Title: The Providence River Bridge is the signature structure
14a Special Event - Rhode Island Department of
Transportation (RIDOT)
Providence River Bridge Iway Float August 27,
- The Providence River Bridge is the signature
structure - for the I-195 Relocation Project, otherwise
known as the Iway. - On August 27, 2006, RIDOT floated the 5.5
million pound bridge - 12 miles up Narragansett Bay from Quonset
Point/Davisville, - where it was constructed, to its new home in
Providence via - two 300-foot barges.
- RIDOTs Office of Communications was tasked with
orchestrating a float party for the anticipated
thousands of guests expected to view the historic
2The Iway Bridge readies to leave port.
3Three Public Viewing Sites
- We set up three viewing sites for the public
- to watch the historic Iway Float.
- Conimicut Point Park in Warwick
- Colt State Park in Bristol
- Crescent Park, or the East Bay Bike Path Overlook
in East Providence
The barges carry the Iway Bridge past Conimicut
Point Lighthouse in Warwick.
4Live Feeds into www.dot.state.ri.us.
We also had live feeds into RIDOTs website at
www.dot.state.ri.us, to allow people to log on
and watch the progress of the Iway float.
5RIDOTs traffic cameras capture the float.
We also utilized our highway traffic cameras to
help capture images along the float path from
Quonset Point/Davisville to Providence.
6Video of the Iway Float from RIDOTs Traffic
7The media also played a critical role in this
historic float.
8Bridge Float featured on the History
ChannelMega Movers, Really Big Bridges
9Print media captures the historic day.
The Providence Journal August 28, 2006
10Additional print media coverage
Providence Business News August 28, 2006
North East Independent August 31, 2006