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MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Office of Professional Preparation Services. 2005 ... Professional Education Certificate (Advanced) is valid for UP TO 5 years from ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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  • Office of Professional Preparation Services
  • 2005
  • https//www.michigan.gov/mde

Office of Professional Preparation Services
  • Information Available On
  • Teacher certification verification
  • Certification Reference Manual
  • Important information of educator licensure
  • Certification applications

Administrative Rules
  • The Office of Professional Preparation Services
    has proposed revisions to the administrative
    rules governing the certification of teachers,
    school counselors and school psychologists.
    Public hearings to receive comment regarding the
    proposed rule changes will be conducted in
    November and December, 2005. Notice of hearing
    dates and locations will be published in the
    major Michigan newspapers.

School Safety Legislation Summary
  • The following requirements apply to local and
    intermediate school districts, public school
    academies, and nonpublic schools
  • School Safety Zone prohibits individuals
    convicted of a listed offense with some
    exceptions, from being within 1000 feet of school
    property MCL 28.733 28.736.
  • The district shall not employ, in any capacity,
    an individual who has been convicted of a listed
    offense (a crime that requires registration as a
    sex offender).

School Safety Legislation Summary (contd)
  • A school district may employ an individual who
    has been convicted of a non-listed offense
    felony, only if the Superintendent and School
    Board each specifically approve the employment or
    work assignment, in writing.
  • Not later than July 1, 2008, each individual who,
    as of January 1, 2006, is either employed
    full-time or part-time or is assigned to
    regularly and continuously work under contract,
    shall be fingerprinted for the purpose of
    performing a criminal history background check.

School Safety Legislation Summary (contd)
  • If a person who is employed in any capacity by
    the district, or has applied for a position, or
    has had an initial criminal history check, or is
    regularly or continuously working under contract
    in a district, shall report to the Michigan
    Department of Education and the school district
    that he or she has been charged with a crime,
    within three business days after being arraigned
    for the crime.

School Safety Legislation Summary (contd)
  • If the employee does not report the charge or
    conviction, he or she is guilty of an additional
    crime. If the non-reported charge or conviction
    is a felony or listed offense, the person is
    guilty of a felony. If the non-reported charge
    is a non-listed offense misdemeanor, the person
    is guilty of a misdemeanor.

School Safety Legislation Summary (contd)
  • If the employee does not report the charge or
    conviction, the district may discharge the person
    from employment or termination of his or her
    contract, following notice and the opportunity of
    a hearing. If a collective bargaining agreement
    is in effect as of January 1, 2006, and the
    agreement is not in compliance with the
    requirement, the district may not discharge the
    person for failing to report the charge or
    conviction until after the expiration of that
    collective bargaining agreement.

School Safety Legislation Summary (contd)
  • The Department of Information Technology (DIT)
    will work with the Department of Education (MDE)
    and the State Police to develop and implement an
    automated program that will compare the list of
    Registered Educational Personnel (REP) with the
    conviction information database. If a person on
    the REP has been convicted of a crime, the MDE is
    required to notify the district indicated on the
    REP as the employing district. Convictions for
    listed offenses will require immediate dismissal
    of the employee.

  • A listed offense" is a crime that requires
    registration as a sex offender. Listed offense
    is defined in Section 2 of the Sex Offenders
    Registration Act. A listed offense includes
    any of the following 
  • Accosting, enticing, or soliciting a child for
    immoral purposes. 
  • Involvement in child sexually abusive activity or

Listed Offenses (contd)
  • A third or subsequent violation of any
    combination of engaging in obscene or indecent
    conduct in public, indecent exposure, or a local
    ordinance substantially corresponding to either
  • First, second, third, or fourth degree Criminal
    Sexual Conduct (CSC).
  • Assault with intent to commit CSC. 
  • If the victim is less than 18 years of age, the
    crime of gross indecency (except for a juvenile
    disposition or adjudication), kidnapping, sodomy,
    or soliciting another for prostitution.

Listed Offenses (contd)
  • Leading, enticing, or carrying away a child under
    14 years of age.
  • Pandering.
  • Any other violation of a state law or local
    ordinance constituting a sexual offense against
    an individual less than 18 years of age.
  • An offense committed by a sexually delinquent
  • An attempt or conspiracy to commit one of the
    offenses listed above. 

Listed Offenses (contd)
  • Any offense under the laws of the United States,
    any other state, or any other country or tribal
    or military law, that is substantially similar to
    a listed offense. 

  • Upon notification, the Office of Professional
    Preparation Services will review the criminal
    conviction and initiate administrative
    proceedings as determined by either Legislation
    or Administrative Rule.
  • Certificate Holders or those who hold State Board
    Approval are notified of the proceedings and
    their right to a hearing.

Suspensions/Revocations (contd)
  • It is a criminal offense to attempt to obtain
    employment as a teacher using a fraudulent
    certificate. Upon application for employment,
    each certificate should be reviewed for
    authenticity. Any discrepancies should be
    reported to the MDE.

PUBLIC ACT 289 (1995)
  • Public Act 289 (1995) requires districts to
    obtain a disclosure of unprofessional conduct
    statement for all new employees. All new
    employees must sign a statement releasing a
    previous employer from liability for disclosing
    past unprofessional conduct.

Certificate Nullifications
  • Section 380.1532 of the Michigan School Code
    allows for the nullification of a teaching
    certificate or one or more endorsements on the
    certificate. The statute was amended in 1995 to
    direct the SBE, at the request of a teacher, to
    immediately nullify a certificate (permanent
    revocation) or an endorsement. Following
    nullification of one or more endorsements, a new
    teaching certificate, with the nullified
    endorsements removed, will be issued to the

Administrator Eligibility for Employment
  • Administrators are required to meet the following
    continuing education requirement to be eligible
    for employment by a school district
  • During the 5 years from date of hire have
    completed 6 semester credits at a post-secondary
    institution of higher education relevant to the
    assignment, OR 18 State Board- Continuing
    Education Units, OR a combination of the two.
  • Statute does not provide for exceptions to the

School Counselors
  • Tenure and School Counselors holding a Teaching
    Certificate with an Endorsement
  • Proposed administrative rule change will
    reinstate tenure to school counselors who hold a
    teaching certificate with the appropriate
    endorsement. The change allows a counselor to
    attain tenure while serving in a counselor
    position without having to return to the
    classroom. The rule change will not impact
    counselors who hold a school counselor license,
    they may not attain tenure.

School Counselors (contd)
  • School Guidance Counselor positions cannot be
    filled with a School Social Worker.
  • Guidance Counselors provide academic counseling
    and scheduling services, which a Social Worker
    may not provide.

School Psychologist Certificates
  • A school psychologist is required to be certified
    in Michigan to perform assessment duties for
    special education placement. There are two
    types of valid Michigan school psychologist
  • The preliminary school psychologist certificate
  • The school psychologist certificate (must be
    renewed every 5 years).

School Psychologists (Contd)
  • Renewal of the School Psychologist Certificate
  • Preliminary School Psychologist certificate may
    be renewed once for an additional 3 years if the
    school psychologist has completed the academic
  • A School Psychologist certificate may be renewed
    with the completion of an additional 6 semester
    credits or 18 State Board Continuing Education
    Units or a combination of both. The credit or
    equivalents MUST be in coursework directly
    related to functioning as a school psychologist.

Teacher Permits
  • The MDE issues 3 types of teacher permits
  • The 150-day permit for day-to-day substitute
  • An emergency permit when a district has posted
    and advertised a position and no suitable
    candidate may be found AND the students
    education is in jeopardy.
  • A full-year permit issued to the district to
    employ a teacher who has completed at least 120
    semester credits, 15 credits of which must be in
    professional education course work, when no
    suitable and qualified candidate may be found.

Teaching Permits (Contd)
  • A full-year or emergency permit will only be
    issued when the district can show that the
    position has been posted and advertised at
    approved teacher preparation institutions, in
    local newspapers, and searched the Michigan
    Educators Talent Bank (www.michigan.gov/metb)
    AND can show that a suitable and qualified
    candidate cannot be found.

Troops to Teachers Program
  • The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title II,
    Part CTransition to Teaching Program funds a
    unique opportunity for schools to employ highly
    skilled military personnel to work in teacher
    shortage areas such as science, mathematics,
    special education and vocational/technical
  • Further information on the Troops to Teachers
    program may be obtained from
  • Dr. David Ratajik
  • 517-373-9732

NCLB The Highly Qualified Teacher

Michigan Teaching Certificates
  • Levels of Certificates
  • Elementary Teaching CertificateGrades K-5 (all
    subjects) and Grades 6-8 Self-Contained Classroom
    (defined in Administrative Rules)
  • Secondary Teaching CertificateGrades 7-12
    (specific to a subject area endorsement displayed
    on the certificate)

Michigan Teaching Certificates
  • Types of Certificates
  • Provisional Teaching Certificate (Initial) after
    issuance the teacher must earn an additional 18
    semester credits in a planned program, and
    demonstrate 3 years of successful teaching within
    the validity of the certificate. The certificate
    may be valid for 6 years.

Michigan Teaching Certificates
  • Types of Certificates
  • Professional Education Certificate (Advanced) is
    valid for UP TO 5 years from the date of
    issuance. Renewal of the certificate requires the
    teacher to have earned an additional 6 semester
    credits or 18 State Board Continuing Education
    Units or a combination of the two. Credits must
    have been earned within the 5 years PRIOR TO THE

Michigan Teaching Certificates
  • Other Valid Michigan Certificates
  • Life
  • Permanent
  • 18-Hour Continuing Education
  • 30-Hour Continuing Education
  • Temporary Vocational Authorization
  • Occupational Education Certificate
  • Full Vocational Authorization
  • limited to teaching in a vocationally funded
    program only

Special Designations to Certificates
  • An elementary teacher with a Permanent or
    Continuing Education certificate will have the
    designation K-8 all subjects appear. The teacher
    may be assigned to teach ANY subject grades K-8.
    The teacher may not be Highly Qualified for the
    assignment. A secondary Permanent or Continuing
    Education certificate will have the designation
    7-8 all subjects. The teacher may teach ANY
    subject grades 7-8 but may not be Highly
    Qualified for the assignment.

Highly Qualified Teacher
  • 1. Have earned a bachelors degree
  • 2. Have full state certification
  • In Michigan this means have a valid initial or
    advanced teaching certificate.
  • Not employed under an emergency permit

Elementary Level
  • 3. For a teacher NEW to the profession it means
    demonstrating competence with the passing of a
    rigorous state exam including reading, writing,
    mathematics and other subjects related to an
    elementary education (grades K-5) New to
    profession means a teacher certified AFTER
    January 8, 2002.

Elementary Level (Contd)
  • For an elementary teacher not new to the
    profession, who holds a valid Michigan elementary
    teaching certificate, he/she may be considered
    Highly Qualified for any assignment K-5.

Elementary Level (Contd)
  • 4. An elementary teacher, not new to the
    profession in a departmentalized middle school
    (grades 6-8), must show evidence that ONE of the
    following options have been met
  • A passing score on the MTTC general elementary
    examination and any subject area for which the
    teacher is endorsed.
  • Individuals with a K-8 all subjects designation
    may elect to take and pass the subject area exams
    for the subjects taught, OR

Elementary Level (Contd)
  • 5. Hold a graduate degree or course work
    equivalent to an undergraduate major in any
    subject area directly related to elementary
    education, OR
  • 6. Achieve National Board Certification or
    credentialing in any subject(s) at an appropriate
    developmental level, OR

Elementary Level (Contd)
  • 7. Meet ONE of the following high objective
    uniform state standards of evaluation (HOUSSE)
  • Have at least 3 years of teaching experience at
    the elementary level and have completed, since
    the issuance of the Provisional teaching
    certificate, a minimum of 18 semester credit
    hours in a planned standards-based SBE- approved
    endorsement program or a masters or higher
    degree in an area appropriate to elementary
    education, OR

Elementary Level (Contd)
  • Have at least 3 years of teaching experience and,
    before the end of the 2005-2006 school year, have
    completed an individual professional development
    plan, including completion of professional
    development activities that are aligned with the
    state professional development standards and
    consisting of at least 90 contact hours or 6
    semester hours of coursework in a standards-based
    (in accordance with the SBE-approved standards
    that are aligned with the applicable Michigan
    Curriculum Frameworks) subject/content area
    program related to the current teaching
    assignment, and documented with the local school
    district on a form approved by the MDE, OR

Elementary Level (Contd)
  • Demonstrate competence of subject matter
    knowledge and teaching skills using a
    standards-based performance assessment reflecting
    the Entry Level Standards for Michigan Teachers
    approved by the State Board of Education. The
    performance assessment must be conducted by a
    local professional development review team/school
    improvement team and may include classroom
    observation, and/or videotaped lessons, and/or an
    individual portfolio using the Michigan content
    area portfolio guidelines. The performance
    assessment plan, standards, and evaluation
    instrument must be submitted to the Michigan
    Department of Education for approval prior to

Highly Qualified Teacher Secondary Level
  • 1. Possess a bachelors degree
  • 2. Have met full state certification requirements
  • 3. For a new teacher, taken and passed the MTTC
    exam for EACH subject area for which the teacher
    is endorsed and teaches.

Secondary Level
  • 4. A secondary teacher not new to the profession
    must meet one of the following
  • Passing score on the MTTC test appropriate to the
    subject(s) for which the teacher is endorsed and
  • Individuals assigned to a core academic subject
    based on a 7-8 all subjects certificate
    designation may elect to take and pass the MTTC
    subject area test for each of the subjects for
    which the teacher teaches at the 7-8 grade level.

Secondary Level (Contd)
  • 5. Have earned a graduate degree or course work
    equivalent to an undergraduate major in the
    subject(s) the teacher teaches, OR
  • 6. Achieve National Board Certification or
    credentialing in the subject(s) at an appropriate
    developmental level that he/she teaches, OR

Secondary Level (Contd)
  • 7. Meets any one of the following high objective
    uniform state standards of evaluation (HOUSSE)
  • Have at least 3 years of teaching experience at
    the secondary level and have completed, since the
    issuance of the Provisional teaching certificate,
    a minimum of 18 semester credit hours in a
    planned standards-based SBE-approved endorsement
    program or a masters degree or higher in an area
    appropriate for secondary education, OR

Secondary Level (Contd)
  • Have at least 3 years of teaching experience and,
    before the end of the 2005-2006 school year, have
    completed an individual professional development
    plan approved by the school improvement team,
    including the completion of professional
    development activities that are aligned with the
    state professional development standards and
    consisting of at least 90 contact hours or 6
    semester hours of course work in a
    standards-based (in accordance with the
    SBE-approved standards that are aligned with the
    applicable Michigan Curriculum Frameworks)
    subject/content subject area program related to
    the current teaching assignment, and documented
    with the local district on a form approved by the

Secondary Level (Contd)
  • Demonstrate competence of the subject matter
    knowledge and teaching skills using a
    standards-based performance assessment reflecting
    the Entry-Level Standards for Michigan Teachers
    approved by the State Board of Education. The
    performance assessment must be conducted by a
    local professional development review team/school
    improvement team and may include a classroom
    observation, and/or videotaped lessons, and/or an
    individual portfolio using the Michigan Content
    Area Portfolio Guidelines. The performance
    assessment plan, standards, and evaluation
    instrument must be submitted to the Michigan
    Department of Education for approval prior to

Highly Qualified Teacher (Contd)
  • Teachers Who Do Not Meet Requirements for
    Highly Qualified Teachers---
  • Teachers on an emergency permit
  • Teachers teaching in minor subject area
    endorsements for which they have not passed the
    MTTC subject area examination or have not met
    Michigans NCLB high objective uniform state
    standards of evaluation requirement defining a
    Highly Qualified teacher.

Highly Qualified Teacher (Contd)
  • Teachers Who Do Not Meet.
  • Teachers who are assigned to a subject outside of
    their certificate/endorsement areas. The Michigan
    School Code prohibits the assignment of teachers
    to teach a subject for which the teacher does not
    hold the appropriate certification and
  • Teachers hired under a 150-day substitute permit.

Teachers with Group Endorsements
  • New federal guidelines now allow the state to
    make the following statements regarding group
  • Science (DX) a teacher holding the DX
    endorsement based on the completion of a group
    major or a group minor and having taken and
    passed the MTTC science subject area test may be
    considered Highly Qualified to teach any of the
    single subject science courses without any
    further action.

Group Endorsements (Contd)
  • Sciencea teacher with a DX endorsement based on
    having completed a group minor but who has not
    taken and passed the MTTC science subject area
    test will not be considered to have met the
    definition of a Highly Qualified teacher without
    first meeting one of the HOUSSE options or taking
    and passing the science MTTC exam.

Group Endorsement (Contd)
  • Social Studies (RX and CX endorsements) a
    teacher with the RX endorsement may be considered
    to be Highly Qualified for any assignment as a
    social studies teacher (history, geography,
    government/civics and economics.
  • A teacher with a CX endorsement (social science)
    based on the completion of a group major and who
    can demonstrate course work in history,
    geography, government/civics and economics may be
    considered Highly Qualified for any social
    studies assignment.

Group Endorsements (Contd)
  • A teacher with a CX endorsement based on having
    completed a group minor program may not be
    considered Highly Qualified without demonstrating
    competence in each of the subjects (history,
    geography, government/civics and economics) by
    using the HOUSSE options or other approved

Highly Qualified Special Education
  • Special education teachers functioning as a
    support for students enrolled in a general
    education core academic subject need not
    demonstrate competence in that core academic
  • Special education teachers teaching in a
    self-contained classroom who provide instruction
    in the core academic subjects must demonstrate
    competence in each of the core academic subjects
    he/she teaches.

Special Education (Contd)
  • Special education teachers who teach core
    academic subjects to special education students
    may demonstrate competence by taking and passing
    the MTTC general elementary test. This test has
    been determined to show evidence of content
    knowledge in all of the core academic subjects.
    Special education teachers may also take any of
    the single subject tests as a demonstration of
    competence in that subject.

Highly Qualified Teacher (Contd)
  • Alternative education teachers responsible for
    providing instruction in the core academic
    subjects must demonstrate competence in each of
    the core academic subjects taught.
  • Adult education teachers are not required to meet
    the definition of a Highly Qualified teacher as
    defined in the legislation.

Highly Qualified Teachers (Contd)
  • Teachers not affected by the definition of a
    highly qualified teacher stated in NCLB
  • Computer science teachers
  • Family and consumer science teachers
  • Physical education teachers
  • Business education teachers
  • Vocational education teachers

Highly Qualified Teachers
  • Certificate Endorsements
  • A certificate endorsement is awarded when a
    teacher has completed an approved preparation
    program AND taken and passed the appropriate MTTC
    subject area test. Completing either one of these
    two requirements alone IS NOT sufficient to award
    an endorsement. An endorsement is not awarded for
    passing an MTTC test alone.

Qualified Paraprofessionals
  • The NCLB Act requires paraprofessionals employed
    for instructional support in a Title I funded
    position or in a building with a Title I
    school-wide designation to demonstrate knowledge
    of and the ability to assist in the instruction
    of reading, writing, and mathematics by June 30,

Paraprofessionals (Contd)
  • A paraprofessional new hire, defined as someone
    not previously employed in any capacity by the
    district, must be qualified at the time of
    employment. District employees must be qualified
    by the end of the 2005-2006 school year.

Paraprofessionals (Contd)
  • Paraprofessionals may qualify by one of the
    following methods
  • Possess an associates degree or higher
  • Completed 2 years of college (60 semester
  • Take and pass one of these approved tests
  • MTTC basic skills
  • WorkKeys tests
  • The ETS ParaPro Test

Paraprofessionals (Contd)
  • Paraprofessionals may also elect to complete a
    portfolio to demonstrate qualifications. The
    portfolio process is completed at the local level
    and records of the portfolio completion are to be
    maintained by the district.
  • The designation as a qualified paraprofessional
    is portable between employing districts.

State Board Continuing Education Units (SB-CEUS)
  • Holders of the following certificates are
    eligible to use SB-CEUs for certificate renewal
  • The Professional Education Certificate
  • The Occupational Education Certificate
  • The School Guidance Counselor Certificate
  • The School Psychologist Certificate (advanced
    level not preliminary)
  • Administrators can use SB-CEUs for continued
    employment requirement
  • These certificates are renewable every five

State Board Continuing Education Units (SB-CEUS)
  • A complete listing of approved SB-CEU programs
    can be found at www.solutionwhere.com/mi_sbceu
    The listing is updated daily. Contact the
    sponsor for registration information

State Board Continuing Education Units (SB-CEUS)
  • What are SB-CEUs?
  • State Board pre-approved in-service, workshop,
    training or conference credits.
  • Generic CEUs cannot be used for certificate

State Board Continuing Education Units (SB-CEUS)
  • Professional Activities Eligible for SB-CEUs
  • Mentor Teacher (3 SB-CEUs for a full semester)
  • Supervising Teacher (3 SB-CEUs for a full
    placement period, no less than a full semester
  • Supervising School Psychologist (3 SB-CEUs for
    full placement period, no less than a full
  • School Improvement Team (1 SB-CEU for full year
    of participation)
  • Serving as a New Principal Mentor (full school

Registry of Educational Personnel (REP)
Where to begin
  • MEIS account security agreement
  • Application login accessible to authorized
    users only
  • District user must reference all materials

User Support Materials Available
  • Web site for references
  • www.michigan.gov/cepi
  • Data Field Descriptions
  • Users Guide
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Listserv
  • Updates posted throughout submission

Critical Points
  • District user must take ownership of districts
    responsibility for accurate data submission
  • Districts must report all assignments for a
    teacher at the middle school and high school
  • District must acknowledge legal obligation to
    comply with data submission

Updates for Fall 2005
  • Fall 2005 Addendum posted on CEPI Web site at
  • Click on MEIS Data Services and then on the
    Registry of Educational Personnel
  • Addendum is located under the heading REP Data

Updates for Fall 2005
  • Field 10 School Assignment Data
  • Middle School
  • Generic assignment codes removed
  • 000ZD Middle School
  • 000ZL Middle Level
  • Districts are to report specific subject areas
    assignments for all instructional personnel

Updates for Fall 2005
  • Field 10 New Assignment Codes
  • 000NF Junior ROTC
  • 000FR Chinese
  • 000FY Arabic

Updates for Fall 2005
  • Field 17 Type of Credential
  • New Credential Types
  • 80 Vocational Annual Authorization-Credit Track
  • 81 Vocational Annual Authorization-Adult
  • 82 Vocational Annual Authorization-Day-to-Day
  • 83 Vocational Annual Authorization-Less than
    Class Size
  • 84 Vocational Annual Authorization-Long-Term Sub
  • 85 Vocational Annual Authorization-Renewal

General Education Assignments
  • Assignment Code Group Headings
  • English Language Arts
  • Social Science
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Word Languages
  • Business
  • Technology
  • The Arts
  • Support Services
  • Wellness
  • Miscellaneous
  • Level-Related Assignments
  • OPPS has grouped general education assignments
    under specific categories to assist districts
    with reporting of appropriate assignment codes
    for subject areas taught
  • OPPS has provided a document that links types of
    classes taught with REP Assignment Codes

Need help with your submission?
  • Reference Materials may be found on the CEPI Web
    site at www.michigan.gov/cepi.
  • Click on MEIS Data Services and then on Registry
    of Educational Personnel.
  • Look under Help Section.
  • Department of Technology (DIT) Client Service
  • Phone 517-335-0505
  • Via E-mail Help-Desk_at_michigan.gov
  • Help Desk Remedy Ticket will be created for you.
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