  • Yearly life plan at the beginning of each year
  • Plan for 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years ahead
  • Have a Role Model
  • Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Page and Sergey
  • Alan Turing, Vincent Cerf and Leonard Kleinrock
  • ???, ???, ???
  • ????
  • Become a Leader
  • Go for Excellence

Tips on your LIFE (2/2)
  • ??? ?? ?
  • ???? ??
  • ???? ??
  • Have a Wonderful Life!
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