Title: NAWIPS AWIPS II Transition Update
1NAWIPS AWIPS II Transition Update
Brent Gordon NCEP/NCO/Systems Integration
Branch Unidata Policy/Users Committees October
15, 2009
- Where Americas Climate, Weather, Ocean, and
Space Prediction Services Begin
2Project Overview
- NCEP has ceased all development of its NAWIPS
software system - Bug and emergency fixes being the exception
- Full NAWIPS system to be ported to AWIPS-II
- Software ready for Operational Testing and
Evaluation by Q1FY11 - No changes to forecaster workflow
- Some visual differences may be unavoidable
- Capitalize on new technology
3Project Overview
- AWIPS-II represents a merging of two software
systems - NAWIPS and AWIPS - Will allow for better collaboration between NCEP
and NWS forecasters - Economic benefits as well.
- The combined system will contain components from
AWIPS and NAWIPS - NMAP, NCEP Product Generation, GEMPAK, Data
decoders/encoders, D2D, GFE, Hydro Apps, etc.
4Project Overview
- N-AWIPS migration will leverage Raytheon baseline
functionality wherever possible - Some functionality implemented directly
- Animation, image manipulation
- Some functionality enhanced
- NCEP decoders, Grid diagnostics
- NCEP views this as a software and hardware
consolidation - No NCEP functionality is going away!
- No forecaster workflow changes
5Current Status
- Transition efforts are on schedule
- First Major Release to NCEP Centers and Unidata
was April 1, 2009 - Additional releases have been made every 4-8
weeks - Scheduled to continue up to October 2010 release
- Weekly Telcons with National Centers and Unidata
- All NAWIPS applications to be ported by October
1, 2010 - Operational Test Evaluation to begin at that
time - National Centers and Unidata involvement
6Current Status
- National Centers (NC) perspective
- Continue to work on data management / select
- Continue to add data resources as new decoders
become available - Continue to refine existing resources
- Working on timeline, time matching, multi-loop,
multi-panel display options
7Current Status
- Product Generation (PGEN)
- All basic compound drawable elements (DEs)
- Multi-product, multi-layer
- Now focused on products
- Graph-to-text TCA, Watches, Outlooks, all
SIGMETs, AIRMET, GFA, etc. - Graph-to-chart Upper Air, Surface Analysis, DWM,
High Seas, etc. - Graph-to-grid G2G
8Current Status
- Decoders
- Several NCEP specific data decoders now completed
- Now focusing on
- Imagery
- Satellite (McIDAS), radar (NIDS from Unisys),
etc. - Text
- All current applications to be available in
AWIPS-II era - Will no longer require GEMPAK file format will
still support it - Forward compatibility GEMPAK DM library access
to AWIPS-II Database - Provides a stop-gap capability for users
migrating to AWIPS-II who run stand-alone GEMPAK
applications - Development ongoing now
- SF- and SN-type db requests complete
- Gridded db requests next
- Capability will become available with GEMPAK
6.0 release - Expected in December 2009 release
- Delayed from October Target
NCEP Schedule
Oct09 Jan10 Apr10 Jul10 Oct10
Jan11 Apr11 Jul11 Oct11
NCO Finish OTE Hardware Deployment
RTS/NCO Hardware Architecture Defined
NCO Begin Hardware Procurement
NCO Code Package Ready for RTS
NWS/RTS Schedule
Oct09 Jan10 Apr10 Jul10 Oct10
Jan11 Apr11 Jul11 Oct11
NWS System OTE
NWS End Deployment
NWS Deploy NCEP Software
NWS Begin Deployment
11Goals for FY2010
- Major Goals for FY2010
- Define National Centers AWIPS II hardware
configuration - Establish MOA between NCEP and OST regarding any
delta cost for target hardware - Procure target hardware
- Execute NCEP OTE on target hardware
- Integrate NCO software into AWIPS II baseline
- Define and implement a AWIPS II support model for
the National Centers - 32 vs 64 bit Issue must be tackled
- NCO to adjust to the role of a dev org
- Remove ourselves from hardware and release
12Other News From NCEP
- Processor Update
- Model Changes
13OCCS Capability
- 69.7 Teraflops Linpack
- 36 Top 500 Nov 2008
- 156 Power6 32-way Nodes
- 4,992 processors _at_ 4.7GHz
- 19,712 gigabytes memory
- 170 terabytes of disk space
- 100 terabyte tape archive
Two Identical IBM Power6 Systems Operational 25
Aug 2009
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Fairmont, West Virginia
Due to budget issues we may not see our next
upgrade until 2012-2013 time frame.
14Network Diagram
15NCEP Compute Farm
- Compute capacity available outside of OCCS
- Runs smaller scale applications than OCCS
- Possibly used for NSSL WDSS-II Level-II radar
data - 30 Blade system Running VMWare
- 8 cores (processors) per blade
- 32 GB Ram per blade (960 GB total)
- 36 TB total Disk Space
- Currently at NCEP WWB
- Will move to the NCWCP in College Park
- A offsite back-up is being developed in Fairmont,
WV at this time
16Upcoming Model Changes
- Moratorium on CCS changes ended in early
September 2009 - SREF 27 Oct New models hourly output to 39
hours - http//www.nws.noaa.gov/os/notification/tin09-29aa
asref_upgrade.txt - Ocean Forecast System 3 Nov Several Physics
upgrades - http//www.nws.noaa.gov/os/notification/tin09-30rt
ofs.txt - NAM 3 Nov Several physics upgrades and Bug
Fixes - http//www.nws.noaa.gov/os/notification/tin09-33na
17Upcoming Model Changes
- NAM BUFR Soundings 10 Nov Several new
stations added - http//www.nws.noaa.gov/os/notification/tin09-26na
m_stations.txt - GFS 15 Dec GSI Analysis upgrade w/ new data
types minor changes to forecast several new
parameters to be available - http//www.nws.noaa.gov/os/notification/tin09-32gf
s_changes.txt - GEFS 15 Dec Resolution upgrade T126 to T170
ESMF Products to be realigned in files on FTP
servers - http//www.nws.noaa.gov/os/notification/tin09-34ge
fs.txt - Future? A move to model update once per quarter
on the CCS
18Upcoming Model Changes
- NCEP model improvement process includes peer
review of changes - Notification of availability of test data for
major model upgrades - https//lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/ncep
.list.modelevalinfo - NCO WEB Site lists upcoming changes
- http//www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/changes/
- Weekly RFC Memo
- List of every change to NCOs IT infrastructure,
as well as CCS and dataflow changes - http//www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/jifmemo/
19One Final Note
- Brent Gordon is Leaving NCO in Early December
- Will become the Chief of the Space Weather
Services Branch at the Space Weather Prediction
Center (SWPC) in Boulder - Replacement for the Chief of Systems Integration
Branch (NAWIPS) at NCO currently unknown