Title: Week 2
1Week 2
Structure, Behavior Presentation
- Due Today Assignment 1
- Q A
- Any FTP challenges?
- Review Week 1
- Review Structure Elements, Tags, Attributes
- Introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- In-Class Exercise
- Assignment Project 1 revised
2Review Week 1
- Web servers store and deliver Web pages.
- Browsers retrieve pages and render their content
based on the HTML and CSS. - We markup content with tags using HTML to provide
structure and create CSS for the presentation. - lth1gtColumbia College Chicagolt/h1gt
- This is an element that tells the browser to
display the words Columbia College Chicago at the
heading 1 size, the largest size.
3Structure Review
- Magic formula of HTML
- ltelement attributevaluegt
- Example
- lta hrefdirections.htmgtDetailed Directionslt/agt
- Element ltagtlt/agt
- Tags opening tag (anchor will create a link) ltagt
closing tag lt/agt - Tells the browser that something specific is
going to happen. - Attributes href (hypertext reference)
- Provides additional information to the element
- Tells browser the destination link.
- Value is directions.htm
- The actual name of the file.
4Planning your path
- Relative Path
- Links within the same document.
- Links to another folder ../filename
- Tells the browser to go up to the parent folder
(root folder) - This is also an absolute path within the same
site - Absolute Path
- Using a URL
- The path is made up of all the folders you go
through to get to the document you want.
5Planning your path
- lta hrefdirections.htmgtDetailed Directionslt/agt
- Browser looks for the document in the same
folder. - lta hrefparty/directions.htmgtDetailed
Directionslt/agt - Browser looks for the document in the folder
above. - lta href../directions.htmgtDetailed
Directionslt/agt - Browser looks for the document in the root
folder. - lth2gtlta idnamegtA word to go tolt/agtlth2gt
- Id attribute in the ltagt element is a identifier
to a location within a page. - lta hrefindex.htmdocumentwordgtSee the wordlt/agt
- symbol links specifically to a destination
anchor on another page within the same site. - lta target_blank hrefhttp//name.comlt/agt
- Opens a page in a new window.
- Can be problematic within different browsers.
- lta hrefhttp//name.comNamegtNametoshowlt/agt
- Links to a specific destination anchor on a site.
6CSS Basic Concept
- Style Rules
- Selector
- The link between the HTML document and the style
sheet - All HTML element types are possible selectors.
- Declaration
- Two parts property and value
- Ex to set the text color of 'H1' elements to
blue - H1 color blue
- selector ('H1') and declaration ('color blue').
- Style Sheets will determine the final
presentation of the document.
7CSS Basic Concepts
- Four ways to combine style and HTML
- In-Line
- 'STYLE' attribute on an element inside 'BODY'.
- Embedded
- 'STYLE' element inside the 'HEAD' element.
- Linked
- using the 'LINK' element to link an external
style sheet. - Import
- imported style sheet using the CSS '_at_import'
notation. - Uncertain support from different browsers.
8Grouping in CSS
- Use comma-separated lists to reduce the size of
style sheets. - H1, H2, H3 font-family helvetica
- Declarations can also be grouped
- H1 font-weight bold font-size 12pt
line-height 14pt font-family helvetica
font-variant normal font-style normal - Some properties have their own grouping syntax
- H1 font bold 12pt/14pt helvetica
- Relates to the previous example.
Source http//www.w3.org/TR/CSS1
9CSS (Embedded)
- Used to control presentation
- Can be added directly to an HTML Web page by
putting the CSS rules inside the ltstylegt element.
The ltstylegt element should always be inside the
ltheadgt element. - Example
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gtlt!DOCTYPE
html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
xhtml1-transitional.dtd"gtlthtml lang"en"
xmllang"en" xmlns"http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
gt - ltheadgt
- ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Type"
content"text/html charsetISO-8859-1" /gt - lttitlegtYour Title Herelt/titlegt
- ltstyle type"text/css"gt
- p
- color maroon
- lt/stylegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- all your info
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
10CSS - External Style Sheet
- An external style sheet that is linked to the
XHTML file. - Example
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gtlt!DOCTYPE
html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
xhtml1-transitional.dtd"gtlthtml lang"en"
xmllang"en" xmlns"http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
gt - ltheadgt
- ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Type"
content"text/html charsetISO-8859-1" /gt - lttitlegtYour Title Herelt/titlegt
- ltlink typetext/css relstylesheet
hrefname.css /gt - lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- all your info
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
- ltLinkgt element
- Links-in external information.
- text/css is the type of informationa CSS style
sheet. - The location of the file is the href. It can
also be a URL.
11CSS - External Style Sheet
- Use braces to surround the style for the
element to create the rule. - Element property value
- Ex p
- font-family sans-serif
- color gray
- P is the selector - the element
- The rule applies the style to all the ltpgt
elements. - Font-family is the property
- Sans-serif is the value
- /comments the browser will ignore it/
12Elements as a Class
- Using XHTML and CSS a class of elements can be
defined. - Then the styles are applied to any element that
belongs to that class. - To select a class
- selector.classname property value
- In the XHTML file add this line of code into the
body. - ltselector classclassnamegt
- Ex p.blueberry color purple
- Then in your html document add this line of code.
- ltp classblueberrygt
13Two main types of elements Block-level and
- Inline elements
- An inline element shares a line space with other
elements. - Ex ltpgtSeveral ltemgtemphasizedlt/emgt words
ltstronggtappearlt/stronggt.lt/Pgt - Several emphasized words appear.
- ltqgt, ltemgt, and ltagt are inline elements
- Block-level elements
- They stand on their own and are displayed with
space above and below the content within them. - ltpgt, ltblockquotegt, ltolgt, ltulgt and ltligt
- The normal inheritance rules apply to classed
elements they inherit values from their parent
in the document structure. - Not every style is inherited. Properties are
inherited so generally how your text looks is
inherited. - Ex If a property that is inherited is set for
the ltbodygt element, all the ltbodygts child
elements will inherit it. - Font color (color property)
- Font size, weight, style
- font family
- Use references to check which CSS properties are
inherited and which are not. - http//www.w3.org/TR/CSS1basic-concepts
- You can always override properties that are
inherited by creating a more specific rule for
the element you want to change.
Elements inherit styles from their parents. In
this example who will get the inheritance?
Source Head First HTML with CSSXHTML by
Elisabeth Freeman Eric Freeman
Blockquotes have no CSS rules, so it inherits the
color from the body.
img element doesnt get a color inheritances.
Source Head First HTML with CSSXHTML by
Elisabeth Freeman Eric Freeman
17Three kinds of lists
- Unordered list
- ltulgt ltligtthe first list itemlt/ligt ltligtthe second
list itemlt/ligt ltligtthe third list itemlt/ligt lt/ulgt
- Always end the list with the lt/ulgt end tag, but
that the lt/ligt is optional and can be left off. - Ordered list
- ltolgt ltligtthe first list itemlt/ligt ltligtthe second
list itemlt/ligt ltligtthe third list itemlt/ligt lt/olgt
- Definition list
- ltdlgt ltdtgtthe first termlt/dtgt ltddgtits
definitionlt/ddgt ltdtgtthe second termlt/dtgt ltddgtits
definitionlt/ddgt ltdtgtthe third termlt/dtgt ltddgtits
definitionlt/ddgt lt/dlgt - The end tags lt/dtgt and lt/ddgt are optional and can
be left off. - Lists can be nested, one within another.
- ltolgt ltligtthe first list itemlt/ligt ltligt the second
list item ltulgt ltligtfirst nested itemlt/ligt
ltligtsecond nested itemlt/ligt lt/ulgt lt/ligt ltligtthe
third list itemlt/ligt lt/olgt
Source http//www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/
- The DIV and SPAN elements, in conjunction with
the id and class attributes, offer a generic
mechanism for adding structure to documents. - ltspangt separates inline content.
- ltdivgt divides logical sections for block level
content. - ltclassgt is a reusable attribute that may be
applied to any element on a page. - ltidgt is a unique attribute that is used only
once per page.
19XHTML Basics
- A valid XHTML Code
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gtlt!DOCTYP
E html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
xhtml1-transitional.dtd"gtlthtml lang"en"
xmllang"en" xmlns"http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
gt - ltheadgt
- ltmeta http-equiv"Content-Type"
content"text/html charsetISO-8859-1" /gt - lttitlegtYour Title Herelt/titlegt
- ltlink rel"stylesheet" type"text/css"
hrefanyname.css" /gt - lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltpgtType page content here. to
- lta href"http//example.org/"gtexample.orglt/agt
- lt/pgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
- In-Class assignment
- 1) Create a CSS document
- 2) Pet Palace Lounge page
- Includes ol, ul, div, span, class, id, css
- 3) Use CSS to update your Analysis homework
- Homework Due next week
- Take home Quiz 1 - Due next week
- Non-Linear Visual Series
- Read online articles