Title: Terminology in translation
1Terminology in translation
Marcel Thelen
Department of Translation and Interpreting Maastri
cht School of International Communication Zuyd
17 November 2006 Terminology and Society,
2Terminology and translation
Terminology and translation
Terminology of translation
Terminology in translation
This presentation
3Important issues
- Determination of distinction term word
- Steps to take to arrive at equivalent term
- Determination SLT term used in standard way
- Help to be expected from terminology theory?
- Is terminology work in translation a competence?
- How can this competence be taught?
- Does all this also play a role in interpreting?
4Determination of distinction term-word
- Form
- Context
- Term extraction
- Intertextuality corpora
- Pre-translation macro-analysis
- experience
5Steps to arrive at equivalent term
- Term recognition
- Determining if SLT term is used in its standard
use - Determining contextual meaning of SLT term
- Finding a standard candidate equivalent term
- Matching standard candidate equivalent term found
in references with SLT term
6Determination SLT term used in standard meaning
- Find out what standard use of SLT term is
- Analyse use of term in SLT context
- Compare standard use of term with use of term in
SLT context
7Help from terminology theory
- Format of definitions
- Format of contexts
- Relations between terms
8Is terminology work in translation a competence?
- In Translation Studies? no separate terminology
competence - In Professional World ? no separate terminology
competence - ?? No difference between translation of words
and translation of terms
9Is terminology work in translation a competence?
No, because
- it is subsumed under / nearly identical with
translation competence - no other competences involved than with
10Is terminology work in translation a competence?
Yes, because
- less translation freedom for translator
- term recognition all important and unique
11How can terminology competence be taught?
- Theory of word-term distinction
- Practice of term recognition
- Analysis of meaning in context
- Theory and practice of term extraction
- Theory and practice of corpora
- Practice of pre-translation macro-analysis
- ..
12Terminology in translationtranslation
13Terminology in translation
Thank you!
Marcel Thelen m.m.g.j.thelen_at_hszuyd.nl
Department of Translation and Interpreting Maastri
cht School of International Communication Zuyd
17 November 2006 Terminology and Society,