Title: Jason Lamberts
1Jason Lamberts
Jaya Tuesday Thursday 4-450
- Profile
- Family Tree
- Snowboarding
- Maccabi
- Ixtapa, Mexico
- Highschool
- Panama City
- College
- Ending Slide
3Profile Introduction
I grew up living with my mom and brother since
the age of eight when my parents got a divorce. I
have participated in several activities in my
life, but soccer has been the biggest part since
I have been playing it since the age of four. I
am originally from Chicago and came to Michigan
in August to start my Freshman year here at
Western. I am majoring in Accounting here.
4Family Tree
Howard Ruby Hoeksema
Dennis Pam Lambert
Mark Patti Sturm
Peter Laurie Lamberts
5SnOwboArD Dude
I have been snowboarding for five years now and
loving every minute when on the slopes. I began
skiing years before I started snowboarding with
my dad and brother. After years of skiing
snowboarding then became popular so I wanted to
try that. It was very difficult at first but
once getting a hold of things I now am pretty
good at it. It is a sport that we all enjoy doing
together. My dad is a ski patroller for a resort
in Illinois which I also participated in every
Saturday, up until last year. I have been
snowboarding in Colorado, Wisconsin and Lake
6 I joined the Maccabi games for the year
of 2000 and 2001. Maccabi is the
Junior Olympics. I participated for the
guys soccer team representing Chicago. We played
against all different states and countries.
Included in these games were tennis, volleyball,
hockey, golf, baseball, etc. The first year we
went to Boca Raton, Florida and the second year
we went to Philadelphia. In Florida we won the
gold medal but in Philadelphia we only won the
silver for second place.
7SpRiNg BrEaK 2001
My mom took my friend, Tom and I to Ixtapa,
Mexico for Spring Break. We had a great time and
met some awesome people. We tanned during the
day and hit up the clubs at night. We rented jet
skis and wave runners and ate at some incredible
8I played soccer on the guys varsity team since my
freshman year of high school. That took up most
of my life during this time, which made me have
little time to do outside work. I liked my high
school years but needed to get out of there as
soon as possible. I graduated a semester
early which made me finish in January. That
was the best decision I have ever made, which
led me to work full time and take two college
courses that made me get ahead.
9My friend Kevin and I went to Panama City for our
Senior Spring Break and had an incredible time.
We went jet skiing, parasailing and tubing. At
night we went to several clubs, including Club La
Vela which is the biggest night club in the USA!
In the middle of the trip Kevin decided to get a
tattoo, which I got to witness that painful
Panama City
10Home Away From Home
College here at Western Michigan University has
been an unbelievable experience. I have met so
many wonderful people and shared some great times
with the people that I truly care about.
Although the classes have been difficult, the
weekends have defiantly made up for the hard work
that I put into my school time.
11Thank You For Learning All About Me!!