Title: Criteria 2000 Evaluator Training IEEE
1Program Preparation Workshopfor ABET Engineering
Program Review Part 2 Presentation
2Learning Objectives for Workshop
- By the end of the workshop you will
- Understand the ABET Engineering Criteria
- Be able to describe program constituencies
- Be able to formulate measurable program
attributes such as objectives and outcomes - Be able to define continuous improvement
processes relative those measurable attributes - Understand the ABET review process
- Be able to critically evaluate the program
against the Criteria from the perspective of an
external evaluator.
3Plan for the Workshop Day 2
- Examine and learn from the ABET review process
- Consider the expectations of program evaluator(s)
4Substantial Equivalency Process Institution
Actions - I
- Request substantial equivalency review
- Prepare self-study that
- represents the program through its purposes
- describes its curriculum and supplemental
co-curricular opportunities in relation to its
purposes - describes its continuous improvement processes
with respect to fulfillment of its purposes - describes the (evolving) level of achievement of
its purposes and the responsive changes to
(further) improve the level of achievement - responds to the expectations of the program
evaluator(s) and the review team chair
5Substantial Equivalency Process Institution
Actions -II
- Provide self-study, supporting and requested
documentation, and a statement of materials to be
made available at the time of the review visit to
the program evaluator(s) and the review team
chair - Respond with alacrity to requests of the program
evaluator(s) and the review team chair - Prior to the review visit
- During the review visit
- Following the review visit
6The EAC Review Timeline
May - June Necessary changes to statement, if
any, are made
March - June Team chairs assigned, dates set,
team members chosen
- January
- Institution requests
- review
- for programs
August Institutions notified of this action
January - February Draft statements edited and
preliminary statements sent to institutions
Year 1
Year 2
July EAC meets to take final action
February - May Institution prepares self-evaluatio
n (Program Self-Study Report)
March - April Institutions respond to draft
statement and return to ABET
September - December Visits take place, draft
statements written and finalized following 14-day
response period
7Evaluator and Team Provide
- Disciplinary expectations of the programs and
institution - Professional preparation for review of the
programs and the institution - Experience with continuous quality improvement
8ABET Engineering Accreditation Criteria
- 1. Students
- 2. Program Educational Objectives
- 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
- 4. Professional Component
- 5. Faculty
- 6. Facilities
- 7. Institutional Support Financial Resources
- 8. Program Criteria
9ABET Engineering Accreditation Criteria
- 1. Students
- 2. Program Educational Objectives
- 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
- 4. Professional Component
- 5. Faculty
- 6. Facilities
- 7. Institutional Support Financial Resources
- 8. Program Criteria
11Issues for Criterion 2
- Educational objectives not published or readily
accessible to the public - Educational objectives not related to
institutional mission - No evidence of constituency input in objective
setting or periodic evaluation - No process for evaluating the extent to which
educational objectives are attained - No data available on the attainment of
educational objectives
13Issues for Criterion 2
- Results of evaluation not used to develop and
improve the program outcomes
14Questions Evaluator May Ask
- Objectives
- How were the objectives determined?
- Are they consistent with the mission statement?
- Are they measurable?
- How do you accomplish your objectives?
- How do you know when you have achieved your
objectives? - What is your process to review and update?
- Constituencies
- Who are your constituencies?
- How do you involve your constituencies in the
continuous improvement process? - Are faculty members involved? If so, why? If not,
why not?
15Hints for Evaluation of Program Objectives
- The following tools/instruments/methods are
useful in assessment and evaluation of program
objectives - alumni surveys
- employer surveys and placement data
- graduate program surveys and placement data (at
other universities) - industrial/professional (including academics and
alumni) advisory boards - Programs may choose to use these or other
appropriate assessment and evaluation
tools/instruments/methods - Provide the rationale for each means of
assessment and evaluation
16ABET Engineering Accreditation Criteria
- 1. Students
- 2. Program Educational Objectives
- 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
- 4. Professional Component
- 5. Faculty
- 6. Facilities
- 7. Institutional Support Financial Resources
- 8. Program Criteria
18Issues for Criterion 3
- No evidence demonstrating one or more outcomes
- Outcomes (or some) are not assessed directlythat
is, are not based on objective evaluation of
student performancebut are validated indirectly
using - anecdotal versus measured results
- reliance on course grades
- reliance on self-assessment (e.g., surveys,
entire or partial cohort)
19Issues for Criterion 3
- No systematic assessment process
- No process or process not documented
- Plans developed but not implemented
- Little or no faculty support for the process
- No evidence that assessment results are being
applied to develop programthat is, updating
objectives and refining outcomes and curriculum - Assessment results not used
- Assessment and development cycle not complete
20Questions Evaluator May Ask
- Outcomes
- What should students know and be able to do upon
graduation? - Do students know the required outcomes?
- How do you know that the student know?
- Processes
- What is your process to achieve your outcomes?
How is it documented? - What does it do? How do you know it does what you
say it does? - Who maintains and improves the process? What is
your involvement?
21Questions Evaluator May Ask
- Assessment
- Are data being collected for each outcome?
- What is measured? How often?
- How do you use the data you collect?
- Does your evaluation provide the information that
you need to improve the program? - What is your feedback process to continuously
improve the program? - What actions have been taken to improve the
program as a result of the assessment process? - Have past improvement actions been effective?
What is the basis of that judgment?
22Questions Evaluator May Ask
- Results
- How do you demonstrate that outcomes are
attained? - What is your evaluation of the quality of the
program? - What evidence do you have to demonstrate that
your efforts to improve the program are producing
results? - Based on your evaluation of current assessment
data, what are your plans for additional
23Outcomes versus Objectives
- Based upon criteria definitions
- Objectives require longer term evaluation
- Will be based on needs of constituencies
- May be based on alumni and employer surveys
- Evaluation is required
- Program development is required
- Outcomes require shorter term evaluation
- Should involve student work as the primary means
of assessment - Surveys and other opinion polls can be used as
secondary evidence - Outcomes should be measured against an
expectation - Closing the continuous improvement loop is
24Evidence to Be Provided
- Self-study should describe the materials that
will be available for review during the visit to
demonstrate (or validate) achievement of the
program outcomes described in the self-study - The evaluators will be looking for results of
assessment and evaluation. Evaluators will not
assess student work to determine what outcomes
were covered - Admonition Taking a course does not guarantee
achievement of outcomes
25AssessmentTools and Measures
- The primary outcomes assessment should be based
on direct measures of student learning - Senior exit surveys, alumni surveys, and employer
surveys as means of outcomes assessment are
indirect measures. The evaluated data can be used
as supportive evidence. It is not acceptable as
the primary means of assessment, but may auger
the results of evaluation of direct measures not
yet available.
26Level of Expectation
- Exactly which outcomes must each graduate attain?
- A system must be in place to ensure that all
graduates have attained the prescribed outcomes
at some minimum level - The minimal level of achievement may vary,
consistent with program educational objectives
27What to Expect
- Processes in place that provide for
- Definition of desired, measurable outcomes
- Collection of data linked to the outcomes
- Analysis of the data and evaluation of the
results - Implementation of change
- Repetition of the cycle, through the review which
in second and later cycles considers improvement
or lack thereof
28What to Look For
- Documentation of results and evidence that
results are being used to develop the program,
for example - Student portfolios
- Subject content examinations
- Performance observations
- Performance evaluations of internships and/or
co-operative education appointments - Note Some of the above direct means of
assessment may be construed as indirect measures
for a cohort as a whole with respect to some
particular set of outcomes. How might this be
29 Evaluator Admonitions
- You do not have to be an expert on assessment.
The institution must provide evidence that it has
a working and effective continuous improvement
system in place - The institution must describe a clear
relationship between program objectives,
outcomes, and measurable indicators of success
with required levels of achievement - You are assessing the program based on the
criteria and the strength of the evidence
provided by the institution, not your own
personal preferences
30Exercise 2-A
- A faculty should determine the essential
knowledge and skill components of each outcome
that are to be covered in the curriculum. Why is
this important? - Having earlier considered a courses to outcomes
implication matrix, it is suggested that the
faculty should focus on a subset of required
courses to associate with a particular outcome.
Why focus on the required courses?
31Exercise 2-B
- The faculty should distribute components of this
outcome across these (required) courses, with the
components being assigned to several courses. Why
is this important? - Criterion 3 calls for each and every student to
demonstrate achievement of each and every
outcome. This is difficult. Why?
32Exercise 2-C
- The EAC white paper on Criterion 3, in essence,
indicates that - if the program has pathways that each and every
student must take, - if the pathways include learning opportunities
with respect all the components of each and every
outcome, - if the presence of the opportunities (or modified
opportunities) is regularly validated, - if a regular assessment process reasonably leads
to the conclusion that the likelihood is suitably
low of a student failing to achieve each outcome,
and - if a periodic assessment process leads to the
further conclusion that the likelihood is
suitably low of a student failing to achieve each
and every outcome, - then Criterion 3 is deemed to be satisfied.
33Exercise 2-C
- Propose a process that fulfills the first four
bulleted if statements. - Propose a processmost likely a variation on the
preceding processthat fulfills all five bulleted
if statements.
34ABET Engineering Accreditation Criteria
- 1. Students
- 2. Program Educational Objectives
- 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
- 4. Professional Component
- 5. Faculty
- 6. Facilities
- 7. Institutional Support Financial Resources
- 8. Program Criteria
36Issues for Criterion 4
- Quality of the major design experience
- No culminating experience
- analysis or research instead of design
- several courses with elements of design
- Multiple capstone courses with widely varying
quality - Design experience does not address engineering
standards - Design experience does not address multiple
constraints - Engineering topics can be and typically appears
to be satisfied by electives, but advising
doesnt assure adequate coverage
37Exercise 2-D
- Devise a strategy to ensure that knowledge of and
ability in design expands for students as they
progress through the curriculum, culminating in a
major design experience. - Consider and describe how constraintsmultiple
realistic, in the case of the major design
experiencegenerally, and engineering standards
in particular, could be incorporated in design
across your curriculum?
38Level of Expectation
- The course-of-study of each graduate must satisfy
all elements of the professional component
however, the course-of-study may vary, consistent
with options in the curriculum.
39ABET Engineering Accreditation Criteria
- 1. Students
- 2. Program Educational Objectives
- 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
- 4. Professional Component
- 5. Faculty
- 6. Facilities
- 7. Institutional Support Financial Resources
- 8. Program Criteria
40CRITERION 1, 5, 6, AND 7
41Issues for Criterion 1
- Problems with student advising (often cited with
Criterion 5 Faculty) - ineffective and inconsistent advising
- lack of understanding of curricular requirements
especially if many options are available - Problems with student monitoring
- Lack of documentation for
- course substitutions
- after the fact or missing prerequisites
42Issues for Criterion 1
- Problems with transfer students
- No documentation on acceptability of transfer
credits (primarily for engineering topics courses)
43Student Transcripts
- Provide direct evidence that the institutions
program requirements are met - Provide evidence that the ABETs program
criteriamost notably, its professional
componentare met
44Transcript Evaluation
- Determine if curriculum is being followed
- Note that curriculum may differ from the one
being evaluated - If no Worksheet is provided, ask if it exists
- Does institutional process assure that course
substitutions meet ABET requirements? - The transcript should indicate the title of the
program being evaluated - Consult team chair for programs in transition
45Exercise 2-E
- With respect to evaluating, monitoring, and
advising students, what might be done to - insure that transfer students satisfy the same
program requirements and - address special needs at the time of
matriculation and graduation.
46Exercise 2-F
- Describe several ways evaluating, monitoring, and
advising of students often fall short and propose
procedures that avoid these faults.
47ABET Engineering Accreditation Criteria
- 1. Students
- 2. Program Educational Objectives
- 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
- 4. Professional Component
- 5. Faculty
- 6. Facilities
- 7. Institutional Support Financial Resources
- 8. Program Criteria
48CRITERION 1, 5, 6, AND 7
49Issues for Criterion 5
- Insufficient number to
- support concentrations, electives, etc.
- provide student advising
- Poor faculty morale, affecting the program, as
evidenced by - the lack or paucity of professional development
- excessive workloads
- the retention/turnover rate
- a low salary structure that negatively impacts
retention and recruitment (often cited with
Criterion 7 Institutional Support and Financial
50Issues for Criterion 5
- Faculty quality
- For teaching design (often specified in Criterion
8 Program Criteria) - Excessive reliance on and/or insufficient
supervision of adjunct faculty members
51Exercise 2-G
- With due consideration
- of a faculty members obligations other than
teaching and - of other factors you determine to be important,
- describe a method to determine the sufficiency,
or not, of a faculty.
52ABET Engineering Accreditation Criteria
- 1. Students
- 2. Program Educational Objectives
- 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
- 4. Professional Component
- 5. Faculty
- 6. Facilities
- 7. Institutional Support Financial Resources
- 8. Program Criteria
53CRITERION 1, 5, 6, AND 7
54Issues for Criterion 6
- Insufficient Space
- overcrowded classrooms and/or laboratories
- Classrooms
- lack of appropriate instructional technology
- Laboratories
- unsafe conditions
- inoperable equipment and/or instrumentation
- insufficient modern equipment and/or
instrumentation (including computer software as
well as hardware) - lack of funds for maintaining and/or upgrading
equipment and/or instrumentation (often cited
with Criterion 7 Institutional Support and
Financial Resources) - Computing/Information Infrastructure
- lack of funds for maintaining and/or upgrading
these learning resources (cited with Criterion 7)
55Exercise 2-H
- Identify ten unsafe conditions in a laboratory.
- Identify five indicators of safety conscious-ness
in a laboratory.
56ABET Engineering Accreditation Criteria
- 1. Students
- 2. Program Educational Objectives
- 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
- 4. Professional Component
- 5. Faculty
- 6. Facilities
- 7. Institutional Support Financial Resources
- 8. Program Criteria
57CRITERION 1, 5, 6, AND 7
58Issues for Criterion 7
- Unstable leadership affecting programs
- Dean and/or Department Head positions open or
filled by interim appointments for an extended
period of time - frequent turnover of university administration
and engineering school leadership - Inadequate operating budget affecting
- acquisition and maintenance of classroom,
laboratory, and computing resources (including
space and embedded resources) - faculty salaries, promotions, and professional
development, all affecting recruitment and/or
59Issues for Criterion 7
- Insufficient support staff
- teaching assistants
- technicians for instructional laboratories,
machine shops, and laboratory services - administrative and/or clerical
60Exercise 2-I
- Outline a needs assessment process to determine
resources that are needed - by information services and computing services
and - for classrooms and instructional laboratories
- to facilitate the achievement of program
educational objectives and outcomes.
61ABET Engineering Accreditation Criteria
- 1. Students
- 2. Program Educational Objectives
- 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
- 4. Professional Component
- 5. Faculty
- 6. Facilities
- 7. Institutional Support Financial Resources
- 8. Program Criteria
62CRITERION 1, 5, 6, 7, AND 8
63Issues for Criterion 8
- Failure to conform to the curriculum requirement
of the applicable program criteria, particularly
with respect to - mathematics and basic sciences conditions
- distribution requirements with respect to
disciplinary technical areas
64Exercise 2-J
- For the ABET program criteria applicable to your
degree program, create a checklist of
requirements. - Use the checklist to determine what requirements
are not met.
66 Matrix for Implementation Assessment
- Self assessment of readiness of nominally 3 on
the scale of 1 to 5 on the six categories - education objectives,
- constituents,
- processes,
- outcomes assessment,
- results, and
- system
- is a strong indicator of readiness for an ABET
67(No Transcript)
68Alternative to Matrix
- Another route to setting the scale value for each
implementation factor is to respond to the
request Select a numerical value on the scale of
1 to 5 that most accurately describes the extent
to which
69- Program Educational Objectives have been
established and maintained - Constituents are involved in helping set program
objectives and in evaluating the level to which
they are being achieved - The required Processes are operational
- Outcomes Assessment is being practiced
- Results of outcomes and the various processes are
being used to improve programs and assure
objectives are being achieved - An overall System is in place to meet the
accreditation requirement
70Exercise 2-K
- Estimate your readiness in each of the six
categories - education objectives _____
- constituents _____
- processes _____
- outcomes assessment _____
- results _____
- system _____
- What should you work on
- first?
- second?
71Self- Study
- The institution may employ any means it chooses
to represent itself to ABET and the visiting
team. Consequently, the references to specific
tables in the instructions are for guidance only.
The information may be presented in any manner
the institution chooses.
72Program Self-Study Report
- Background Information
- Degree titles
- Program modes
- Actions to correct previous deficiencies
- Contact information
- Accreditation Summary
- How each element of criteria is met (in order)
- Appendix I Additional Program Information
- Appendix II Institutional Profile
- Background information relative to the
institution - Background information relative to the
engineering unit - Tabular data for the engineering unit
73Accreditation Summary
- For each of the eight criteria
- A complete description of how the program
satisfies each of the EC2000 requirements - Evidence that demonstrates that each of the
EC2000 requirements has been fulfilled - A description of additional evidence that will be
provided during the campus visit - General advanced-level program criterion
74Appendix I Additional Program Information
- Tabular Data
- Basic-Level Curriculum Table
- Course and Section Size Summary Table
- Faculty Workload Summary Table
- Faculty Analysis Table
- Support Expenditures Table
- Course Syllabi
- Faculty Curriculum Vitae (2 pages)
75 Appendix II - Institutional Profile
Information about the institution and the
engineering unit, identified as Appendix II, may
be attached to each Program Self-Study Report or
supplied as a separate document.
76Review ProcessPre-Visit
77Evaluator Responsibilities
- Analysis
- Review Program Self-Study Report and other
materials sent by institution to assess areas of
apparent strength and shortcoming - Evaluate transcripts
- Make preliminary assessment of which ABET
Criteria appear to be satisfied and which may not
be met - Develop plan for additional analysis during
campus visit - Compile questions and identify matters for which
additional information is desired (notify Team
Chair) - Compile list of desired interviews and meetings
with faculty, students, and others (notify
Program Head) - Compile list of visits by team members to support
units (notify Team Chair) - Documentation
- Prepare required Pre-Visit forms
- Begin Draft (Final) Report preparation
78Communications Admonitions
- While it is appropriate for the Program Head to
assist in making arrangements, the Program
Evaluator should specify who is to be interviewed
and the order desired. - The program must demonstrate compliance with the
criteria. Give them the flexibility and latitude
required to accomplish this.
79Communications Admonitions
- Based on review of self-study materials, the
Evaluator should convey to the Program Head a
clear sense of additional information needed for
a complete analysis. Avoid last minute requests. - Do not conduct interviews or share preliminary
conclusions prior to Campus Visit. - Keep the Team Chair informed of all
80Review ProcessVisit
81Objectives Of On-Campus Visit
- Conduct a detailed examination of the materials
compiled by the Institution - Make a qualitative assessment of factors that
cannot be found in a written document - Provide the institution with a preliminary
assessment of its strong points and shortcomings
82Campus Visit Activities
- Day 0
- Initial team meeting
- Review visit plan
- Provide pre-visit documentation to Team Chair
- Report pre-visit assessment
- Review criteria and policy changes
- Visit program to begin evaluation of
- materials
- classroom facilities
- laboratory facilities
- computing and information infrastructure
- other visit activities (including interviews)
83Evening Team Meeting
- Day 0
- Program evaluator identifies all potential
shortcomingsdeficiencies, weaknesses, and
concernsto the Team - Program Evaluators are agents of the Team
- Continue Draft (Final) Report preparation
84Campus Visit Activities
- Day 1 (morning)
- Team meeting with President, Vice President of
Academic Affairs, and/or Dean and designated
guests - Evaluator meetings with
- Program Head
- program teams (task forces, committees, etc.),
faculty members, students, and support staff
members (based on pre-visit requested
appointments) - Luncheon with institutional officials and guests
(at the discretion of the institution) - Typical and selected guests at an evaluators
table include - leaders of supporting academic and administrative
service units - leaders and faculty members of the program
- members of any program-relevant advisory board
- alumni of the program
- student leaders of the program
85Campus Visit Activities
- Day 1 (afternoon)
- Continue meetings and interviews (including of
students) - Continue visits of facilities and reviews of
86Evening Team Meeting
- Day 1
- Report findings relative to previously identified
potential shortcomingsdeficiencies, weaknesses,
and concerns to the Team - Discuss possible accreditation action
- Continue Draft (Final) Report preparation
87Campus Visit Activities
- Day 2 (morning)
- Provide to the Team Chair the Draft (Final)
Report of program, which will also be the basis
of the Exit Interview Statement - Complete meetings and interviews
- Complete visits of facilities and reviews of
materials - Brief Program Head on findings
88Campus Visit Activities
- Day 2 (lunchtime)
- Complete and provide Team Chair with program
evaluator report, including - updated pre-visit report forms
- list of persons interviewed
- recommended accreditation action form
- Draft (Final) Report program statement, which
will be basis of the Exit Interview Statement
(sometimes with strengths redacted)
89Campus Visit Activities
- Day 2 (afternoon)
- Exit Interview with President and others at
his/her discretion - Read Exit Interview Statement for the program
- Leave a copy of the Program Audit form for the
90Admonitions for Evaluator
- Do not mention proposed recommended accreditation
action - Read written statement and do not ramble
- As time permits, read positive as well as
negative observations - If there are any deficiencies or weaknesses, they
must be specifically and clearly stated and
correlate exactly with those summarized in the
Program Audit form - Be courteous and professional
91Draft (Final) Statement
A. Introduction B. For the Institution 1.
Strengths 2. Deficiencies 3. Weaknesses 4.
Concerns 5. Observations C. For each Program 1.
Strengths 2. Deficiencies 3. Weaknesses 4.
Concerns 5. Observations
92Review ProcessPost-Visit
93Post-Visit Process
- 14-Day Response from institution
- Draft Statement prepared and sent to institution
- 30-Day Due Process Response from institution
- Revised Draft Statement prepared
- ABET International Activities Committee takes
final action on substantial equivalency status - ABET sends Final Statement and substantial
equivalency status letter to institution
94Review LanguageandActions
95Levels of Criteria Compliance
- Key Terms
- Compliance satisfies criterion
- Concern criterion is currently satisfied, but
potential exists for situation to change such
that the criterion may not be satisfied. - Weakness program lacks strength of compliance
to ensure the quality of the program will not be
compromised. Remedial action is required to
strengthen compliance with the criterion - Deficiency criterion is NOT satisfied,
therefore, the program is not in compliance.
96Use of Key Terms
- Use key terms only in reference to overall
evaluation of each criterion
97Compliance with Criteria
- Compliance is based on Criteria, not opinion
however, - in the overall determination of compliance with
each criterion the evaluator is called on to use
good judgment in - weighing the contributions of all elements of a
criterion and - deciding whether the resulting recommended action
is consistent with the nature of the shortcoming
98Prior Assessment Statistics
99Accreditation Actions
- NGR Next General Review
- IR Interim Report
- IV Interim Visit
- SC Show Cause
- RE Report Extended
- VE Visit Extended
- SE Show Cause Extended
- NA Not to Accredit
100Terminology vs ActionGeneral Reviews
101Interim Action Recommendations IR vs IV
- Interim Visit recommended when degree of
resolution cannot be determined by review of a
report or when previous written information has
not been effective in providing the necessary
evidence. Requires a review by an evaluator on
campus (e.g., student work, lab safety) - Interim Report recommended when resolution of
shortcomings can be described by a report (e.g.,
faculty hiring). The current program evaluator
and team chair may review the interim report,
assess progress, prepare a statement, and
recommend accreditation action
102Actions and DurationsGeneral Review
103Terminology vs ActionInterim Review
104Interim Visits
- Generally focus only on identified deficiencies
(only if show cause) and weaknesses - If a concern has been addressed, then the team
should evaluate its resolution - significant deterioration surrounding a concern
may become a weakness or deficiency - If a concern has not been addressed, then the
team should determine if the situation has
deteriorated significantly - again, significant deterioration surrounding a
concern may become a weakness or deficiency
105Actions and DurationsInterim Review
106Consistency Is Important
- PEV Report
- Recommended Action
- Exit Interview
- Draft Statement
107Consistency Checks
- Overall considerations
- Accreditation actions must be consistent across
all institutions - Accreditation actions must be consistent with
those given to other programs with similar
shortcomings (weaknesses, deficiencies) - Consistency is checked at five levels to various
degrees of detail
108Consistency Checks
EAC Consistency Committee Final check
EAC Meeting
ABET HQ Accreditation Director
Editor 2 checks among all reports received
Editor 2
Director checks higher-level consistency
Editor 1 checks among all reports received
Editor 1
Team Chairs check among evaluators
Professional Societies
Team Chair
Team Chair
Team Chair
109Consistency Issues for Teams
- The depth and completeness of the evaluation from
program to program - The assignment of appropriate key terms
(deficiency, weakness, concern) to describe
shortcomings - Consistency across all programs in an institution
- Consistency on interim recommendations for
weaknesses of an IR versus an IV
110Consistency Issues for Criteria 2 and 3
- Most consistency issues have centered on Criteria
2 and 3 - Team chairs and evaluators should have a clear
understanding of - The requirements of the criteria
- the institutions terminology relevant to these
111Criterion 2 Program Educational Objectives
- Broad statements that describe the career and
professional accomplishments that the program is
preparing graduates to achieve - Consistent with the mission of the institution
- Allows differentiation between programs in the
same discipline
112Criterion 2 Program Educational Objectives
- Consider a deficiency if the general intent of
Criterion 2 is not met - Contributing factors may include
- No involvement of constituencies
- Educational program does NOT prepare students to
attain program outcomes (links to curriculum) - No process for evaluating the objectives
- No data that demonstrate the extent to which
objectives are attained - No evidence of development and improvement of
program outcomes
113Criterion 2 Program Educational Objectives
- Consider a weakness if the general intent of
Criterion 2 is met but lacks the strength of
compliance to ensure program quality - Contributing factors may include
- Objectives are published but are not accessible
to constituencies and potential students - Limited involvement of constituencies
- Incomplete links to curriculum or links are not
clear - Incomplete process for evaluating objectives
- Incomplete evidence of development and
improvement of program outcomes
114Criterion 2 Program Educational Objectives
- Consider a concern if the general intent of the
criterion is fully met, but potential exists for
change such that criterion may not be satisfied
in the future - Contributing factors may include
- Objectives are published, but are changed
frequently - Objectives are evaluated, but there is limited
involvement of constituencies in this process or
it varies from cycle to cycle (2b) - Program development processes may rely too
heavily on one person
115Criterion 3 Program Outcomes and Assessment
- Narrower statements that describe what students
are expected to know or be able to do by the time
of graduation (Relate to skills, knowledge, and
behaviors that students acquire from the
program.) - The attainment of all outcomes indicates that the
student is equipped to achieve the program
educational objectives - ABET designated outcomes a-k included in some way
116Criterion 3 Program Outcomes and Assessment
- Consider a deficiency if the general intent of
Criterion 3 is not met - Contributing factors may include
- No documented working process(es) to produce
outcomes - Loop not closed on any outcomes
- Absence of defined goals and documented
assessment results - No assessment evidence that outcomes are attained
by students - No evidence of efforts at program development
based on assessment
117Criterion 3 Program Outcomes and Assessment
- Consider a weakness if the general intent of
Criterion 3 is met but lacks the strength of
compliance to ensure program quality - Contributing factors may include
- Absence of a working process(es) to produce some
outcomes - Loop closed on some outcomes
- Defined goals and documented assessment results
for some outcomes - Absence of assessment evidence for a small number
of outcomes - Incomplete evidence of efforts at program
development based on assessment
118Criterion 3 Program Outcomes and Assessment
- Consider a concern if the general intent of the
criterion is fully met, but potential exists for
change such that criterion may not be satisfied
in the future - Contributing factors may include
- Process to produce some outcomes is possibly
inconsistent and may lead to circumstances in
which their quality is insufficient to meet
program metrics - Loop closed on most outcomes, but some important
evaluation results have not been acted upon - Inconsistent coverage or assessment of a small
number of outcomes, may be overly dependent on
one person
119Plan for the Workshop Part 2
- Examine and learn from the ABET review process
- Consider the expectations of program evaluator(s)