Title: Navy Manpower Analysis Center
1Navy Manpower Analysis Center
We define, translate, and classify the Navy's
work into a workforce structure and position
demand signal to sustain a combat ready force
We lead the Navy in manpower solutions
3NAVMAC Who We Are
- Senior Analytical Staff
- Manpower Analysts
- Industrial Engineering/Technology
- Human Resources
- Warfare Specialists
- Integrated Team
- 15 Officers - Average Years in the Navy 19
- 61 Enlisted - Average Years in the Navy 20
- 34 Civil Servants - Average Years in Federal
Service 17 - 7 Contractors
4NAVMAC - What We Do
- Classify Work
- Develop military occupational standards (e.g.,
Jobs and Skills) - Maintain military occupational classification
structure codes - Determine Fleet Workforce Requirements
- Ships, Submarines, Squadrons, and Deployable
Staffs - Validate study methodology and tools
- Assess impact of workload changes
- Provide Manpower Analysis
- Monitor improve manpower processes, tools, and
policies - Monitor compel compliance with manpower policy
- Provide consulting in manpower management and
analysis - Oversee Information Technology (IT) Requirements
- Document the needs of Navy manpower managers for
to develop functionality for computer system
applications - Represent users in information technology
governance processes (budget) - Maintain data reliability in information systems
NAVMAC directly supports Navys Strategic
Vision for Our People by defining
capability-driven requirements and shaping the
total workforce
5NAVMAC - Core Business Processes
Outcome Accurate demand signal (Quality
/ Quantity) How Many and What Skills
Administer Manpower Programs Systems Products
Manpower Instructions, Manuals, NOOCS NEOCS, IT
Configuration/Functional Management
Oversee Information Technology (IT) Requirements
Classify Work
Determine Fleet Workforce Requirements
Provide Manpower Analysis
6NAVMAC - Customers
- United States Fleet Forces Command (USFF)
- Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (DCNO N1)
- N10 Resource Management
- N11 Civilian Workforce Analysis
- N12 Total Force Requirements
- N13 Manpower, Personnel, Training, Education
Policy - Navy Personnel Command (NPC)/Bureau of Naval
Personnel (BUPERS) - Navy Education and Training Command (NETC)
- Navy Recruiting Command
- Acquisition Program Managers
- Warfare Enterprises
- Shore Manpower Managers
7NAVMAC Sample Projects
Classify Work
Determine Fleet Workforce Requirements
- Replace out-dated job and skill standards
- Improve internal controls through Lean Six Sigma
(LSS) - Develop new Job Analysis process
- Ships, Submarines, and Deployable Units (SMD/FMD)
- 20 studies ?74 activities ? 51,190 positions
- Aviation Squadrons (SQMD)
- 35 studies ?81 activities ?18,500 positions
- Navy Acquisition Programs
- Early determination of manpower
- Littoral Combat Ship/LCS ? Joint Strike
Provide Manpower Analysis
Oversee IT Requirements
- Maintain Manpower Communication Portal (BLOG)
- Navys 1st interactive information-sharing tool
for manpower managers - Validate Shore Positions
- Develop manpower policies
- Revitalize manpower systems
- Provide manpower data to end users
- Improve access to current manpower data and
products - Document functions for new manpower IT systems
8Facts about NAVMAC
Perception is that NAVMAC
Call NAVMAC if you
- Only validates manpower requirements
- FACT NAVMAC determines manpower requirements
for ships, submarines, squadrons, and deployable
staffs/units - Only conducts manpower requirements determination
studies - FACT NAVMAC is involved in all aspects of
manpower management including policy development
implementation, occupational classification,
consulting on manpower business processes,
conducting manpower assessments, manpower data
integrity, and IT functional management - Does not participate in acquisition initiatives
- FACT NAVMAC participates heavily in afloat and
aviation acquisition programs through
verification of workload drivers and validation
of preliminary manpower requirements estimates - Determines Shore Manpower Requirements
- FACT BSOs determine Shore Manpower
Requirements. However, NAVMAC does provide
consulting in the areas of policy alignment and
study methodologies - Cuts requirements
- FACT NAVMAC determines the minimum manpower
requirements needed to execute the workproperly
documented and measured workload is the key to
appropriate manpower requirements - Controls manpower authorizations
- FACT BSOs manage the placement of endstrength
against requirements to create manpower
authorizations based on their priorities within
controls and guidance from the single Manpower
Resource Sponsor (OPNAV N1) - NAVMAC approves NEOCS/NOOCS packages
- FACT All NEOCS/NOOCS packages are approved or
disapproved by a formal boardNAVMAC is the
executive secretary of the NEOCS/NOOCS Boards
- Have a question about manpower policy, data, or
business processes - OPNAVINST 1000.16K, N12 Decision Matrix, etc.
- Need a manpower assessment
- What-ifs, POM/PR, special projects, data, etc.
- Do not understand your Activity Manpower Document
(AMD) - Need to know the status of a Manpower Change
Requesthow to initiate changes - Need to develop a special skills classification
(NEC, DESIG, AQD, SUBSPEC, etc.) - Have a question about the use of the Navys
Manpower Management System (TFMMS) - Need assistance understanding how to conduct a
shore manpower requirements determination study