Title: Nature Pork
1Nature Pork
2Structure of the presentation
- Who is Hypor and relationship to Genex Ontario
- The current product and performance
- The future of the dam line in Canada
- RD
3About Hypor
- Owned by Nutreco and part of the Euribrid
division Hypor, Hybrid Turkey and Hybro - Head Office Saskatchewan, Canada
- 250 employees worldwide
- Operating Companies Spain, Canada, Benelux,
Italy - Dealers in Japan, The Philippines, Germany,
Poland, Mexico, Thailand, USA - Market leaders in Canada, Spain
4Hypor Canadian Operations
5Canadian business model
- Direct sales by Hypor at the retail level
- British Colombia
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- Quebec
- Key accounts
- Partners in Pork (Alberta)
- Big Sky Farms (Saskatchewan/Manitoba)
- Hytek (Manitoba)
- Elite Swine Inc (Manitoba)
- Synergy (Ontario)
- Dealerships
- CPM Farms (BC)
- Hytek Swine Management (Manitoba)
- Genex Ontario (Ontario)
- Agri-Marché (Quebec)
- Gène-Alliance (Quebec)
6Genex Hybrid Performance 2004
7Genex Hybrid Performance 1999-2004
8Genex Hybrid Performance 1999-2004
9Genex Hybrid Performance 1999-2004
10Update genetic program maternal lines
- General overview Dam lines
- Genetic improvement Landrace and Large White
- Nucleus program
- Expectation
- New C-line
- Purebred results, targets and objectives
- Parent stock results
11Hypors Global Sow Portfolio
Genex lines (formerly NPD Canada)
Hypor lines
Hypor C-line
Hypor D-line
12Genetic trend number of pigs nucleus level
13Genetic improvement year 2005 versus 5 year
period before
14Genetic improvement
- Genetic improvement has increased during the last
year significantly - Genetic progress in litter size has doubled in
the pure lines - Correlated responses in heat related traits are
visible and will work positively - Negative correlated responses on piglet vitality
and birth weight are monitored and optimized in
breeding goals - Genetic progress in Performance traits is
sometimes out of range, but long term objective
is to maintain back fat at same level while
increasing daily gain - Long term breeding goal objective focused
strongly on a balanced sow with high litter size
combined with piglet vitality and weaning
15The New Hypor C-line
- Extreme high fertility through Meishan
16Why Meishan introgression?
- Breeding Company
- Continuously searching to improve our technical
results. - Genetic variation should be available in a line
to be able to expand biological borders - Production
- Vitality, surviving and number of piglets weaned
become important features, when the number of
piglets born alive is raised.
17Balanced combining of high fertility and survival
- growth/fat - reproduction - meat quality
19Further development after University trail
C-line ? X 50 Meishan ?
25 Meishan ? X 50 Meishan ? 50
Meishan ? X 25 Meishan ?
C-line ? X 37,5 Meishan ? ?
18,75 Meishan ? ? (M2-line) X Hypor
C-line ? for 1 year matings on 60GGP
Improved Hypor C-line ? (? 5 Meishan)
20Meishan introgression
- 1990 breeding program based on introgression of
extreme fertility of Meishan started.
21Eradication of color
22Genetic trend total born pigs per litter C-line,
before and after Meishan introgression
C with M2 Genes introgression
C without M2 Genes introgression
Extra piglets per litter
Year of birth
23Selection to reduce back fat
New C-line
Desired Back fat
24Comparison of Meishan program
Hypor C
Genex Swine Group
New C-line ? x GL ? (5 Meishan/95
New Hybrid ? x TS ? (2.5
Meishan/47.5 C-line/50 GL)
Slaughter generation (1 Meishan)
25C-line GGP level
26Litter size distribution best performing barn
Hypor C-line
27Litter size distribution overall Hypor C-line
28Litter size distribution Genex Large White
29Percentage of litters in certain litter size for
pure line farrowings Genex Large White and Hypor
C-line 2004
30Differences between pure line litter sizes GY and
31Comparison growth and probe figures Hypor C and
Genex LW
32Improved C-line results PS (commercial) level
33Straathof, biggest Dutch pig farmer
7,500 sows in the Netherlands 14,500 sows in
34 Dutch results Improved Parent Stock sows
(Hypor CDMeishan vs Hypor CD)
Results Hypor CD Meishan
On farm comparison difference Hypor CD Meishan
and Hypor CD
Results period February 2004 till September
2005 Comparison includes about 1.350 litters.
35Summary improvements C-line vs current GLW
- Additional Total born piglets 1.0 to 2.0
piglets per litter - Additional weaning capacity 2.5 to 4.0
piglets/sow/year - Similar growth and carcass performance as
current product - More balanced sow with higher production plateau
- (30 piglets weaned/sow/year)
- More room for genetic progress in future
36First Canadian results new C-line gilts
37Some Research Development Alliances - Canada
- University farm has been using Hypor animals for
several years - Focus on reproduction
- Biotechnology
- Genetic marker
- Lennoxville
- Sireline comparison
- Milk composition
- Lacombe
- Meat and carcass quality
- Joint project with commercial producer
- RD farm used for sireline trials
Ham Haven Acres
38Some Research Development Alliances - Worldwide
- Embryos transfer and biotechnology
- Functional genes
- Biotechnology
- Meat and carcass quality
- Carcass evaluation and meat quality
- Freezing semen technics
- Current performance of the Genex Hybrid
demonstrate that we have a phenomenal sow as it
is. - Genetic advancement within the existing lines
(Genex Landrace and Genex Large White) is
extremely good. - The future of our lines is not limited to
improvement within the existing lines. - Hypor will position itself to remain the best
player in genetics here in Canada with novel