Title: North American Elk
1North American Elk Cervus elaphus
26 Subspecies of North American Elk
- Cervus elaphus canadensis- Eastern Elk
- Cervus elaphus roosevelti Roosevelt Elk
- Cervus elaphus nannodes- Tule Elk
- Cervus elaphus nelsoni- Rocky Mt Elk
- Cervus elaphus merriami- Merriam Elk
- Cervus elaphus manitobensis Manitoban Elk
3Distribution in ND
- Elk are about 5-6 feet tall at the shoulder
- Bulls (males) weigh from 700 to 1000 pounds
- Cows (females) weigh from 500 to 600 pounds
- The pelage ranges from reddish brown in the
summer to dark brown in the winter. - Rump color may look white from a distance but is
actually orange in color - Long black hairs on the neck referred to as the
mane - Males have impressively large antlers, whereas
females do not - Among the deer family, elk are second in size
only to the moose
- Like most Cervids, elk are true ruminants and
have no gull bladder - They are herbivores
- In the spring they feed on grasses and sedges
- Broad-leaved herbaceous plants are eaten in the
early summer along with twigs - In the late summer when the herbaceous plants dry
out they then turn again to browsing for grasses - In the fall they eat the dry leaves that fall
from the trees and continue to eat grasses until
the snow falls
- Elk will dig down through the snow to get to the
leaves and grass - When the snow becomes to deep they eat mainly
woody twigs - Snow cover determines their diet
- Elk must eat 3 lbs of food per 100lbs of their
body weight
- Aside from humans (hunting) the most important
predator is the wolf - In spite of their size and power, elk are readily
killed by wolves, especially when the snow
becomes deep
- Black bears kill primarily calves
- In some areas they kill as many as 50 of the
calf population - Predation occurs during the first weeks of the
calfs life and ceases when they become strong
enough to keep up with their mothers - Grizzly bears will occasionally kill adult elk
- Elk are the most polygamous member of the deer
family - In early September, the mating season begins
- The bulls move in with the cow/calf pairs and
harem formation begins - The males compete (rutting season) for females
and smaller males are chased off to the fringes
of the herds
- Large bulls get control of 20-30 cows
- The young males are often not left out of the
breeding - They will often sneak in and breed with a female
on the opposite side of where the harem master is
located - Harem masters are also challenged frequently by
other bulls for the right to the cows
- The age at which an individual is able to
reproduce depends greatly on the environmental
conditions - Females typically reach sexual maturity at
1.5-2.5 yrs of age
- Males reach maturity at 1 year but rarely breed
due to larger bulls being present - The gestation period is about 8 ½ months
- Normally 1 calf is born , but rarely (1 of
births) twins do occur - Females are usually able to reproduce until
about 14 years of age
- Calving season is from late may to early June
- Calves usually weigh on avg. 30lbs
- They have spotted coats to camouflage them from
predators - Their defense is to lay still until danger passes
- Usually hide in shrubs or grasses
- They can stand and walk minutes after birth
- Once the calf can run and jump (1-3 wks) the cow
and calf can rejoin the herd - Calves are weaned in late summer but follow their
mothers until the following spring - They are dependent on their mothers milk for 1
month, but sometimes suckle for up to 9 months
17Habitat Requirements
- General- Woodlands and large open areas
- Food- Grasses, sedges, broadleaved plants,
leaves, woody vegetation and shrubs, - Summer range- high country woodlands and meadows
18Habitat Requirements
- Winter range- dense, low-elevation woodlands
north/northeast and south/southwest-facing slopes
- Transitional range- Douglas fir, aspen/pine and
also open meadows
19Habitat requirements
- Security cover- Forest stands of varying ages,
dense brush, briar thickets - Water- Springs, lakes, rivers, streams,
vegetation and snow
- Brucellosis-is a contagious bacterial disease
- It affects cattle by causing abortion in the
latter half of pregnancy - There are vaccines that are used on ranched elk,
but capturing wild free ranging elk and
vaccinating them for it is unrealistic
- Chronic Wasting Disease
- Causing much controversy in Elk Ranching
- This disease attacks the CNS and the brain of
cervids - Route of transmission not known
- Believed to be caused by prions
- Becomes cavities and holes in the brain
- Current method for testing is through exam of
brain of deceased animal
- Bovine Tuberculosis
- It affects the respiratory system
- Much more common in domesticated elk
- TB has occurred in 31 herds of captive elk and
deer in 15 states - Transmitted by breath vapor
Elk Ranching
24Advantages to raising elk
- High fertility rate and long reproductive life
- Calve easily
- Calm disposition
- Tolerant of cold winters and hot summers
- Yield high quality velvet antler, meat and
by-products - Elk are very efficient, so they can be raised on
a marginal amt of land
25Things Elk are used for
- Velvet antler
- Breeding Stock
- Shooter bulls
- Nutritional value of meat
26Velvet antler
- Bulls produce antlers every year and prior to the
antlers becoming hard, it is known as the velvet
stage. This is the stage in which the antlers are
removed - A mature bull may produce anywhere from 20-40lbs
of velvet
27Velvet Antler
- The price of velvet is at around 20/lb
- The Velvet antler is the main aspect of elk
ranching at this point
28Whats in the velvet antler?
29Velvet antler encourages
- Arthritis relief
- Muscle development, increased strength and
increased endurance for athletes - Enhanced Immune Activity
- blood pressure stabilization and improves blood
30Breeding Stock Many ranchers also make a
significant amount of money on raising and
selling the elk to other ranchers for breeding
purposes This also leads to the start of new elk
31Shooter bulls
- Many elk ranchers are now getting into fee
hunting as well - People will pay around to 25,000 to come and
shoot one of these bulls - Often times, ranchers will take a bull that
doesnt produce a large amt of velvet but has a
large rack and sell it for a shooter bull
32Shooter Bulls
- Some ranches guarantee a kill, some a shot and
others have no guarantees - No state license is needed since the herd is
privately owned - Many hunters like to take advantage of these
opportunities because they think it may be easier
than hunting in the wilderness
33Shooter Bulls
- As the human population increases and the quality
of wild trophy elk decreases, hunting ranches are
starting to flourish
34 35Elk meat
- Eventually the elk being raised on ranches around
the North American Continent will gain enough
numbers that the animals will support the
consumer demand - Farm-raised elk meat is in high demand right now,
and can be found at restaurants and through
specialty shops, but once the number of ranchers
increase, it is expected to be found in grocery
stores everywhere
36Population Management
- Keys to controlling population
- Population size and trend
- K
- Predation rates
- Population distribution
- Public vs. private lands
- Sex ratio and age structure
- Goal of elk managers is to increase the ratio of
mature males 100 females and the ratio of
calves 100 females
37Population Size and Trend
- Three major factors
- K as influenced by the forage conditions,
security conditions, and severe weather. - Hunter harvest, harvest of adult females
- Predation rates and predator densities
38Population Distribution
- Maintain populations on public lands
- - This will increase hunting and viewing
opportunities for the general public - - Do this by increasing forage by burning,
seeding, or feeding - -Increasing security from human presence and
activities - Shift populations away from private lands
- - This will decrease crop depredation
- - Do this by allowing special hunts on private
lands -
39Sex Ratio and Age Structure
- -Two common goals
- 1. Increase the ratio of males 100 females
- 2. Increase the ratio of calves 100 females
- -Historically, malefemale ratios were probably
about 25 mature males 100 females - -Presently, there are about 5-10 mature males
100 females -
40Sex Ratio and Age Structure (Contd)
- Ratio of mature males females
- Mature males for public viewing and photos
- High ratios of mature males females may benefit
population performance through early conception
and birth dates
41Management of Habitat Components
- Food
- Winter range
- Transitional range
- Security cover
- Interspersion and minimum habitat size
42Management of Food
- Maintain pasture and open field areas
- Preserve and plant native species
- Eliminate or reduce human disturbance in pastures
and woodlands
43Management of Ranges
- Winter range
- Preserve and maintain wooded lowlands
- Reduce human disturbance
- Transitional range
- Conduct fall prescribed burns in aspen stands
- Make available public and private land
- Reduce grazing by cattle in good elk ranges if
44Open Field Management
- Burning
- Returns nutrients to the soil
- Maintains grasslands and open woodlands as open
habitat - Promotes new growth of grasses, forbs, and shrubs
- Grazing
- Maintaining grazing areas
- Rotationally resting pastures and fencing
45Open Field Management (Contd)
- Plantings
- Seeding pasture and open areas with native
grasses, forbs, and legumes - Grasses redtop, needlegrass, bluebunch
wheatgrass, meadow brome, wildrye, etc - Forbs and legumes fireweed, Oregon oxalis,
yellow sweet clover, alfalfa, clovers, daisies,
46Woodland Management
- Burning
- Controlled burning of aspen and pine stands
- Underburn burning can reduce forest litter that
could hinder movement - Selective and even-aged timber harvest
- Can open forest canopies
- Forest roads should be closed to human use to
minimize human disturbance
47Wildlife and Habitat Management on NER
- Habitat management
- Seeding
- Irrigation
- Prescribed burns
- Open migration routes
- Grazing of cattle
- Supplemental feeding
- During winter
48National Elk Refuge
49Supplemental Feeding on NER
- Elk are fed 2-3 inch pelletized alfalfa
- Higher in nutrition
- Fed 7 to 8 pounds per day
- Usually fed about 2.5 months during average
winter - Winter supplemental feeding not good for herds
- Elk congregate and increase the spread of
diseases - Eventually want to end winter supplemental
feeding programs - Winter feeding is expensive
50NER Population Management
- Wyoming Game and Fish Dept. Determined that a
maximum of 7,500 elk is optimum for the refuge - Herds numbers are maintained through late fall
controlled hunts on the refuge and adjacent
public lands
- The future of elk depends of cooperation between
wildlife authorities, land managers, forest
industries, oil and mining companies, park
managers, Indian bands, and ranchers