Title: Emory Family Medicine Residency Program
Emory University School of Medicine is widely
recognized as one of the finest teaching
institutions in the country, with a curriculum
that emphasizes medical education and problem
solving within the context of patient care.
 Through Emory's own clinical facilities and
its affiliates, medical school faculty and
residents provide a major portion of all patient
care in Atlanta, with responsibility for nearly
3,000 hospital beds, 1.9 million inpatient and
outpatient visits, and more than 200,000
emergency visits annually.
2Emory medicine is well known for its pioneering
work in treating heart disease, particularly as
the center where coronary angioplasty was
developed. Emory is also well known for its
programs in cancer and transplantation and for
work in the neurosciences and molecular genetics.
 A new emphasis at Emory on primary care, at
both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels,
not only serves to make the school's educational
offerings more comprehensive but also helps
fulfill Emory's commitment to social need.
3Relevant to these efforts in the medical school
is the development of a growing number of primary
health care centers of The Emory Clinic
throughout north, central, and south Atlanta.
There are also affiliations with a growing number
of private community hospitals throughout Georgia
with which Emory is involved in joint planning
and development of programs and services for
support of community-based health care.
Providing learning opportunities in both primary
and subspecialty care, The Emory Clinic, along
with its satellites, has more than 800
physicians, all of whom are faculty in the School
of Medicine.
4These activities are coordinated under the
auspices of EMORY HEALTHCARE, which consolidates
patient care among the following The Emory
Clinic and its health care centers throughout
metro Atlanta, Emory University Hospital, Emory
Dunwoody Medical Center, Crawford Long Hospital
of Emory University, Children's Healthcare of
Atlanta at Egleston and at Scottish Rite, and
Wesley Woods Center of Emory University.