Title: Why I became interested in Bilingual Education By Jamie
1 Why I became interested in Bilingual
Education! By Jamie
There are a few reasons why I became interested
in bilingual education. The most important reason
has to do with my son. I became very interested
in bilingual education when I gave birth to my
son Skyler. Being that Skyler is both Irish and
Dominican, language as well as culture became
even more important to me then ever. I wanted my
son to experience both languages as well as
cultures. Another reason why I became so
interested in bilingual education has to do with
my sons father,Oscar who grew up in the Dominican
republic and moved to the united states when he
was fourteen. Being that he only spoke Spanish he
was put into bilingual education classes and
stayed there until he went away to college. It
was only then, at the age of nineteen that he
began to speak in English. This was a very hard
obstacle for him as he had to quickly learn
English in order to succeed in his studies. Oscar
today is fluent in both English and Spanish.
Oscar now prefers English over Spanish, as he
feels that English will be more beneficial to him
as well as his son. Oscar now makes it a priority
to make sure that Skylers first language is
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