Title: Particle Identification in MINERvA using Artificial Neural Networks
1Particle Identification in MINERvA using
Artificial Neural Networks
P. Stamoulis G.Tzanakos University of Athens,
Athens, Greece
MINERvA Collaboration Meeting, 14 May 2004
2Stating the obvious
- Cross-section measurements in Minerva
- Interaction classification
- Particle Identification
- In principle, it should work with simple cuts in
some very clearly - discriminating variables (e.g. length,dE/dx for
p/?) - But there are some special discrimination tasks
- Low energy particles, penetrating ?/?, ?/?-
- There, a multivariate approach like ANNs can do
3ANN basics
- Define characteristic,
- separating variables for each
- class Form patterns (MC
- events).
- Train the ANN with these
- patterns.
- Use trained ANN to separate
- real events.
- The result is the Bayes a
- posteriori probability that the
- event/particle belongs to the class
step functions
Many available packages (simple or not,
supported or not) MLPfit, SNNS, ROOT embedded
We have widely used ANNs for interaction
classification -Niki Saoulidou in DONUT -Niki
and Athens U. group in MINOS Far Detector -PID in
4Performance example The CalDet e/(h,?)
separation at 0.6 GeV/c
The Input
Sample of (25 in total) separating variables
usedTotally overlapping, but with distinct shapes
The Result
5Examples of p/?/? separation Stating the problem
Simple MC event display (á la Howard, using
ROOT) 2 resonance scattering examples shown (from
Steves ntuples)
Seeing many of these, we decide on possible
separating variables
6Discriminating variables
CAUTIONResults before digitization and any
7The hard part Separating pis of different charge
Important to separate different resonance
production interactions
- dE/dx, total track length, opening angle,
obviously wont - work
- Chose to look at stopping patterns of produced
particles - showers - electrons
- b. Shower energy Electron energy
- c. Shower/Electron opening angle (?)
- d. Track length before interaction or decay
(Inconclusive before tracking proceeds)
Modified MC Hugh
1 GeV/c
8Different stopping behaviour of pi- and pi
0.1 GeV/c
0.4 GeV/c
0.8 GeV/c
1.0 GeV/c
Electron and shower multiplicity
Electron and shower total energy
9What needs to be done -Actually create an ANN,
train on MC and see discrimination
quality. -TRACKING !! Working with the whole MC
truth info does not tell the whole truth of the
the power and limitations of the technique. -MC
tuning (?) It is possible that this effect will
go away or become less significant when using a
different hadronic interaction MC. -Expansion Deci
de whether to use the technique on PID or
interaction separation.