Title: Louisiana State University Validated Practices Initiative
1 Louisiana State University Validated Practices
- Louisiana CEC
- Super Conference
- April 25, 2006
- Context
- VPI Frame
- Points of Interest
- Website
- Needs Assessment
- Frameworks
- Professional development
- Implementation
3Todays Context
- IDEA 1997 / 2004
- State of Louisiana Efforts to Promote Inclusive
Education - Validated Practices Committee
- State Performance Plan
4(No Transcript)
- Defined as the understanding that schooling
occurs in a unified system in which - Diversity is supported, expected, and valued
- High standards can be reached by all and
- Life goals can become a reality through
collaboration. - Friend (2005)
6Website Address
- www.validatedpractices.com
7(No Transcript)
8Articles Research
- Articles and research provide current information
posted on the website. - This link has been updated regularly.
- These documents eventually archived under
Document Downloads link.
9VPIs VIP School in the Spotlight
- Purpose
- - Acknowledge Schools and their
- inclusive practices
- - Allow schools to network
- - To nurture effective communication
10VPIs VIP School in the Spotlight
- Components
- - School Demographics
- - VPIs Interview Questions
- - Interviewees Answers
- - Picture
11VPIs VIP School in the Spotlight
- Spotlights
- - Ten Schools and a Group of Social Workers
- (Amite Elementary, Hammond Eastside Primary,
Dutchtown Middle School, Walker Elementary
School, ChurchPoint High School, Pearl Watson
Elementary School, Horseshoe Drive Elementary
School, South Grant Elementary School, Linwood
Middle School, Bethune Middle School and NASW
social Workers) - - Amite Elementary - E\School
Spotlights\AMITE ELEMENTARY VIP.pdf - - Hammond Eastside Primary E\School
Spotlights\Hammond eastside Primary School
VIP.pdf - - Horseshoe Drive Elementary E\School
Spotlights\Horseshoe elementary VIP.pdf - - Dutchtown Middle School E\School
Spotlights\Dutchtown Middle School VIP-final.pdf - - NASW Social Workers - E\School
Spotlights\Social Worker Spotlight.pdf
12Discussion Boards
- Discussion boards have been available for
registered users. - The purpose has been to facilitate communication
and collaboration around the following topics - Instructional programs
- School and Administrative Structure
- Professional Development
- Miscellaneous Topics
- Discussion board involvement was announced
through VPI email
13Document Downloads
- Document Downloads are available in PDF format.
- This link includes
- Initiative documents
- Best practices documents
- PowerPoint presentations
- Forms
14Related Links
- Related links include numerous state, federal,
and international sites with brief descriptions
of each agency. - Each link has been reviewed and is considered to
provide relevant information. - Additional links were updated during the year.
15Purpose of Needs Assessment
- Gather data on perceptions of school building
progress toward meeting achievement goals for
students with disabilities -
16 Shared Effort Commitment Appreciation for
diversity School structure Administrative
support Range of services Professional
development Parent / community involvement
Inclusive School Climate Collaboration School
as community Appreciation for diversity
Supportive Classrooms Community of learners
High expectations High levels of communication
Essential Elements of Inclusive Schools
Student Engagement Recognition of students
strengths and needs Stimulating environment
Organized structure
Inclusive Instructional Programs Comprehensive
Balanced Access to the core curriculum
Differential instruction Ongoing assessment and
monitoring Multi-level practices
Accommodations Intensive instruction as needed
17PD Framework
- Draft Document
- Directed at Principals and Administrators
- Focus on Improving Classroom-Based Reading
Instruction - Components Include
- Data-Based Decision Making
- Systematic Assessment and Progress Monitoring
- Implementation of Scientifically-Based Reading
Research - Site-Based Mentoring / Coaching
- Shared Decision Making
- Curricular Improvement