Title: Zangle Update
1Zangle Update
- Instructional Setting /
- Primary Educational Setting Codes
- (SRSD Field 44)
2 Instructional Setting / Primary Ed SettingNew
Codes(SRSD Field 44)
- Birth to 2 years
- Where majority (gt 50) of childs program takes
place - Ages 3 to 5 years
- Early Childhood Setting
- Ages 6 to 26 years
- Placement is outside the general education
- New code 41
- New codes 18, 19, 20
- New codes 05, 07
3New Code - 41 Birth to 2 years of ageWhere
majority (gt 50) of childs program takes place
- 41 Community-based Setting. Early Intervention
services - are provided primarily in a setting where
children without disabilities typically are
found. These settings include but are not
limited to child-care centers (including family
day- care), preschoolers, regular nursery
schools, early childhood centers, libraries,
grocery stores, parks, restaurants and
community centers (e.g. YMCA Boys and Girls
4New Codes 18, 19, 20Ages 3 to 5 years Early
Childhood Setting
- 18 Attends Early Childhood Program 80 or more
of program week. The child enrolled in an
early childhood program and spends part of
his/her program week receiving special education
and related services outside of an early
childhood program. - 19 Attends Early Childhood Program between 40
79 of program week. The child spends less
than 80 but at least 40 of his/her program
week inside of an early childhood program and
spends the other part of his/her program week
receiving special education and related services
outside of an early childhood program. - 20 Attends Early Childhood Program - less than
40 of program week. - The child spends less than 40 of his/her
program week inside of an early childhood
program and spends the remainder of his/her
program week receiving special education and
related services outside of an early childhood
5New Codes 05, 07Ages 6 to 26 years
Placement is outside the general education
- 05 Correctional Facility. Students who receive
special education programs or services in
correctional facilities. - 07 Parentally Placed in Private School or Home
School at Private/Parent Expense. Students
enrolled by their parents or guardians in
regular parochial or other private schools, whose
basic education is paid for through private
resources and who receive special education and
related services at public expense from a LEA
or ISD. Include children whose parents choose
to home-school them, but who receive special
education and related services at the public
expense. - The State is introducing this code as a new
code this year, but its been used in past years
as 07 Hospitalized.
6- Instructional Setting / Primary Educational
Setting - Description Changes
7Instructional Setting / Primary Ed Setting
Description Changes
- Birth to 2 years
- Where majority (gt 50) of childs program takes
place - 31 Home
- 38 Other Setting
8Instructional Setting / Primary Ed
SettingDescription Changes
- Ages 3 to 5 years
- Early Childhood Setting
- 20 Early Childhood Program less than 40 of
program week - 22 Early Childhood Special Education Program
- 23 Home
- 25 Residential Facility
- 26 Separate School
- 27 Service Provider Location
9Instructional Setting / Primary Ed
SettingDescription Changes
- Ages 6 to 26 years
- Placement is outside the general education
building - 02 Public or Private Special Education School
Building at Public Expense - 03 Public or Private Residential Facility at
Public Expense - 11 Inside Gen Ed Classroom 80 or more of the
school day - 12 Inside Gen Ed Classroom 40 - 79 of the
school day - 13 Inside Gen Ed Classroom less than 40 of the
school day
10- Instructional Setting / Primary Educational
Setting - Retiring Legacy Codes
11Retiring - Legacy Codes will be accepted
through the end of the school year, but this Fall
the new codes are required
- Birth to 2 years -
- Where majority (gt 50) of childs program takes
place - 33 Program Designed for Typically Developing
Children - 34 Service Provider Location
- 35 Program Designed for Children with
Developmental - Delays or Disabilities
- 36 Hospital (inpatient)
- 37 Residential Facility
- 39 Home and Program for Typically Developing
Children - 40 Home and Program for Children with
Developmental - Delays or Disabilities
12Retiring - Legacy Codes will be accepted
through the end of the school year, but this Fall
the new codes are required
- Ages 3 to 5 years -
- Early Childhood Setting
- 21 Early Childhood Program
- 24 Part-Time Early Childhood/Part-Time Early
Childhood Special Educational Setting - 28 Reverse Mainstream Setting
13Retiring - Legacy Codes will be accepted
through the end of the school year, but this Fall
the new codes are required
- Ages 6 to 26 years -
- Placement is outside the general education
building - 04 Private Residential Facility
- 10 Private Special Education School Building at
Public Expense
14- Instructional Setting codes
- will be updated
- in the upcoming release of
- Special Ed Electronic Forms (SEEFs)
- February 2008!!!
15Need assistance analyzing Instructional Setting
codes (field 67) in Zangle?
- Contact me _at_ LeeP_at_resa.net or (734) 334 1334
- -OR-
- Use Query Writer to identify all codes that need
to be changed - Thank you!