2TPN Complications
- Glucose Metabolism
- Protein Metabolism
- Fat Metabolism
- Elevated LFTs
- Electrolyte Disorders
- Emphasis on prevention
3TPN Complications
- Pneumothorax air
- Hemothorax - blood
- Hydrothorax - solution (TPN)
- Intravascular Misplacement - often IJ
- Catheter Embolism - sheared tip
- Air Embolism
- Venous Thrombosis
4TPN ComplicationsGlucose Metabolism
- Hyperglycemia
- HHCN Hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar, nonketotic
coma - Renal threshold for glucose 180 mg/dl
- One episode of hyperglycemia may affect the
outcome in critical care patient
5TPN ComplicationsGlucose Metabolism
- Hyperglycemia Prevention and Treatment
- Start TPN at 50 ml/hr or with 10 dextrose
- Advance rate at 25 ml/hr each day
- Do not overfeed (lt5-7mg/kg/min)
- Check BS at least daily
- Do not advance if BS gt 200 mg/dl
- If gt 200 give insulin to control BS
- then advance
- May decrease the of total calories
- from dextrose
6TPN ComplicationsGlucose Metabolism
- Rebound Hypoglycemia
- May occur if TPN interrupted for gt 30 min
- Endogenous and exogenous insulin
- Prevention
- Taper TPN before stopping (1/2 rate x 1-2 hours)
- Hang D10
7TPN ComplicationsGlucose Metabolism
- CO2 Retention
- Occurs in pts with resp. dz. (ie. COPD)
- Occurs with overfeeding
- Especially if primary source of calories dextrose
- Prevention
- Feed per nutritional assessment
- Provide mixed substrate
8TPN ComplicationsProtein Metabolism
- Azotemia
- Occurs in pts with renal failure
- Prevention restrict protein
- ARF 0.5-0.8gm/kg/d
- CRF 0.8-1 gm/kg/d
- Dialysis
- Specialized AA formulations??
9TPN ComplicationsProtein Metabolism
- Hyperammonemia
- and Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE)
- Occurs in pts with liver failure
- Restrict protein as necessary
- ie. 0.5 gm/kg/d
- Treat HE with lactulose or antibiotic enemas
- For HE consider Hepatamine
10TPN ComplicationsFat Metabolism
- Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency
- EFA linoleic acid
- Cause TPN without fat
- Prevention Give IV fat emulsion
- Hyperlipidemia
- If trig too high (gt400 mg/dL) give IV fat
emulsion for EFA only
11TPN ComplicationsAbnormalities of LFTs
- Elevated liver function tests
- AST (SGOT) also from heart
- ALT (SGPT) more specific
- LDH and Bilibrubin
- Possible cause fatty infiltrates of liver
(hepatic steatois) - Exceed rate of glucose metabolism
- 5-7 mg/kg/min
- Less risk with cyclic infusion
- (ie. 12hr on 12 hr off)
- Prevention
- Keep rate lt 5mg/kg/min
- Provide mixed substrates (Lipids)
- Provide calories per nutritional assessment
- Possible cause Cholestatis
12TPN ComplicationsFluid and Electrolyte Disorders
- Fluid and virtually any electrolyte
- Refeeding Syndrome
- Low serum levels of intracellular electrolytes
- Hpokalemia
- Hypomagnesemia
- Hypophosphatemia
- Setting Malnourished patients
- Serum lytes may be normal but TBS are low
- Prevention Daily lytes when starting TPN
- Make electrolyte adjustments
13TPN ComplicationsSeptic Complications
- Usually catheter related
- Not commonly from contaminated TPN
- Most common bacteria Staph sp.
- Most common fungi Candida sp.
- Prevention Monitor for SS of infection
- Proper catheter care
14TPN ComplicationsPatient Monitoring
- Catheter Placement
- Blood Sugars
- LFTs
- Electrolytes
- Fluid Status
- SS of Infection
- Use a good TPN protocol