Title: Solve Your Problem Faster - by changing the model
1Solve Your Problem Faster - by changing the model
2Background Assumptions
- A constraint programming tool providing
- a systematic search algorithm
- combined with constraint propagation
- a set of pre-defined constraints
- A problem that can be represented as a finite
domain constraint satisfaction or optimization
problem - Caveat the experiences described are based on
ILOG Solver
3What do I mean by Faster?
- e.g.Peaceable Armies of Queens problem
- place m black m white queens on a chessboard so
that the black queens dont attack the white
queens, and maximize m - Optimal solution for an 11 x
11 board
4Results for 8 x 8 board
Backtracks to find optimal Backtracks to prove optimality Time (sec.)
Basic model 5270 12,002,608 2100
Eliminate symmetry 5270 938,652 240
New model 4676 478,012 72
Variable order-ing heuristic 2973 44,276 12
Just changing the model makes a huge difference
to the time to solve the problem
5What are the options?
- Given a CSP representation of the problem
- if there is symmetry in the CSP, eliminate it
- find a related representation to use instead/as
well - add variables to express different aspects of
the problem - add constraints
- to relate new variables to old
- to prune dead-ends earlier
- change the search strategy
- (other possibilities wont be considered)
6Symmetry in the CSP
- A symmetry transforms any (full or partial)
assignment into another so that
consistency/inconsistency is preserved - Symmetry causes wasted search effort after
exploring choices that dont lead to a solution,
symmetrically equivalent choices will be explored - Especially difficult if there is no solution, or
if all solutions are wanted, or in optimization
7Symmetry Breaking During Search (SBDS)
g(var! val) for any unbroken symmetry g,
i.e. if g(A) is (or will be) true
On backtracking to a choice point, add symmetry
breaking constraints to the 2nd branch explored
8Symmetries of armies of queens
- Variable si,j represents the square i, j
- The values are b, w or e (black, white or empty)
- 7 chess board symmetries x (horizontal
reflection), y, d1, d2, r90, r180, r270 bw
(swap black white queens) 7 combinations - x(si,jv) ? sn-i1,jv
- bw(si,j v) ? si,j v , (v b if v w,
w if v b, e if v e )
- bw_x(si,jv) ? sn-i1,jv , etc.
- 15 symmetry functions are needed in all
- each takes a constraint as input, e.g. si,jv,
and returns the symmetric constraint, e.g. si,j
9Armies of Queens 8 x 8 Board
x if s8,1w then s8,2!w , etc.
10Results for 8 x 8 board
Fails to find optimal Fails to prove optimality Time (sec.)
Basic model 5270 12,002,608 2100
Eliminate symmetry 5270 938,652 240
11Optimizing SONET Rings
- See Sherali Smith, Improving Discrete Model
Representations via Symmetry Considerations
(no relation) - Transmission over optical fibre networks
- Known traffic demands between pairs of client
nodes - A node is installed on a SONET ring using an ADM
(add-drop multiplexer) - If there is traffic demand between 2 nodes, there
must be a ring that they are both on - Rings have capacity limits (number of ADMs, i.e.
nodes, traffic) - Satisfy demands using the minimum number of ADMs
12Example Optimal Solution
- Up to 7 rings, maximum capacity 5 ADMs
- Ignore traffic capacity (for now)
13A CSP Model
- Variables xij 1 if node i is on ring j
- At most 5 nodes on any ring
- If there is a demand between nodes k and l
- Minimize
14Symmetry in the SONET CSP
- The rings are indistinguishable (only numbered
for the purposes of the CSP model) - We can eliminate the symmetry using SBDS just by
describing all transpositions of pairs of rings - e.g. r12(xi,j v) ? xi,2v if j 1
xi,1v if j 2 xi,jv otherwise - Thats all we can forget about symmetry (e.g.
when choosing the variable ordering)
15Three Alternative Models
- Whether a given node is on a given ring
- xij 1 if node i is on ring j
- Which ring(s) each node is on
- Ni set of rings node i is on
- Which nodes are on each ring
- Rj set of nodes on ring j
- In principle, any of these 3 sets of variables
could be the basis of a complete CSP model
16Dual Models from Boolean Variables
- Given a CSP with Boolean variables xijkl we can
form a new set of variables with one less
subscript - e.g. xijkl 1 corresponds to yjkl i (an
integer variable) or i ? Yjkl (a set variable),
depending on whether one or several possible
values i are associated with each combination of
j,k,l, - if the Boolean variables have n subscripts, we
can derive n sets of dual variables
17Which Model to Choose?
- We dont need to choose just one set of variables
we can use them all at once - We then need new channelling constraints to link
the sets of variables - (xij 1) (i ? Rj) (j ? Ni)
- (see Cheng, Choi, Lee Wu, Constraints, 1999)
- But we should not combine all 3 complete models
- Adding variables channelling constraints
doesnt cost much duplicated constraints do
18Why add more variables?
- Express each problem constraint in whichever way
is easiest /most natural/ propagates best - e.g. gives better results than
- (Often easiest /most natural/ propagates best are
the same thing) - We can observe effects of search on different
aspects of the model, express them - develop implied constraints, search strategies,
19Possible Variables in the SONET Problem
- Whether a given node is on a given ring ?
- Which ring(s) each node is on ?
- Which nodes are on each ring ?
- How many nodes are on each ring ?
- How many rings each node is on ?
- The total number of nodes on all rings ?
- The total of the number of rings each node is on
? - Which demand pairs are on each ring
- Which ring(s) each demand pair is on
- How many rings are used
20Choosing the Search Variables
- We need to choose a set of variables such that an
assignment to each one, satisfying the
constraints, is a complete solution to the
problem - Assume we pass the search variables to the search
algorithm in a list or array - the order determines a static variable ordering
21Possible Choices
- Use just one set of variables, e.g. xij the
others are just for constraint propagation - Use two (or more) sets of variables (of the same
type) e.g. Rj ,Ni - interleave them in a sensible (static) order
- or use a dynamic ordering applied to both sets of
variables - Use an incomplete set of variables first, to
reduce the search space before assigning a
complete set - e.g. decide how many rings each node is on
(search variables Ni) and then which rings each
node is on (xij ) - All three possibilities are useful the first
will be used in the SONET problem (and later the
22Implied Constraints
- Constraints which can be derived from the
existing constraints, and so dont eliminate any
solutions - We only want useful implied constraints
- they reduce search i.e. at some point during
search, a partial assignment must be tried which
is inconsistent with the implied constraint but
would otherwise not fail immediately - they reduce running time the overhead of
propagating extra constraints must be less than
the savings in search
23How to Find Useful Implied Constraints
- Identify obviously wrong partial assignments that
may/do occur during search - Try to predict them by contemplation/intuition
- Observe the search in progress
- Having many variables in the model enables
observing/thinking about many possible aspects of
the search - But we still need to check empirically that new
constraints do reduce both search and running time
24Implied Constraints SONET
- A node with degree in the demand graph gt 4 must
be on more than 1 ring (Ni gt 1) - If a pair of connected nodes have more than 3
neighbours in total, at least one of the pair
must be on more than 1 ring (NkNl gt 2)
25Optimality Constraints
- In optimizing, if we know that for any solution
with a particular characteristic, there must be
another solution at least as good, we can add
constraints forbidding it - e.g.
- no ring should have just one node on it
- any two rings must have more than 5 nodes in
total (otherwise we could merge them) - Derive these in the same way as implied
26Variable Ordering Heuristics
- Armies of Queens
- Place a white queen next where it will attack
fewest additional squares - SONET problem
- add a node to a ring with spare capacity choose
the node connected to most nodes already on the
ring of those, the node connected to most nodes
still to be placed
27Finding a Good Solution v. Proving Optimality
- Armies of Queens
- the heuristic finds an optimal solution for every
case where this is known - but its hopeless for proving optimality
- the anti-heuristic (place a white queen where
it will attack most additional squares) is much
28Finding a Good Solution v. Proving Optimality
- The heuristic finds near-optimal solutions quite
quickly, but is no good for proving optimality - How could we prove this solution is optimal
2,3,4,9,12, 1,3,7,8,10, 4,5,6,7,10,
1,8,11,12,13 ? - e.g. show that we cannot reduce the number of
times that any of 3, 4, 7, 8, 12 appear without
having another node appear twice instead - Introduce variables ni Ni i.e. the number of
rings that node i is on - ? Two-stage search find a good solution, then
start search again, assigning ni variables first
and then xij variables
29What do I mean by Faster?
- The basic model (just the xij variables, no
symmetry-breaking) can only solve small problems
(7 nodes, 8 demand pairs) - The final model can solve the problems in the
Sherali Smith paper (13 nodes, 24 demand pairs) - 3 full sets of variables others
- implied constraints
- variable ordering heuristic
- two-stage search process
30Some Advice
- Eliminate symmetry
- Use lots of variables, with channelling
constraints - But dont express the same problem constraints
twice - Add constraints that make explicit what you know
about satisfying/optimal solutions - But only if they reduce search and running time
- Learn from solving the problem by hand and
observing the search - If finding good solutions is easy and proving
optimality is hard, consider using a different
strategies for each stage
- Can we list 10 Steps to Successful Modelling?
- New problems still often lead to new ideas about
modelling - But some patterns do recur frequently
- e.g. models representing dual viewpoints
- We are beginning to automate some aspects of
modelling - e.g. symmetry, implied constraints
- Still a long way to go before building a good
model of a problem is straightforward - e.g. we often cant tell if model A is better
than model B without trying them both - More research is still needed...
32Selected References
- Symmetry Breaking During Search in Constraint
Programming, I. P. Gent and B. M. Smith,
Proceedings ECAI'2000, pp. 599-603, 2000. - Models and Symmetry Breaking for Peaceable
Armies of Queens, K.E Petrie, B. M. Smith I.
P. Gent, APES Report APES-50-2002, May 2002. - Improving Discrete Model Representations via
Symmetry Considerations, H. D. Sherali J. C.
Smith, Man.Sci. (47) pp. 1396-1407, 2001. - Increasing Constraint Propagation by Redundant
Modeling an Experience Report, B. M. W. Cheng,
K. M. F. Choi, J. H. M. Lee J. C. K. Wu,
Constraints (4) pp. 167-192, 1999. Â