Title: Using questionnaires in Research Dr Graham Connelly
1Using questionnaires in ResearchDr Graham
2Session Overview
- Use of questionnaires
- Format of questionnaires
- Design principles
- Administering questionnaires
- Further reading
3Family Quantitative Fieldwork
Approach Survey
Methods questionnaire, interviews focus groups
statistical analysis
4Use of questionnaires
- Used to investigate
- Attitudes
- Beliefs
- Perceptions
- Feelings
- Opinions
- Knowledge
- Some aspects of behaviour
- Used to quantify / measure these characteristics
5Reasons for using Questionnaires
- Low cost in time and money
- Easy to get info from many people quickly
- Respondents can complete when it suits them
- Analysis of answers to closed questions is
straightforward (i.e. pre-coded) - Less pressure for immediate response
- Respondents anonymity
- Lack of interviewer bias
- Standardisation of questions
6Reasons against using Questionnaires
- Problems of motivating respondents
- Typically low response rate
- Need for simple questions
- Problems of data quality
- Misunderstanding cannot be corrected
- Respondent literacy problems
- Impossible to check honesty of answers
- Questionnaire development often poor
- Descriptive rather than analytical
7Format of questionnaires
- Closed format
- One response only (yes / no agree / disagree)
- Multiple responses
- Response scales
- Other
- Open format
8Design principles
- Design
- Focus
- Target audience
- Content / layout
- Pilot
- www.surveymonkey.com
9Administering questionnaires
- Postal
- Drop-off
- Face to Face
- individual / group
- Paper and pencil / computer
- Computer mediated
- Email
- Web-based
- Ethical considerations
10Obtaining consent
11Further reading
Gillham, B. (2007). Developing a questionnaire.
London Continuum. Munn, P. Drever, E. (1990).
Using questionnaires in small-scale research.
Edinburgh SCRE. Research Methods Knowledge
Base http//www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/surv