Title: Dr' Pritam K' Shrestha Project Manager, SEAUEMA Project
1Dr. Pritam K. Shrestha Project Manager, SEA-UEMA
- Preparing Joint Action Research Budget Estimation
SEA-UEMA Project
2Joint Action Research, SEA-UEMA Project
JAR Budget Components
- Direct Remuneration to the Project Leader/s
- (SEA-UEMA Project's Contribution)
- B. Research Budget Estimation
- (SEA-UEMA Project's Contribution)
- C. Partner's Contribution
3Joint Action Research, SEA-UEMA Project
- Direct Remuneration to the Project Leader/s
- (SEA-UEMA Project's Contribution)
Remuneration of the project leader/s Maximum
7.5 of the total SEA-UEMA Project's Contribution
4Joint Action Research, SEA-UEMA Project
B. Research Budget Estimation (SEA-UEMA
Project's Contribution)
JAR research expenses generally include
services and materials required to carry out the
research and dissemination of research results.
Cost may include remuneration of persons who
gather data and information or provide casual
labor in research activities. Normally the
overall amount of remuneration should not exceed
30 of the total research budget.
5Joint Action Research, SEA-UEMA Project
B. Research Budget Estimation (SEA-UEMA
Project's Contribution)
6Joint Action Research, SEA-UEMA Project
B. Research Budget Estimation (SEA-UEMA
Project's Contribution) Cont.
7Joint Action Research, SEA-UEMA Project
B. Research Budget Estimation (SEA-UEMA
Project's Contribution) Cont.
8Joint Action Research, SEA-UEMA Project
C. Partner's Contribution
Partner's Contribution may be in-kind
contributions, including administrative costs
and other indirect costs related to the research
provided by the organization. Indirect costs
may include clerical and secretarial service,
general office expenses, and office space and
utility charges.
9 Thank you.