Title: Architecture through time
1Architecture through time
210,000 to 3,001 B.C Neolithic
- The time period between 10,000 B.C and 3,001 B.C
is called the Neolithic time period of . The
Neolithic time period. Other great architectural
buildings included the great pyramids, and the
sphinx. The period is also called New stone age.
The picture below is Stonehenge. Know one knows
how it was created, but all admire it. It is the
most well known architecture of the Neolithic
period. It is located in Salisbury, England.
33,000 B.C to 299 A.D Ancient
- The time period between 3,00 b.c to 299 a.d is
called the ancient time period. During that
time period the Egyptians, Greek, and Romans
where the most well known civilazation. The most
well known buildings during that time where Pont
du Gard, Parthenon, and the Great Wall of China.
Shown above is the Parthenon. It is located in
Athens, Greece. It was destroyed by war.
4300 A.D to 1299 A.D Medieval period.
- The period of time between 300 A.D and 1299 A. is
called the medieval period. That time was mostly
built around Gothic Cathedrals including Notre
Dame (France), and Al Hambra (Spain).
The Cathedral above is Notre Dame. It is located
in Paris, France. It is the main Cathedral in
Paris, and is probably the most well known in the
51300s Gothic Period
- The Gothic period was a time in between medieval
and Renaissance. There where not many famous
buildings during that time, but to me the most
famous building was Doges Palace in Venice,
Above is the Doges Palace. It is located in
Venice Italy. It was home to 120 dukes (doges)
for 1100. It was reigned from 697-1797.
61400 to 1525 Renaissance period.
- The renaissance perios to me is the most
interesting period. The word renaissance means
rebirth. Many great buldings where built during
that time. Those buildings include Mont St
Michel, Palais de Justice, Chateaux de Chantilly,
those 3 buildings are all in France. There where
many more great buildings during that time. - .
Above is Mont St Michel, it is located in
Basse-Normandy, France.It is dedicated to Saint
Michel, therefore the name. It is one of the most
well known buildings in France. Mont St Michel is
a tiny community.
71600s Baroque/Rococo
- The Baroque/ Rococo. The baroque period was an
architecture/painting that used exaggerated
motion. The rococo period came during the Baroque
period. Rococo style was created by a designer
named Rococo. His style was very elegant with a
lot of sculptures in rooms. The most well known
building in that time was Le Chateau de
Above isLe Chateau de Versailles. It was home
to then French king Louis XIV. It is probably the
second or third most well known building, behind
the Eiffel tower, and tied with Larc de
Triomph. It is the biggest castle in France.
81700-1800 Neo-Classical
- The Neo-Classical period accompanied the Baroque
period, and was home to great American
Architecture The White House..
Above is the White house. Is the home of the
President of the United States. It is located in
Washington D.C, Maryland
9Early Modern 1890-1910
- The early modern period was the period that
famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright was alive.
Above is a house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright,
a famous American architect.
101910-1930 Modern
- The modern period of architecture is when
concrete buildings and skyscrapers started coming
Above is the empire state building, the tallest
building in New York today. It is 102 stories
high, and is home to many companies. It was built
in 1931
111950-1980 Post modern
- The post modern era was home to many new styles
of architecture including groomalism,
expressionist, and goo-gaws. The post modern era
was home to the twin towers that where destroyed
on September 11 2001.
Above are the twin towers. They where created in
between the post modern era. They where destroyed
on September 11
121980-today Deconstructivist
- Today we do not have many new styles but one of
them is Blobby texture.
Above is the commercial office tower in London,
- Wikipedia.com
- Greatbuildings.com
- Dir.yahoo.com
- Thank you for watching Goldner productions.
- .