Title: Fact or Crap
1Fact or Crap
- Subject Immigration, Working Conditions, and
2The analogy called the melting pot is used
because different cultures have blended together
over our history.
3The Knights of Labor union drew its membership
only from skilled workers
- Crap its The American Federation of Labor
4Arbitration is when a union and employer uses an
impartial third party to reach a compromise
between the employer and the workers
5 New Immigrants that came from Europe came from
the North and the West
- CRAP they came from the South and the East
6European immigrants came through Ellis Island
which was an Island just outside of San Francisco
- CRAP Ellis Island is just outside of New York
7Scabs are workers that replaced unionized workers
during strikes. Employers used this as a way to
battle the labor unions
8The negotiations between a union and employer is
called collective bargaining
9Two of the main groups that were responsible for
child labor were the unions because children
didnt complain, and the government because they
did not have to educate them
- CRAP it was the parents for extra income, and the
employers for cheap labor
10During labor disputes, violence would often occur
and this caused the public to blame the police
officers for not preventing it
- CRAP the public blamed the labor union
11The Chinese were not allowed into the U.S.
between 1882 and 1892 because many people on the
west coast thought their population was growing
too quickly
12Many non-European immigrants came from Japan and
China of the South American continent
- CRAP they came from the continent of Asia
13Scrip was company money that was able to be used
anywhere in the country and almost replaced our
current monetary system
- CRAP is was only able to be used in company towns
14The Jewish nationality was found throughout
Eastern Europe and these people were escaping to
the U.S. because they were heavily discriminated
- CRAP Judaism is a religion not a nationality
15The Knights of Labor believed all union workers
should be involved in one union
16An injunction was a list that allowed employers
to know who trouble makers were and thus know who
not to hire for employment
17During the Pullman Strike, the government used a
Blacklist as a way of breaking up the strike
- CRAP they used an injunction
18Anarchists believe that a society should be a
- CRAP they believe a society should be free of
government control
19Mr. Daileys bands name in high school was Mad
Dingo and the Reservoir Dogs
- Crap and the real name is none of your business!!!