Title: The European Dimension in eTwinning by Alexandra Tosi
1 The European Dimensionin eTwinning by
Alexandra Tosi
- Study Visit
- Matera, 13 May 2008
among schools, teachers and pupils
3(No Transcript)
5- What do we mean with European Dimension in an
eTwinning project? - How schools, teachers and pupils interact
- If and how they exchange their experiences
- If they have common pedagogical objectives
- How often and through which means they
communicate - If they really work together rather then work
separately on parallel pathways and just exchange
final outputs - .
6Work in parallel
Work together
7eTwinning is a teacher-driven project
81 - Teachers
- Learn to find the right partner. A well matched
colleague is one of the main success factors - Constant collaboration through all project phases
- Professional training
- Mobility
- Visibility and reward for
- good practices
9 2 - Schools
- An opportunity to
- become part of a collaborative learning
community through a long term cooperation - cross national borders and overcome isolation
- experiment and innovate
- get more visibility
102 - Pupils
eTwinning helps to raise among pupils the
awareness of the cultural and linguistic
diversity of Europe, while building at the same
time a common and shared European citizenship
(that overlays the national one but never
replaces it)
through collaboration among pupils and peer
11Some examples
- Mixed working groups mixing roles and
responsabilities across borders and create
multinational working groups
- Crossed tasks involvement of the partner class
as part of the national task Create exchange
occasions not only for the pleasure of it or for
the motivational reward, but as part of the task,
as a necessary mean to accomplish a goal
- Provide at least for some direct collaboration,
even if basic, that goes beyond the simple mail
exchange and personal presentation
12European citizens of tomorrow
13Thank you!The European Dimension in eTwinning
Alexandra Tosi email a.tosi_at_indire.it http//et
winning.indire.it/ www.etwinning.net