Title: Pete Metrulas Hewlett Packard
1 Enterprise Positioning of OpenID
01/09/08 Discussion
- Pete Metrulas Hewlett Packard
2 Proposed Agenda
- Overview on the IdCommons process How it works?
- Establishing a working group
- Getting approved as an official group
- How a group is structured and works
- What are the typical deliverables of a workgroup
- Review of the current working group definition
- Does this represent the scope?
- What additional areas of the charter need to be
addressed? - Review of some concepts related to the context
Enterprise drivers related to OpenID / IdM 2.0
3 Charter Draft Document
- Name Enterprise Positioning
- Purpose To engage the enterprises in the
adoption and proliferation of user-centric
identity by shaping clear articulate value
propositions for communication in the enterprise
space. - Principles
- Meet the business community where they are at.
- Practices
- We work via mailing list with documentation on
our wiki. - Requirements of Participation and How to Join
- Anyone can join
- Licenses and/or Restrictions on Usage of Work
Product - Creative Commons, Commercial, non-attribution?
4 Charter Draft Document
- Current Deliverables and Milestones
- Current Meeting Schedule
- Current Membership
- Dan Nelson - FBS Data Systems Pete Metrulas -
Hewlett-Packard Gary Ardito - Novell Kaliya
Hamlin - Identity Woman -
- Current Stewards Council Representative and
Alternate - Representative Gary Ardito Alternate Pete
Metrulas -
- Current Links
- Enterprise Positioning
- Related Groups
- Project VRM
- Enterprise Identity Architects
5An example of the Enterprise Challenge..
- HP Unlocks the Printable Web for Millions of
Internet Users - SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17, 2007 HP today announced
new relationships and print capabilities with
several major web properties including
Disney.com, Windows Live Spaces, Flickr and the
Graffiti Application for Facebook to make it
easy for people to print relevant, customized
content from the web. - The relationships, the latest development in HPs
Print 2.0 strategy, will offer Internet users new
and enhanced printing options to control what
they print and how they print it. - In September alone, there were more than 267
million visits to these partners sites.(1) Each
visit represents an opportunity to provide an
improved customer experience as well as to
merchandise digital content in new and compelling
ways. - To enable these experiences, HP is using Web 2.0
technologies such as those developed by Tabblo, a
company HP acquired in March. HP unveiled its
strategy to improve web printing in May and
announced new partners and tools in August. To
date, the company has print-enabled a variety of
leading websites, from entertainment to travel. - Source http//www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/press/20
6The Enterprise Challenge
- Enterprises need a holistic IDM strategy, process
and tool, - that effectively interfaces identity across a
diverse set of - communities and domains
- Allow the user be reliably identified
- User can use an identity they already have
created anywhere - Use this to provide a personalized service to a
broader audience - High barrier of entry for certain low sensitivity
applications - Time and cost for integrating MA
7What is the industry IDM Evolution
IDM 1.0
IDM 2.0
- IDM 1.0
- Reducing cost of managing fragmented identities
while retaining high level of trust - Evolving from identity application silos to a
reduced SSO for the enterprise - Cost Reduction
- Federation for trusted enterprises
- IDM 2.0
- User Centric approach to Identity Management
Users creating and maintaining identity and
claims (i.e., the IP of identity) - User Control Choosing which identity credentials
to present in response to an authenticating or
attribute request - User Consent User can always control or deny
whether info about them is released - IDM 2.0 provides functionality capabilities not
in IDM 1.0 not a superset of federation
8What are the typical goals of Enterprise IDM
Customer IDM 1.0
2.0 User centrism
- Strong driver to extend to reach to communities
to generate additional revenue and reduce by
selling products services and eliminating the
barrier for registration and identity - 1. A horizontal identity management solution that
allows identity to be effectively interfaced
portable across domains and communities - 2. Allow users to create and maintain identity
Make it easy for customer to interact with web
2.0 communities and beyond - 3. Lightweight identity solution that reduces
barriers of entry to other communities, but also
within HP - Provide a low barrier of entry for certain low
sensitivity applications - Provide a quicker and secure identity management
solution for MA
9Enterprise Customer IdM 2.0
- The challenge extending reach beyond the captive
domain into new and diverse communities
Cultivated Communities
Captive Users
Communities Blogs
Customers Partners
External Communities
10What are the IDM themes around extending global
- Overall strategy is to market products and
services to communities beyond the current
captive domain - Allow the user be reliably identified
- User can use an identity they already have
created anywhere - Use this to provide a personalized service to a
broader audience - Make it easy for customer to interact with
enterprise communities and beyond - Provide a low barrier of entry for certain low
sensitivity applications - Provide a quicker and secure identity management
solution for MA
11Lightweight Idm solution
- Provide a lightweight identity architecture
approach that is simpler, cheaper and faster for
integration. - Reduces barriers of entry for MA
- Added on but does not replace core HP IDM 1.0
capabilities - May mask some levels of back end fragmentation
- Trust for highly sensitive content is an issues
- The model of an enterprise being its own RP and
masking OpenID needs to be considered -
Enterprise Idm Solutions
Open ID provider, or other solutions
Enterprise .com assets
12Choosing the right tool for the problem
Cultivated Communities
Captive Users
Customer IDM 2.0 Possible Solutions
IDs portable across domains and communities
Core 1.0 IDM
User Centric for low sensitivity
applications User Centric Path (ii.e. Open ID,
Cardspace, others TBD)
Enterprise open ID provider or others
Federations for pair wise Enterprise IDM
Communities Blogs
Customers Partners
External Communities
13 14Authentication and Trust 2.0 Example of ONE
3. Type in Open ID credentials (URL) when logging
on to web site
5. User gives consent on what ID to share
4. Web Site redirects user back to Open ID
provider with credentials to log in
Validator URL
1. User declares identity with open ID provider
Authentication Protocol
Replying Party Web Site)
Password, Validator URL
User Centric User Control User Consent Self
Declared Identity
2. Establishes Open ID credentials (URL) For
15Cultivated and External Communities
- External to your captive community - these
communities represent to a significant
opportunity to increase your global reach - Communities that are for shared interest
represents community thought leadership that goes
beyond an individual - Typically a minimal set of information exits that
users claim - Bridging identity into these domains removes key
barriers of entry - Registration abandonment
- ID fatigue among users
- Expensive to maintain a shared IdM (e.g.
federation) infrastructure for these types of
16What is the Customer IDM State?
- Customer IDM .5 Identity Silo
- Each application is doing its own identity
management - Massive fragmentation
- Customer experience is broken
- IDM 1.0 Reduced Sign On and Federation
- Horizontal idm solution
- Customer experiences reduced sign on
- Risk Mitigation and cost benefit
- Federation offering in Managed Services