Title: NACI Annual Report 2003 - 2004
1NACI Annual Report 2003 - 2004
- Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala (Council)
- Mr Charles Mokonoto (Secretariat)
- Dr Bok Marais (Secretariat)
- Mr Tjaart van der Walt (DST)
2Overview of briefing
- Introduction
- About NACI
- Act
- Council
- Procedures
- Annual report
- Focus
- Results
- Finances
- Other matters
- Concluding remarks
- Apologies by the Chair
- Appreciation for the invitation
- Members of the delegation
- Tshilidzi Marwala (Councillor Wits)
- Charles Mokonoto (Portfolio Man Indicators)
- Bok Marais (Head Secretariat)
- Tjaart van der Walt (Manager Financial
Accounting, DST) - Selected documentation tabled, but any requests
for additional documentation will be met without
4About NACI (1)
- Foundation in 1996
- An indisputable correlation between innovation
and economic growth - White paper From ST to innovation
- NACI Act 55 of 1997
- The Act
- To advise the Minister on matters pertaining to
innovation - 15 Specific functions (section 4.1)
- Members appointed by Minister
- Business 8 HE 7 SC 4 government 3
- Black 11 white 9
- Female 6 male 14
- Resources (staff and finances) provided and
governed by DST
5About NACI (2)
- Mode of operation
- Council meets four time p.a.
- ExCo meets 10 times p.a.
- Five strategic sub-committees As needed
- Innovation infrastructure, HR knowledge base,
competitiveness, social dimensions, and NACIs
role - Womens Reference group for ST
- Annual Corporate Business Plan as framework
- All initiatives (studies, conferences, etc.)
approved on basis of ToR and project plan - All reports peer-evaluated
- Advice to the Minister in the form of an
advisory letter and summary report
6Orientation of the Annual Report
- Culmination of the work of the First Council
- Approved by the Second Council and Minister
- Portfolio of studies1999 2004 (19 20)
- Includes overview of NACIs first term (31-33)
- Embedded in first decades highlights (34-36)
7Results 2003 - 2004
8Results 2003 2004 (1)
Type of output Type of output Type of output Type of output Type of output
Outcome Researched advice Reports Conferences and seminars Awards
Target 6 6 5 3
Result 3 6 4 3
9Results 2003 2004 (2)
- Reports
- Utilisation of research findings
- Medium term ST scenarios
- Impact of skills shortages
- Profile of HE research and training
- The role of ST in NEPAD
- Innovation facts and figures
10Results 2003 2004 (3)
- Advice
- Performance audit of NACI
- ST facts and figures
- Advance manufacturing strategy
11Financial report 2003 - 2004
Standard item classification 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2003/04 2002/03 2002/03
Standard item classification AdjustedAppropriation Virement RevisedAllocation ActualExpenditure Savings(Excess) RevisedAllocation ActualExpenditure
Standard item classification R R R R R R R
Personnel 1,647,000.00 (739,078.01) 907,921.99 895,781.29 12,140.70 8,778.00 8,778.00
Administration 336,000.00 2,102.61 338,102.61 338,102.61 - 389,115.70 389,115.70
Inventories 92,000.00 92,000.00 91,971.03 28.97 42,681.67 42,681.67
Equipment 50,000.00 (47,024.60) 2,975.40 2,975.40 0.00 5,064.60 5,064.60
Professional and special services 4,130,000.00 4,130,000.00 4,129,463.85 536.15 6,379,051.79 6,379,051.79
Transfer payments - - - 25,536.00 25,536.00
Miscellaneous 1,000.00 1,000.00 21.00 979.00 - -
Total 6,256,000.00 (784,000.00) 5,472,000.00 5,458,315.18 13,684.82 6,850,227.76 6,850,227.76
12Other matters
- Cost of production of Annual Report
- R41 684.82
- Favourable newspaper comments
13RD survey Expenditure as of GDP
14RD survey International comparisons
15RD survey Expenditure by sector
16 RD survey Women as of total researchers
- Report year marks cross-over to the Second
Council - 2003 2004 was a successful year
- Chair will approach the Committee for an
opportunity to brief you on NACIs strategic
thrusts and programme - Thank you!