Title: The Broader Impact of NRAO
1The Broader Impact of NRAO
- Goal To increase appreciation for Radio
Astronomy, and the NRAO locally, regionally,
nationally. - Scientific literacy
- Encourage STEM Careers
- Science is accessible, and fun
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3Teacher Programs
- Core experience Scientific Research on the 40
Ft. telescope. - Team research/NRAO scientist mentors
- Astronomy content
- Research talks
- In-depth tours
- Classroom application
- Proven to change teacher practices in the
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7 Student Programs
- Overnight (or longer) field trips
- Extended tours
- 2000 students have used the 40 Foot telescope
over the past 12 months. - Grade School to Grad School
8West Virginia Governors School
Goal to encourage students interest in STEM
careers before they enter high school. 60 rising
9Public Programs
- Tour Program
- Star Quest
10Public Relations
I cant believe I ate the whole thing.
11Quiet Skies
Quiet Skies Detector
Goal to promote student aware-ness of radio
astronomy and radio frequency interference
through an inquiry-based research project.
- Students will
- Measure interference levels at schools and in
communities - Reduce and transmit data to an NRAO data base
- Debate how the spectrum should be allocated.
North America at Night
12NRAO Navigators
Goal to train outreach volunteers to spread the
word about radio astronomy and NRAO.
November 2008 -- 44 Night Sky Network clubs and
a record 102 participants, tuned into a training
Navigator David Fields with youth group in
13- Funded by the Corporation for Public
Broadcasting, though local station. (10,000
plus in-kind) - 26 3-minute shows
- Aired 2007/2008
- Also available at www.nrao.edu
- Accompanied by web content.
- Pulsar Search Collaboratory
- Proposal to be Submitted to NSF ITEST
- To involve students in radio astronomy science
and the search for new pulsars. - Distributed computing
- Ultimate goal to become a citizen science project
Partnership between WVU physics, computer
science, and education departments, WV EPSCoR, WV
Dept. of Ed. and NRAO.