Title: Development of Nanodosimetry for Biomedical Applications
1Development of Nanodosimetry for Biomedical
- Project Goals and Current Status
2Project Participants
Loma Linda University (LLU) (Rad. Medicine)
Reinhard Schulte Vladimir Bashkirov George
Coutrakon Pete Koss
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) (Rad.
Detection Physics Lab.)
Amos Breskin Guy Garty Rachel Chechik Itzhak
Orion Sergei Shchemelinin
University of California at San Diego (UCSD)
John F. Ward Jamie Milligan Joe Aguilera
University of California Santa Cruz (UCSD) (Santa
Cruz Institute of Particle Physics)
Abe Seiden Patrick Spradlin Hartmut
Sadrozinski Brian Keeney Wilko Kroeger
3What is Nanodosimetry?
A new experimental technique that measures energy
deposition by ionizing radiation in wall-less
low-pressure gas volumes equivalent to
tissue-equivalent volumes of nanometer size
4Radiation Damage to the DNA
Ionization event (formation of water radicals)
Light damage- reparable
Primary particle track
delta rays
Water radicals attack the DNA
Clustered damage- irreparable
The mean diffusion distance of OH radicals before
they react is only 2-3 nm
5What do we want to know?
To better understand DNA damage we want to know
how many ionization events occurred and where did
they occur.
Problem How can we measure the formation of ions
with nanometer precision?
Using conventional techniques - impossible We
can only measure ion formation with millimer
If we had millimeter DNA - no problem.
Solution We measure ionization patterns in
low-pressure gas
6Project Goals
- Establishment of a nanodosimetric gas model to
simulate ionizations in DNA and associated water - Plasmid-based DNA model to measure DNA damage
- Develop models to correlate nanodosimetric
spectra with DNA damage
7Project Schedule
3D tracking system
ND characterization
ND fabrication (2 versions)
Ion counting nanodosimetry (proof of
principle) Plasmid assays
2001 2000 1999 1998
SV mapping
ND improvements 2 D particle tracking
ND spectra MC simulation
8ion counter
E2 (strong)
d electron
E1 (pulsed)
primary charged particle
low pressure gas
primary particle detector
Single-Charge Counting Dosimetry
low pressure gas
E3 (weak)
Gas based electron multiplier
9Current Status of the Ion Counting ND
- Principle proven (1998)
- Two prototype of NDs have been built
- LLUMC ND adapted to the proton synchrotron beam
line - WIS ND adapted to the Pelletron beam line
- 2-D particle selection implemented
- Data Acquisition System
- first version successfully implemented
- new version under development
10Prototype Nanodosimeter
11Sensitive Volume Mapping
The sensitive volume of the ND is defined by the
relative ion collection efficiency map
12ND Ion Cluster Spectra
Event with 6 ions
A primary particle event is followed by an ion
trail registered by the ion counter (electron
multiplier) For low-LET irradiation, most events
are empty
13ND Ion Cluster Spectra
Ion cluster spectra depend on particle type and
energy as well as position of the primary
particle track The average cluster size increases
with increasing LET
14Radiobiological Model
- Plasmid (pHAZE)
- Irradiation of thin film of plasmid DNA in
aqueous solution - Three structural forms
- superhelical (no damage)
- open circle (single strand break)
- linear (double strand break)
- Separation by agarose gel electrophoresis
- Fluorescent staining and dedicated imaging system
15Correlation between Nanodosimetry and Radiobiology
16ND Data Acquisition(non-position sensitive)
In the prototype ND all primary particles can
contribute to the ion cluster size spectra The
position of the primary particles is undefined
17ND Data Acquisition(particle-position sensitive)
In this (newer) version the primary beam is
imaged by a MWPC Only particles that pass a
narrow collimator in front of the rear
scintillator/PMT are selected for analysis
18The Goal 3-D Position- and Energy-Sensitive
Particle Tracking System
interface board
primary particle