Title: Jack Hayes
1- Jack Hayes
- NOAA Assistant Administrator for Weather
Services, and National Weather Service Director
Silver Spring, MarylandJune 25, 2009
2Global National Challenges
- Increased vulnerability to weather, water,
climate, and other environmental hazards - Climate change
- Energy concerns and opportunities
- Space weather phenomena
- Droughts, floods, chemical makeup of oceans and
3NWS Mission
- Provide weather, water and climate forecast and
warnings for - Protection of Life and Property
- Enhancement of National Economy
- Provide data and information that forms the
backbone of a national and international
environmental information infrastructure,
exploited by every sector of the United States
4NWS Vision
- Safer, more informed and productive society where
environmental knowledge empowers the Nation to
make the best decisions
5Transformational Concepts
- Impact-Based Services
- Earth System Forecasts
- Data, Information and Knowledge
6Strategic Goals Outcomes
Goal 1
- Reduction in fatalities and economic losses from
weather, water and climate events - Improved community resilience to weather, water
and climate threats
Deliver trusted, impact-based weather, water and
climate services
7Strategic Goals Outcomes
Goal 2
- Global availability of environmental data
- Improved decision-making and risk management
- Expanding expectations of public and partners
anticipated and met
Maximize value of environmental data, information
and knowledge to meet evolving user and societal
8Strategic Goals Outcomes
Goal 3
- More accurate and timely information, forecasts,
and warnings - Global access to integrated analysis and
prediction of Earth system - Faster and more efficient transfer of research to
Anticipate, influence and exploitstate-of-the-art
science and technology
9Strategic Goals Outcomes
Goal 4
- Informed decision making
- Common operating architecture and standards
- Improved prediction through community modeling
advancements - Open and unrestricted use of data
- Leveraged investments across organizations
Collaborate with partners to maximize a diverse
set of assets, skills and capabilities
10Strategic Goals Outcomes
Goal 5
- Diverse, multidisciplined, and well-trained
workforce - Safe, efficient, and environmentally-friendly
facilities - Efficient and effective enterprise architecture
- Transparent budget execution linked to
performance - Comprehensive planning linked to documented
Achieve organizational excellence through a
diverse, multidisciplined, and motivated
workforce, modern infrastructure and sound
business processes
11Strategic Goals Outcomes
Goal 6
- Improved NWS mission delivery
- Increased exchange of data, systems, science
- Well-trained meteorologists and hydrologists
- Advancement of U.S. foreign policy objectives
- Improved capabilities in developing and
least-developed countries
Provide global leadership to advance weather,
water, and climate services
12How Do We Address National Challenges and Achieve
These Outcomes?
13Expanding Decision Support Services
- Providing the right information at local,
regional and national levels to .govs, .coms, and
citizens to avoid impacts and risks and improve
response to high-impact environmental and
man-made events - STRATEGIES
- more accurate forecasts and increased lead times
for warnings - impact-based watches, warnings and advisories
- direct, interpretive forecaster support
- readily accessible, user-centric data and
information - forecast uncertainty
- partnership and collaboration
14Evolving Services
- Expanding weather, water and climate information
and services in partnership with other NOAA Line
Offices to address national needs - STRATEGIES
- space weather
- integrated water resources water quality
availability - human health
- ecosystems
- climate services contribute to NOAAs climate
15Integrating Data and Information
- Linking data and systems from all sources to make
information available when, where and how it is
needed to aid forecasting and decision-making - STRATEGIES
- system of systems e.g., national mesonet
- 4-dimensional weather database
- common operating pictures among partners
- accepted industry standards and protocols
16Exploiting Science Technology
- Ensuring state-of-the art science and technology
to support evolving services and service delivery
and to improve prediction capabilities - STRATEGIES
- expanded, integrated and more robust
observations - earth system models
- forecast uncertainty
- next generation forecast system
- communication / collaboration tools
- information-centric, open architecture systems
e.g., GIS
17Expanding Partnerships
- Strengthen partnerships with Americas Weather
and Climate Enterprise - Strengthen teamwork with local, state and federal
agencies to ensure we disseminate the right
information, to the right place at the
right time - STRATEGIES
- better communicate with the public
- identify and exploit innovative science
technology - develop environmental literacy and promote
weather safety - communicate clear information tailored to
partner needs - protect life and property
18Achieving our Vision
- Exceptional People
- Value-added Business Processes
- Sound Infrastructure
- Detailed Implementation Plans and Roadmaps
- Continuous Dialogue with our Partners and
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