Title: EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and Social Protection
1EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
2Implementing the Council Conclusions on
employment the contribution of the European
EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
3Developments since last meeting
EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
- April 2007 Approval of EC Staff Working Document
'Promoting Employment through EU Development
Cooperation - June 2007 Approval of Council Conclusions
4Current initiatives
EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
- Country level
- - Focal area and mainstreaming
- - Study "Employment and decent work in EU
external assistance" - - Regional training seminars on decent work
- ? Feed into new programming guidelines on
5EU-Africa joint strategy
EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
- Initiative on Migration, Mobility and Migration
- Flagship initiative to be launched at the
EU-Africa Lisbon Summit in December - Prominent place in the first joint Action Plan
6Investing in People 2007-13 (1/3)
EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
- Supplementary instrument to country programmes
- To support activities at the regional and global
7Investing in People 2007-13 (2/3)
EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
- Interventions 2007
- Support for the development and effective
application of decent work indicators - Interventions 2008
- Support for promotion of good practice on
strengthening labour market information systems - Support for advocacy, awareness raising
initiatives and campaigns, policy studies,
technical assistance/capacity building,
conferences and workshops to exchange good
practice and experience with the implementation
of the decent work agenda and promotion of social
8Investing in People 2007-13 (3/3)
EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
- DCI perspective 2007 2013 1.060 billion
- Health (55) Education (12) Gender (5 )
Other (21) Contingency and Administration (7) - 6-9 will go to employment, decent work and
social cohesion
9Other issues
EU Expert Meeting on Employment, TVET and
Social Protection
- Decent work Conference 24-25 January
- Follow-up report to the decent work Communication