Title: AED: What is it
1AED What is it?
What are the necessary skills and dispositions
of citizens in a renewing and ever-healthier
Agenda for Education in a Democracy
5Agenda for Education in a Democracy
6Agenda for Education in a Democracy
Emerging from in-depth research of schools and
teacher education in the 1970s and 1980s
Agenda for Education in a Democracy
Teaching of skills and dispositions
Agenda for Education in a Democracy
Attention to how we teach - - modeling democratic
dispositions and nurturing each individual child
(Nurturing Pedagogy)
Agenda for Education in a Democracy
Nurturing Pedagogy
Attention to equity and justice - - whose
interests are being served? (Access to Knowledge)
Agenda for Education in a Democracy
Nurturing Pedagogy
Access to Knowledge
Accepting responsibility (Stewardship)
Agenda for Education in a Democracy
Nurturing Pedagogy
Access to Knowledge
12AED Who Does This Work?
13Agenda for Education in a Democracy
14Agenda for Education in a Democracy
Institute for Educational Inquiry
15Agenda for Education in a Democracy
Institute for Educational Inquiry
A small non-profit organization whose aim is to
deepen understanding of and support action toward
the AEDs implementation.
16Agenda for Education in a Democracy
The National Network for Educational Renewal
Institute for Educational Inquiry
17Agenda for Education in a Democracy
The National Network for Educational Renewal
Institute for Educational Inquiry
A national membership network of
school-university partnerships whose shared
mission is to implement the AED.
18Agenda for Education in a Democracy
The National Network for Educational Renewal
Institute for Educational Inquiry
19Setting Renewal Sessions Sponsored by the IEI and
the NNER And local settings
21- To provide renewal of the concepts for those
familiar with the AED - To prepare a cadre of people who can carry out
these sessions in the future - To give us feedback to refine the curriculum
- To increase understanding of the AED among those
new to settings
22Education in a Democracy
- Purpose of schools is to prepare well educated,
creative, and thughtful citizens who are active,
critical participants in the civic processes that
promote our democracy.