Title: International Finance
1(No Transcript)
2International Finance
- Session 1 Introduction
- Dick Sweeney
- Whats different about International Finance?
- Multiple currencies, exchange rates , , , ,
baht, rupiah, yuan, krona, krone, - International financial markets--everywhere and
nowhere (London, Tokyo, BahrainChp. 4, on
reserve) - Multiple governments, laws, languages, cultural
environments (e.g., U.S., Indonesia) - Exponential complexity
- Not 10 x 2, but 10 2
4Survival Guide
- But you already know a lot about finance most
(not all!) transfers over to international - Look again at the introductory figure
- Random walks (approximately) in both stock
markets and FX markets - What does random walk mean, exactly?
- Other examples of similaritiesand differences
5Comparison of Stocks and Exchange Rates
- Stocks Exchange Rates
- Prices look like Prices look like
- random walks random walks
- Returns are pretty Returns are pretty
- close to random close to random
- Systematic risk, Systematic risk,
- Non-systematic risk Non-systematic
6Comparison of Stocks and Exchange Rates (cont.)
- Stocks Exchange Rates
- Returns depend on Returns depend on
- betas, risk factors betas,
risk factors - Average market beta unity Average market
beta zero - Typical stocks beta Typical
exchange rates beta - fluctuates around unity fluctuates around
zero - Standard deviation U.S. Standard deviation
USD, - stock market, 4.33 to 2.9 to 3.5 per
month for - 5.77 per month most currencies
7Exchange-Rate Risk
- How big is FX risk?
- Sigma (?)? ? 3.3 per month?
- Beta (?)? 0.0? ? 0.10? ? 0.20?
- Which risk matters for you? for client?
- What can you do about risk?
- Hedge ? eliminate risk
- Portfolio choices (diversification) ? reduce risk
on average
8Exchange Rate Risk (cont.)
- Open exchange rate positions are risky
- Whats the risk-return trade off?
- Deposit in Euros vs. in USD
- ?St1/St ieur,t vs. iusd,t
- ?St1/St ieur,t - iusd,t excess return
- E ?St1/St ieur,t - iusd,t expected excess
return - E ?St1/St ieur,t - iusd,t ?t (E RM,t -
iusd,t) - E ?St1/St ieur,t iusd,t ?t (E RM,t -
9What do firms do about risk?
- Derivatives used by 59 of large firms, 13 of
small firms in U.S.survey - FX derivatives 76 of derivative users
- Which FX derivatives? 75 forwards, 50 options
- Contractual exposure (receivable, payable) 86
forwards, 7 options
10Goals of Course
- The basics about FX markets, how they are
organized and work, their main products - Know the basics of FX risk management
- Know how to analyze FX problems
- Know how to choose which tools to use
- Know how to solve FX problems
- In-depth review of analytical tools
11Role of Concepts
Concepts, Theory
12Topics and Time Allocation
13Analytical Techniques
14Parity ConditionsPercent of What You Should Know
15Short Meeting-by-Meeting Outline
- Weds., Jan. 10 Introduction
- Mon., Jan. 15 Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday
- Weds., Jan. 17 Behavior of nominal exchange rates
- Mon., Jan. 22 Behavior of nominal exchange rates,
cont. - Weds., Jan. 24 The Foreign Exchange Market and
Its Mechanics - Mon., Jan. 29 The Foreign Exchange Market and Its
Mechanics - Weds., Jan. 31 The Foreign Exchange Market and
Its Mechanics, cont. (Prob. 1 is due)
16Short Meeting-by-Meeting Outline
- Mon., Feb. 5 Technical Analysis and Evaluating
Profits - Weds., Feb. 7 Technical Analysis and Evaluating
Profits, cont - Mon., Feb. 12 Technical Analysis and Evaluating
Profits, cont. - Weds., Feb. 14 Introduction to Covered Interest
Arbitrage - Mon., Feb. 19 Presidents Day Holiday
- Weds., Feb. 21 SEBank (B) case (case write-up is
due). - Mon., Feb. 26 Mid-term, in class
17Short Meeting-by-Meeting Outline
- Weds., Feb. 28 Introduction to Hedging.
- Mon., March 5 Spring Break
- Weds., March 7 Spring Break
- Mon., March 12 e-Mother case (case write-up is
due) - Weds., March 14 Foreign-Exchange Decisions, I
The Decision Maker Is Diversified (Prob. 2 is
due) - Mon., March 19 Foreign-Exchange Decisions, I The
Decision Maker Is Diversified, cont. (Prob. 3
is due) - Weds., March 21 Comparison of CIP and UIP
- Mon., March 26 Baggins Co. case (case write-up is
18Short Meeting-by-Meeting Outline
- Weds., March 28 Foreign-Exchange Decisions, II
The Decision Maker Is Not Diversified - Mon., April 2 Foreign-Exchange Decisions, II
The Decision Maker Is Not Diversified (cont.). - (write-up of Chat Shipping and Handling (A)
case is due) - Weds., April 4 Foreign-Exchange Decisions, II
The Decision Maker Is Not Diversified
(cont.). - (write-up of Chat Shipping and Handling
(B) case is due) - Mon., April 9 Behavior of Real Exchange Rates
- Weds., April 11 Behavior of Real Exchange Rates,
cont. (valuation examples)
19Short Meeting-by-Meeting Outline
- Mon., April 16 Easter Break
- Weds., April 18 Behavior of Real Exchange
Rates, cont. - (which model is better? Prob. 4 is due)
- Mon., April 23 Real Rates and Valuation. (case
write-up is due) - Weds., April 25 Guest Speaker, Mr. Ira Kaylin,
IDB (tentative!) - Mon., April 30 Review Session, in class
20The Euro A First Look
- Born Jan. 1, 1999--rocky 7 years
- Euro as currency started Jan. 1, 2002
- What can be expected?
- In concrete, quantitative terms in next month?
- In general terms over next several years?
- Look at history of DEM during float
- Large ups and downs
- Euro looks normal compared to history
22The Euro Looks Like a Random Walk
23Regression Output
- Dependent Variable LNEURO
- Method Least Squares
- Sample 2 1741
- Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
- C 0.000181 0.000167 1.085198 0.2780
- LNEURO(-1) 0.999666 0.001004 995.4134 0.0000
- R-squared 0.998249
- Durbin-Watson stat 1.99674
24Cant We Make Money From This?
Scatter Diagram
25Moving Average and Speculation
26USD/DEM Appreciation Rate