Title: FDI Statistics and Policy in Montenegro
1Central bank of Montenegro
FDI Statistics and Policy in Montenegro Istanbul
, 8 June 2006
2Central bank of Montenegro
- Investment framework
- Currency Euro since 2002 (before DEM since
1999) - Corporate Tax Rate 9
- VAT flat rate 17
- Personal Income Tax 15, 19 and 23
- Starting Capital for LLC 1
- Period for Registration of Your Business 4
days - National Treatment of Foreigners
- StandardPoors Rating for Montenegro
3Central bank of Montenegro
Central bank of Montenegro the only
institution responsible for collecting,
processing and analyzing FDI data in Montenegro
Ministry for International Economic Relations
and European Integration- policy
maker Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency
4Central bank of Montenegro
- Methodology
- Prescribed by the International Monetary fund
- Balance of payments Manual, 5th edition, 1993
- Criterion - at least 10 per cent of the ordinary
share or voting power -
5Central bank of Montenegro
- Measuring FDI - Data sources
- International Transactions Reporting System
(ITRS) - - measures individual balance of payments cash
transactions passing through the domestic banks - Central Depository Agency (CDA)
6Central bank of Montenegro
- Plans
- Enterprise surveys
- Company accounts - of the direct investment
enterprise resident in our economy
7Central bank of Montenegro
Results of the Privatization Telecommunication
- 100 private ownership Banking - 80
private ownership Capital market -
100 private ownership Agriculture -
100 private ownership Services -
100 private ownership Tourism -
mostly private ownership (just a few hotels
remain in
majority ownership of the state) Industry
- mostly private ownership
8Central bank of Montenegro
FDI inward stock, EUR million
9Central bank of Montenegro
SDI per capita, in EUR
10Central bank of Montenegro
Structure of Investors by Countries (cumulative
2002 - 2005)
11Central bank of Montenegro
Structure of FDI, in 2005
12Central bank of Montenegro
Current account FDI as GDP
13Central bank of Montenegro
- Expectation
- Improving quality of FDI statistics
- Improving the dissemination and use of FDI data
- Better cooperation among countries from region
14Central bank of Montenegro
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