Transplantation 16001685 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transplantation 16001685


Transplantation 16001685 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Transplantation 16001685

Chapter 2 Transplantation 16001685
Key Questions
  • How did New France develop?
  • How did the Dutch Empire and New Netherland
  • What contributed to the diversity of the English
    colonies in the 17th century?
  • How did staple crop economies develop in the
    southern and Caribbean colonies?
  • What role did religion play in the founding of
  • How were biracial slave societies created in the
    West Indies and Carolina?

  • Most Complex American Societies Mesoamerica and
  • Andean Cultures
  • Mesoamerica

I. Most Complex
  • A. Pre-Columbian Cultures before arrival of
  • B. Three periods of development
  • Pre-Classic (or Formative)
  • Classic
  • Post-Classic

  • Most Complex American Societies Mesoamerica and
  • Andean Cultures
  • Mesoamerica

II. Andean Culture
  • A. Agriculture
  • B. Pre-Classic
  • Chavin Culture (1200-200 BCE)
  • Paracas (800 BCE 100 CE)
  • Cupisnique (2000 BCE 200 BCE)

II. Andean Culture
  • C. Classic
  • Moche (1200 BCE 750 CE)
  • Nazca (350 BCE 550 CE)
  • Tiahuanaco (100 BCE 1200 CE)
  • Huari (650-1000 CE)
  • D. Inca (1200-1400 CE)

  • Most Complex American Societies Mesoamerica and
  • Andean Cultures
  • Mesoamerica

III. Mesoamerica
  • Pre-Classic Olmecs (1200 BCE 300 CE)
  • Classic
  • 1. Teotihuacan (1 750 CE)
  • 2. Mayan (1500 BCE 900 CE)
  • a. Tikal
  • b. Chichen Itza
  • c. Popul Voh
  • C. Post-Classic
  • 1. Toltecs (900-1200)
  • 2. Aztecs (1200-1521)

The French in North America
  • The quest for furs and converts
  • The growing trade in beaver pelts and fish
    stimulated the founding of the colony of New
    France in North America.
  • Samuel de Champlain established the first
    permanent settlement at Quebec in 1608.
  • The fur trade created a partnership between the
    Indians and the French based on trade.
  • Missionary activities to convert the Indians to
    Christianity was a major colonial motivation.

The French in North America (contd.)
  • The development of New France
  • King Louis XIV and his minister strengthened
    colonial administration, improving defenses and
    promoting migration.
  • Population growth in New France was slow and the
    population reached about 15,000 in 1700.
  • Most colonial families developed farms along the
    St. Lawrence Valley
  • French traders and missionaries reached the
    Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico,
    expanding the French colonial empire.

The Dutch Overseas Empire
  • The Dutch East India Company
  • The Dutch East India was the instrument of
    colonial dominance, establishing Dutch
    possessions in present-day Taiwan, Indonesia,
    India, Sri Lanka, and Africa

The Dutch Overseas Empire (contd.)
  • The West India Company and New Netherland
  • The Dutch established the West India Company to
    expand into the Americas.
  • New Netherland was founded in present-day New
    York and extended from Fort Orange (Albany) to
    Manhattan island.
  • Population growth was slow but New Netherland
    attracted a diverse population of religious
    refugees and Africans.
  • Good relations were maintained with the Iroquois
    but were less friendly with the Algonquian
    peoples around New Amsterdam.

English Settlement in the Chesapeake
  • The Ordeal of Early Virginia
  • Sponsored by the Virginia Company, the Jamestown
    colony was founded in 1607 but often teetered on
    the brink of failure due to disease, an an
    inability to produce food supplies, and poor
  • Relations between the Jamestown colonists and the
    Powhatan Confederacy were generally poor due
    largely to the effects of European diseases on
    the Indians and the unfriendly actions of
    colonists that led to violence.
  • In 1622, a war erupted between the Jamestown
    colonists and the Powhatan Confederacy that
    lasted 10 years.

English Settlement in the Chesapeake (contd.)
  • The Importance of Tobacco
  • Tobacco provided the Virginia colony with a
    profitable commodity and shaped almost all
    aspects of colonial development from land
    settlement patterns to recruitment of colonists.
  • The need for labor led to the development of the
    indentured servant system that promised free
    passage to America in exchange for a fixed term
    of labor.
  • Indenture did not serve as a ladder to a better
    life as most servants died and those who survived
    often found freedom brought a life of poverty.

Maryland A refuge for Catholics
  • Maryland was founded in 1632 as a proprietary
    colony owned by George Calvert, Lord Baltimore.
  • Calvert was Catholic and wanted to establish a
    colony for others of his faith, but most
    colonists were Protestants.
  • Marylands development was connected to the
    struggle in England between the monarchy and the
    Puritans, leading to reforms such as the first
    law calling for freedom of worship for all
  • Maryland developed as a tobacco colony.

Life in the Chesapeake Colonies
  • Labor needs determined that the population of the
    Chesapeake colonies were largely young and male.
  • Disease limited population growth and family size
    reduced life expectancy for men and women.
    Immigration was the primary means of increasing
    the population during most of the 17th century.
  • Death and immigration often created unusual
    households containing various combinations of
    stepparents and children from different
  • Indian populations declined from disease and war,
    leading to increasing isolation from colonial

The Founding of New England
  • The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony
  • Plymouth Colony was founded in 1620 and resulted
    from the growing religious disputes in England
    that gave rise to the Puritan faith.
  • Separatists founded Plymouth Colony in an area
    that had been recently depopulated by disease.
  • An alliance between the Plymouth colonists and
    the Wampanoags was based on misunderstanding, the
    need for allies against enemies, and trade.
  • Plymouth remained a small, weak, and poor colony.

The Founding of New England (contd.)
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony and its offshoots
  • Puritan merchants founded the Massachusetts Bay
    Colony to set up a colony in that area.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony was established along
    religious lines using the covenant agreement to
    define colonial duties and relations.
    Representative government enhanced colonial
  • Colonial expansion led to the Pequot War in which
    the colonists allied with the Narragansetts and
    Mohegans to defeat the Pequots.
  • Religious dissent led to the establishment of
    Rhode Island by Roger Williams and the expulsion
    of Anne Hutchinson.

The Founding of New England
  • Families, farms, and communities in early New
  • Population growth was stimulated by a balanced
    sex ratio and a healthier climate the contributed
    to improved survival rates among children and
    longer life spans.
  • Women in early New England were legally and
    economically dependent but made central
    contributions to a familys success, including
    through household production and trade.
  • New England settlements centered around towns
    that included the meeting house that served as a
    place of worship and government. The towns also
    served as trading centers.

Competition in the Caribbean
  • Sugar and slaves
  • Defying Spanish claims, the French, Dutch, and
    English established colonies in the Caribbean.
  • Sugar plantations worked by African slaves
    characterized Caribbean colonial development.
  • A biracial society
  • The English West Indies developed the first
    biracial society in the English colonies.
  • Comprising the majority of the population,
    African slaves living under harsh conditions
    governed by slave codes maintained aspects of a
    normal life and cultural traditions.

The Restoration Colonies
  • Early Carolina colonial aristocracy and slave
  • Founded in 1663, Carolina was a proprietary
    colony that developed a plantation economy after
    the introduction of rice in the 1690s.
  • Because many of its founders had come from the
    sugar islands, Carolina society resembled the
    Caribbean colonies in that a majority population
    of African slaves worked on plantations.
  • Poorer settlers were forced to move to the
    northern part of Carolina, eventually
    establishing their own colony. They raised
    tobacco and livestock, and produced pitch, tar,
    and timber products.

The Restoration Colonies
  • Pennsylvania the dream of toleration and peace
  • William Penn founded Pennsylvania in 1681 hoping
    to provide a refuge for Quakers and a model of
    justice and peace.
  • Penn established good relations with Indians by
    purchasing land and signing treaties.
  • Pennsylvanias frame of government provided
    religious freedom and created a legislature with
    limited powers.
  • The population was ethnically and religiously
    diverse with most settlers living on farms,
    though Philadelphia developed as a major port.

The Restoration Colonies
  • New Netherland becomes New York
  • England took over the Dutch colony of New
    Netherland and divided it into the proprietary
    colonies of New York and New Jersey.
  • New Yorks development was influenced by generous
    terms made to the Dutch colonists and the
    promotion of immigration from England.
  • Map English North American colonies, c. 1685, p.

  • During the 17th century, France, the Netherlands,
    and England competed for colonies in North
  • New France was characterized by the fur trade,
    friendly relations with Indian peoples, and
    small, scattered settlements.
  • English colonization was haphazard, characterized
    by colonial charters and largely independent
    colonial development.
  • The planting of French, Dutch, and English
    colonies ended Spains monopoly of settlement in
    North America and strongly challenged the
    Indians hold on the continent.

MAP 21 New France, c. 1650 By 1650, New France
contained a number of thinly populated settlements
along the St. Lawrence River Valley and the
eastern shore of Lake Huron. Most colonists lived
in Quebec and Montreal other sites served mainly
as fur-trading posts and Jesuit missions to the
Huron Indians.
MAP 22 English and Dutch Mainland Colonies in
North America, c. 1655 Early English colonies
clustered in two areas of the Atlantic seaboardNe
w England and the Chesapeake Bay. Between them
lay Dutch New Netherland, with settlements
stretching up the Hudson River. The Dutch also
acquired territory at the mouth of the Delaware
River in 1655 when they seized a short-lived
Swedish colony located there.
MAP 23 Principal European Possessions in the
Caribbean in the Seventeenth Century Europeans
scrambled for control of Caribbean islands, where
they raised sugar cane with slave labor. On many
islands, Africans soon formed the majority of the
population. In some cases, colonists from one
European country settled on lands claimed by a
rival power. For instance, English settlers
established bases in Belize and on the Mosquito
Coast, both of which were claimed by Spain.
MAP 24 English North American Colonies, c. 1685
After the restoration of Charles II in 1660,
several large proprietary colonies joined earlier
English settlements in New England and the
Chesapeake. By 1685, a growing number of English
settlers solidified Englands claim to the
Atlantic coast from Maine (then part of
Massachusetts Bay Colony) to the southern edge of
This wooden blockhouse, reconstructed on the
basis of archaeological findings, stood at one
corner of a fort in Wolstenholme Towne, in
Martins Hundred, Virginia. In 1622, Powhatan
Indians attacked this and other Virginia
settlements in retaliation for years of English
depredations. The Granger Collection, New York
Because Indians expected their trading partners
also to be military allies, Europeans were often
drawn into native conflicts. This illustration,
from Samuel de Champlains 1613 description of
the founding of New France, shows him joining his
Huron allies in an attack on the Iroquois.
FIGURE 21 European Populations of New France
(Quebec) and English Colonies in 1650 and 1700
Although New Frances population grew rapidly
between 1650 and 1700, it remained only a tiny
fraction of the population of Englands
North American colonies. By 1700, English
colonists on the mainland outnumbered New
Frances inhabitants by a factor of about 16 to
1. Data Source From John J. McCusker and
Russell R. Menard, The Economy of British
America, 16071789 (1985). The University of
North Carolina Press.
The Hartgers View, the earliest known view of New
Amsterdam as it appeared c. 16261628 colored
line engraving, 1651.
Cornelius de Zeeuw depicted a prosperous Dutch
merchant family in this sixteenth-century
painting. The arrangement of figures indicates
the hierarchies of gender and age that prevailed
in Dutch society, while the family members
serious expressions suggest their strict
Calvinist beliefs.
This illustration shows John Smith seizing the
scalplock of Opechancanough, Chief Powhatans
brother, during an English raid on an Indian
village. Smith released his prisoner only after
Indians ransomed him with corn. Thirteen years
later, Opechancanough led a surprise attack
against the colonists.
FIGURE 22 The Supply and Price of Chesapeake
Tobacco, 16201700 Tobacco cultivation dominated
the economy of the Chesapeake region throughout
the seventeenth century. As planters brought more
and more land under cultivation, the amount of
tobacco exported to Britain shot up and the price
plummeted. (As the dashed line indicates, no data
on tobacco imports are available for the years
16401680.) Data Source From Russell R. Menard,
The Tobacco Industry in the Chesapeake Colonies,
16171730 An Interpretation, Research in
Economic History, 5 (1980), app. Jai Press, Inc.
Virginia-grown tobacco found a ready market among
European consumers such as this contemplative
smoker. As tobacco prices declined during the
seventeenth century due to increased production,
even people of modest means could take up the
habit of smoking.
John Winthrop (15881649) served as the
Massachusetts Bay Colonys governor for most of
its first two decades. Throughout his life,
Winthroplike many fellow Puritansstruggled to
live a godly life in a corrupt world. Courtesy,
American Antiquarian Society.
Most New Englanders came in family groups,
bringing many children with them. The lace and
ribbons on the clothing of the Mason children,
depicted in this 1670 portrait, suggest that they
came from a well-to-do family. Like many
seventeenth-century portraits, this one is rich
in symbolism. The cane in David Masons hand
indicates his status as the male heir, while the
rose held by his sister Abigail was a symbol of
childhood innocence. Attributed to the
Freake-Gibbs Painter, American, active Boston,
Mass., c. 1670. The Mason Children David,
Joanna, and Abigail, 1670. Oil on canvas, 39 42
1/2 in. The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco,
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd,
SLAVERY WEST INDIES. African slaves working at a
sugar mill in the West Indies, probably on a
Dutch-owned island line engraving, 17th century.
Thomas Corams oil painting (c. 1770) shows the
main residence and slave quarters on the Mulberry
Plantation near Charleston, South Carolina. The
distinctive steep-roofed design of the slave
cabins on the left probably reflects African
building styles. Slave quarters may not have been
located quite as close to the main house as this
picture suggests. Thomas Coram, View of
Mulberry Street, House and Street. Oil on paper,
10 3 17.6 cm, Gibbes Museum of Art/ Carolina Art
Association. 68.18.01
No colonial proprietor was more idealistic than
William Penn, shown here in a portrait made in
about 1698 by Francis Place. Penn wanted
Pennsylvania to be a place of peace, prosperity,
and religious tolerationespecially for his
fellow Quakers. The colony eventually became an
economic success but failed to achieve the social
harmony that Penn had wanted.
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