Title: Social and Ethical Considerations of Agro-biotechnology
1Social and Ethical Considerations
- Gary A. Goreham, Ph.D.
- Department of Sociology/Anthropology
- North Dakota State University
2- Biotechnology, in general, and genetically
modified organisms (GMOs), in particular, pose
many social and ethical questions. - Our discussion today will explore some of these
3The Sociology of Genetically Modified Organisms
The Social Psychology of GMOs
Macro-Structural Issues Government, Private
Industry, and International Relations
Micro-Structural Issues Small Groups and
4The Social Psychology of GMOs
- What is the social psychology and cosmology
regarding humans place in/connection to nature
as a result of the genetic revolution? - How are public perceptions of GMOs affected by
the larger questions of biotechnology and human
cloning? - What are environmentalists, faith communitys,
etc. attitudes toward GMOs? - How do social movement organizations shape
attitudes toward GMOs? - What are producers attitudes toward/adoption of
GMOs? - What are consumer awareness of/attitudes toward
5Micro-Structural IssuesSmall Groups and
- What are the characteristics of those who can and
cant afford GMOs technology? - What are the consequences for producers for
adopting or not adopting GMOs? - What are the employment, social capital,
conflict, and development implications for rural
communities? - How have the relationships among residents in
rural neighborhoods been affected by GMOs?
6Macro-Structural Issues Government, Private
Industry, International Relations
- Who are the beneficiaries of GMOs producers,
consumers, agribusiness, general public? - What about the monopoly of the agro-food system
by transnational corporations?
7Market Share Controlled by Largest Food Firms
Heffernan, et al., 1996.
8Macro-Structural Issues Government, Private
Industry, International Relations
- Who are the beneficiaries of GMOs producers,
consumers, agribusiness, general public? - What about the monopoly of the agro-food system
by transnational corporations? - What are the connections among government-subsidiz
ed GMO research, private industry, and government
regulation? - How about patent and intellectual property
rights? - Whose responsibility is it to clean-up genetic
contamination? - What is the Impact on the structure of
agriculture in Developing Nations? - How about GMOs as military, economic weapons
genetic terrorism?
9The Ethics of Genetically Modified Organisms
Ethical Principles
- Beneficence to do good unconditional goodwill
and compassion. - Can GMOs feed a hungry world?
- Is GMO engineering, technology, and agriculture
sustainable? Profitable? Healthy?
- Autonomy self-determination respect for
persons. - What limits human action Gods or Natures
design? Human knowledge (science) or ability
(technology)? - To what degree should GMO engineering,
technology, and agriculture be regulated? - Labeling Do individuals have a right to know in
order to make informed decisions?
- Non-maleficence do no evil or harm
risk-benefit analysis. - What are the biological, environmental, health,
and economic risks of GMOs? Are they safe? - What could happen? What should happen?
- Who will decide?
- Are the risks acceptable? And do the benefits
outweigh the risks?
- Justice equity fair treatment for all people.
- Should private individuals or corporations have
the right to patent genes or life forms? - How equitably will the benefits and risks be
14The current state of affairs regarding the social
and ethical implications of genetically modified
organisms? We have far more questions than