Title: Coyote Canis latrans
1CoyoteCanis latrans
2 Introduction
- The name coyote is a Spanish alteration of the
original Aztec name coyotl. The Latin name Canis
latrans, which means barking dog, was given to it
by Thomas Say, who published a description of the
species in 1833. Since 1967, its official name in
Canada, in both English and French, has been
coyote. Coyotes are one of the few mammals whose
range is steadily increasing despite persecution
by people. They are intelligent and playful, like
most domestic dogs, yet they are predators and
have a reputation for killing small farm animals.
In some parts of Canada, coyotes are called
brush wolves, however, wolves are larger and
less adaptable than coyotes.
3General Description
- The coyote is one of seven species of the
Canadae family found in Canada. The wolf, red
fox, arctic fox, swift fox, grey fox, and dog
also belong to this family. A male coyote is
smaller and slimmer than the wolf and weighs
from 9 to 23Â kg, it has an overall length of
120150Â cm (including a 3040Â cm tail), and
stands 5866Â cm high at the shoulder. A female is
usually four-fifths as large. Coyotes ears are
usually wide, pointed and erect. They have a
tapering muzzle and black nose. Unlike most dogs,
the top of the muzzle has an almost continuous
line with the forehead. Coyotes have slightly
slanted yellow eyes and black round pupils, which
give them a look of cunning. Its teeth are
amazingly long and can inflict serious wounds.
The neck looks oversized for the body because it
is well furred. Coyotes have long tongues like
most dogs which, often hangs out between their
teeth and helps regulate their body temperatures.
Like all Canidae, the coyote has, at the root of
the tail, a gland that releases a scent. Glands
like these also exist on other parts of the body.
Scent glands often become more active when the
animals meet. The coyote's urine also has a very
strong smell and is used to mark out its
territory. Continued.
- The fur is generally a tawny grey, darker on
the hind part of the back where the black tipped
fur becomes wavy. The legs, paws, muzzle, and the
back of the ears are more yellowish In color,
while the throat, belly, and inside of the ears
tend to be whiter in color. The tail, darker at
the top and lighter on the underside, is lightly
fawn- colored towards the tip which is black. A
coyotes fur is long and soft and is well-suited
for the cold. Because it is light-colored in
winter and darker in the summer, it blends in
well with its surroundings. Like all dogs,
coyotes have four toes and non-retractable paws.
They also have more elongated paws than that of a
dog the same size and the claws are not used in
attack or defense. This is because of the
constant contact with the ground which blunt the
claws and do not leave deep wounds.
Coyote Comparisons The Gray Wolf, (Canis lupus)
once shared much of the same range as the Coyote
and belongs to the same Genus -- Canis. But the
wolf is usually larger and darker in
appearance. Coyotes also carry their tails quite
differently than wolves. A Coyote's tail is
normally held down, although not between the
legs. A wolf carries its tail rather
horizontally. The nearly successful attempts to
exterminate the Gray Wolf (the Coyote's primary
predator) has been largely responsible for the
Coyote's great expansion across the American
- Coyotes have slowly increased their habitat
range. They are steadily expanding their
territory throughout North America. The reason
for their expansion is not really known, but
there are some reasons. The destruction of
forested areas where they dwelt were being
threatened and cut down. The lack of prey and
food could also be a factor for their expansion.
- Coyotes are omnivores or animals who eat both
meat and vegetation. They prey on small rodents
such as rabbits or hares and also commonly eat
berries or wild fruits in the summer and fall.
Deer and other large hoofed mammals are hunted by
coyotes also. When available, insects such as
grasshoppers are eaten and coyotes also scavenge
on wolf kills. Coyotes change their hunting
methods according to the size of the animal. For
example if hunting a larger animal such as a
deer, coyotes hunt in packs. If it is only a
rabbit, a coyote will hunt alone. Coyotes will
also attack and feed on farm animals such as
calves, sheep, or chickens. Although coyotes are
mainly flesh-eaters, they eat just about anything
that is available.
- http//www.cws-scf.ec.gc.ca/hww-fap/coyote/coyot